I loathe what these sick men are doing in the name of womanhood. These are NOT our crimes. Kudos to these blokes who catch these scum. Hopefully the trans sparkle dust won't get in the eyes of the law but I'm ready to bet these men asked to be put in womens prisons.

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

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That is one entitled pedophile. He is so sure there will be no repercussions for him.

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In my experience entitlement is in their DNA .

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Thank you for letting us know that there are decent men out there trying to catch out these men, and to know that, and see a police officer attending! I hope this meant that he would’ve been arrested and get a record at the very least. Disgusting.

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So true. The confidence bestowed upon transgressors by “gender’ ideology-- itself, the ultimate “confidence game’.

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Oh, my bizarrely attired friend, 150 years ago, hanging was nothing.

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I knew I'd seen him somewhere! He has a whiff of 1984 Gremlin about him. I can't remember all the rules but maybe he peed on himself and got wet.

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It was the bizarrely attired bit - it's like he's some creature who's taken over the external dress of a former incarnation or dead person's clothes and thinks he looks 'normal' and 'passes'. Like a creature bursting from a sac. That cocky way he's sitting leering then standing with his legs crossed as only a man can.

Ok, it's all 80s/90s kids horror films all at once rolled into one, let's chuck Arachnaphobia in too as I feel like I'm dead watching a spider crawl from my mouth. And all sci-fi going back to the year dot. And religious texts. And Aesop. How many warnings are we given!! Aaaaooooooooooo. Hooooooooooowwwwlll.

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With a dash of Vincent D'Onofrio as Edgar in Men in Black. Eurgh.

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Share this with everyone you know! As an early childhood educator, trained in the 1990s, I was one of those teachers who tried to get pediatricians to say something about keeping your children away from computer screens, simply because it is not beneficial to the developing optic nerve, it hampers forming a longer attention span and it is counter to social development. Little did I imagine this! I so want my ex-husband, who now dresses in the designer version of this cross-dressing, to take ownership for his cohorts

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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The brass neck on this one...

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It must be a deepfake - this simply doesn't happen.................

......Police never turn up when you need them

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Oh. My. God.

Some men are so terrifyingly dangerous to children. This footage actually makes my guts liquefy.

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I don't know about other states, but Maine's state police have a division which works on catching online pedophiles. This is how they caught a former gubernatorial candidate involved in nasty business. The stories then get on the news with photos included, yet men just keep doing it and getting caught. Gail Dines: All pornography leads to child pornography.

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How many do they have to catch. I knew someone a good 15 years ago who worked in these police investigations in the UK and the really deep underbelly that it turns out really is all around us. I spoke with his mother and even she spoke about the impact on him and his family. How it had such a boost with sharing and acting when they got online. Nudged people from 'curiosity' to collecting astonishing banks of images and videos. The growth of remote abuse pay per view. Grooming online takes so many forms and for so many purposes. Since then the magnitude is breath-taking and they admit it's chipping away as the tide grows. It's so tough officers are leaving sooner and workforce planning is getting harder. Those investigating sexual offences are met with others working in those systems who have lost all humanity and empathy. People are left shellshocked about what their 'fellow man' does and how endlessly this seems to grow. How many really don't care and see it as a game. Most action from governments seems endlessly delayed, weak or not quite 'getting' it. Then this pincer movement with paedophilia and fetish being normalised as 'self-expression' like this man excusing anything and everything. It's like a script. Genderology only encourages that boundary erosion. Not everyone is aware as this is dressed up as 'rights' and when we're getting sex acts 'taught' in school as some kind of 'education'.

How that man is 'protected' under the same nonsense 'trans' umbrella as a 9yr old girl who doesn't like what she sees of misogyny, oversexualisation of everything, trauma or can't cope with what is happening to her body so 'thinks' she is a boy beggars belief.

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I totally agree about how difficult it must be for cops to spend their days doing this; I hope they rotate in and out of that particular division.

Probably an advantage in Maine is our relatively small population, somewhere around 1.3 million in a state of 33,000 square miles. I don't know how tracking all the perverts would be possible in an urban area, just chipping away as you say.

On Spinster, I wrote about our former senator, George Mitchell, and what a shit he was. Another woman decided to look him up and guess what? he associated with Jeffrey Epstein and a pilot swore he had carted Mitchell to Epstein's island. I wasn't surprised -- why would a man lobbying for a firm which opposed ending child slave labor in the cacao industry have any problem with sexually exploiting underage girls? The worst of us now "represent" us; someone said the other day that this is the most unresponsive government we have ever had, and that's going some!

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1 in 4 girls in the UK suffers sexual abuse in the family. 60% of girls at school. The UK accounts for 1 in 5 on line child sex predators according to FBI. If as a woman you report a male in the family for violence or abuse, you lose your child, taken by either an abuser aligned judge or social worker. This is a systemic problem with male culture and safeguarding. Men's embrace of child and violent porn and departure from material reality being some kind of base standard of evidence is eating us alive. The courts and police have abandoned women and children.

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The police will probably arrest the guys for being “transphobic” 🤬

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The police will probably arrest the guys for being “transphobic” 🤬

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