I admit that I now have to suppress an instinctive recoil from people, especially men, with rainbow hair. (Same reaction priests get. How odd.)

15 years ago I was a goth with rainbow hair. I'd have kept my piercings way past the unspoken age cutoff too. All gone.

I never thought I'd look "respectable" as an act of protest and rebellion. Buuuut here I am.

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SO true. Yeah. Who’d have thunk it? 🤣

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It's because you're becoming the crotchety ok grandpa of the internet lol log off and watch wheel of fortune

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I figured out long ago that the most truly radical (I do NOT use this word to mean extremist but to mean people who are interested in getting to the root of issues) people look quite ordinary. And that those who present as offbeat often hold very conformist views.

And I can't believe people are still wearing ripped jeans; this was punk in the 1980s along with wearing your bra outside your shirt, now it's just suburban soccer mom (which the women who beat up the lesbian outside the gay bar in St Louis, I think it was, were already on their way to becoming).

I love your looking respectable as an act of protest!

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“…those who present as offbeat often hold very conformist views.” 🤣 Also SO true. I very much appreciate this well-worded comment section! ❤️

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Just horrific- and this - a “Rainbow Family” member is what breastfeeding charities are opening the door to around the western world. Seriously, When is the child sexual abuse Police going to get involved?

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This fetish stuff is SO repulsive. I’ve been traumatized just finding out about it. People with sense have to keep repelling this cult and exposing it for what it is for it to be brought to an end. Love and strength to all who resist and expose it, from northern California. ☮️

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While I share the anger at paedophiles - what’s most frightening is that the vast majority of them look like you and me. Hair dye is no indication. Not sure it’s helpful to return to vilifying a look. I say this as full GC - and someone who spent time in children’s homes with other victims of paedophilia.

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I don't know, it's getting awfully easy to make fun of people's "fashion" choices. Two young males were bagging groceries at the store yesterday. The young black man had the ends of his braids lightened and he looked great; the young white man had the sides of his head shaved and the skin and hair on top dyed blue -- he looked incredibly creepy.

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well... he looks like a fun guy... never got into Fortnite... seemed a bit too childish... oh now I get it...

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From that Twitter thread:

Baron Zaraguin




Replying to


He talked to kids via Instagram and promised offers of jobs on games livestreams saying he worked for a TV (which indeed he did but they fired him after news of arrest). He did livestreams with kids around him. He targeted 10-14 old kids


This is why anyone who wants to work closely with children needs to be given a thorough safeguarding vetting process. It is genuinely horrifying to hear TRAs argue against those protections, or to see them bypassed in the cases of drag queen story hour and rainbow dildo butt monkey. I'll paraphrase Pink Floyd and say, "Hey paedos, leave them kids alone!"

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An interesting article...

Profile and Common Characteristics of a Pedophile

"The pedophile will often be employed in a position that involves daily contact with children. If not employed, he will put himself in a position to do volunteer work with children, often in a supervisory capacity such as sports coaching, contact-sport instruction, unsupervised tutoring or a position where he has the opportunity to spend unsupervised time with a child."



'Paedophiles are not like us': How to spot a child predator

"First, it is important to remember that men who want to have sex with children never stop thinking of ways to get close to children. Whenever anybody gets close to your children, don’t default to the notion that they are probably trustworthy."


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Also I know... but I can't help it but it's Grahams fault...

The IT Crowd: Peter File

short clip "The IT Crowd" (Season 2 Episode 4)


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This guy with a t-shirt on saying love has no gender .......and finishes with age!


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I am SO SICK of beards. They look fine when they're nicely trimmed, but in the U.S. at least we have all these creepy men,with long beards trying their best to look like Hebrew Testament patriarchs. And then there's the Easter Island look: hair straight up, overly rectangular face, long beard. Pardon me but YUK!

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