I’ve chosen Simon’s End of World for my book group choice 😀

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Ooo, that's such a good idea! Wish I was in your book club, the book is a good read

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It will be interesting. We had a bit of a row last meeting as one of the members is a therapist - she implied I was being unkind, I let it go cos I felt it was hijacking the meeting and was divisive but feeling frustrated I didn’t get to reply. Therapist has a friend with a non binary daughter 🙄.

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Being kind as a therapist does not include enabling delusion. You might challenge her to ask how she would treat an anorexic, would she agree with their delusion that they are hideously fat if they weigh 6 stone and are nearly dead? I had this hogwash with my daughter who was put into domestic abuse counselling and the therapist went along with my daughter's gaslit delusion that her violent father was actually the domestic victim, that reporting domestic violence was child abuse and it's the victim's responsibility to keep the attack quiet so as not to disturb the child's relationship with the abuser. A domestic abuse counsellor went along with this bullshit due to their be kind, don't challenge, follow the child's lead approach - which was the same tripe that got Rotherham safeguarders into such trouble when they supported 12 year old girls 'choosing' to have litre bottles of vodka poured down their necks followed by 'sex' with 20 x middle aged men. Baroness Jay ripped those fuckers a new arsehole if I remember correctly. I trained as a therapist, it is not a therapist's job to be led by the client to the point of supporting delusion, that is the whole point of therapy, to be able to integrate reality.

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I hope your relationship with your daughter is better now... and you were able to get out of that awful situation. X

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No, I haven't been able to see my child for 2.5 years. Social services, family court, Cafcass and her school have all followed the lead of a child that was pissing herself in fear of her father just before he stopped all contact. He has completely brainwashed her by a process of fear, indoctrination that abusers are actually the victims of women that are breaking family loyalty/honour ... and the counselling service I arranged to help her pick through this control have fully enabled it. I have no idea if I'll ever see her again. My life has been decimated, I have spent 2.5 years being ridiculed and humiliated in family court by judges calling me a liar, that I need psychiatric help whilst refusing 17 years of domestic abuse evidence in order to create a legal fiction that I am making unfounded rather than unexamined allegations. Social services even stated that I might have broken my own ribs 11 years ago in order to make a cunning backstory to frame my abuser when he stopped contact all these years later ... all of this in retaliation for him being turned down by an adoption agency around safeguarding concerns at him not being child focused ... if I sound angry at the huge level of bullshit going on in UK now ... its because I am. The kids being failed by spineless safeguarders who are only interested in clicks and likes is shameful. When the lid comes off the family court/transgender failures of kids, this is going to make Jimmy Saville/Rotherham look like a blip in the roadmap of shame of male abuse of women and children.

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I'm so sorry Vicki. Your expereince sounds very much like my friends. She has lost all her 5 children to her abusive ex husband who gaslit them into beleiveing that she was the abuser and he was the real victim. She lived for her kids and the effect of them cutting her out of their lives is devastating. When she finally got the courage to leave him, hois last threat was that she would never see the kids again and he woulod see to it. This kind of horror is perpetrated on more women that people would think adn youa re so right about the spineless safeguarders who think it is their job to validate the clients belief rather than help them integrate what has happened into reality. I really hope, that your daughter comes to recognise what has really happened and finds you one day. Big hugs.

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Aa hear ye Vicky. 💜

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I have no words ....I'm so sorry Vicki

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So very sorry to read your story, Vicky. This wasn't something I was aware of. You have been punished twice. At least you yourself have escaped the abusive situation. As your child grows to adulthood I hope very much the scales will fall from her eyes. In the meantime I too send you a big virtual hug and all the very best xx

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Words cannot express how sorry I am for the horrendous situation you are in xxx

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I completely agree - it’s how far to take a discussion in a forum where most people aren’t there for that. I’m intending to send her a few links eg the Thoughtful Therapists.

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I'm a therapist and there many that are worried about how we are being coerced, thankfully I will not be, and this isn't unkind Shirley, it's unkind to not talk about these issues IMO

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I completely agree, it’s a way to shut down discussion in the same was as saying ‘transphobe’ or ‘racist’.

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Lately I’ve been thinking back to a time before women were supposed to be kind. Remember the “metal head” girls of the 80’s? Definitely not kind, always threatening to kick my ass, and I could never get my bangs high enough to join them. we need some of that attitude back.

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Women have always been expected to be kind and soft. I don;t think mnay of these folk flinging "be kind" around like a mantra even understand what kindness is. It is not always about buckling and being a door mat, and sometimes it does require mental toughness. It's a euphanism for "submit".

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Brilliant. I really want to go with your optimistic option... here's hoping. More and more politicians, journalists and public figures are seeing the light at last. Now we need headteachers, classroom teachers and doctors. 🤞🤞🤞

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And judges

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Is Stonewall pulling strings?

Some strings, all it can!

But to go a bit 17th century, it’s merely the plague bubo in the armpit of the diseased body of our polity.

Or something like that.

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Nice analogy, although I do feel a bit sick now.

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Very funny I love jokes about this

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The Hitler Youth (for boys) & The League of German Girls:


Mao Era School Shutdown That Forever Changed Education in China:


Then, I googled 'Stonewall and Children' and :

'Children and Young People's Services Champions Programme'


ALWAYS, The Tyrants ensure they target and indoctrinate The Children & The Teenagers, to keep their 'fires' burning in the next generation.

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And 'Mermaids', as always...with a whole bunch of resources for youngsters...even to where you can find 'Spectrum Outfitters', yes, indeedy:


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Yes, the yp I know are really truly indoctrinated 😢😢

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Disobedience is definitely the best strategy

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Excellent piece indeed. I have decided that just as trans activists twist and alter words we will have to embrace “hateful bigot” and make it our own as a badge of resistance rather than honour. I would like Jess deWahl to come up with an embroidery like the Heretic one she made which looks great on my daughters denim jacket. This is war.

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"This is war". Yes, the campaign to reclaim the word "woman" as a biological and political reality is the "Second Sufragette movement". Nothing less.

Susan B Anthony's words in the 19th century are precise and stiring: "No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party who ignores her sex". We must keep the pressure up on ALL political parties: if you ignore our gender-critical analysis we will not vote for you. We keep asking, asking, asking questions of politicians and anyone in positions of responsibility. Thank you, Maya Forstater, for making this possible!

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Thank you, I hadn't seen that Susan Anthony quote before. Very useful for quoting to the Labour Party. (Other Political Parties are also available ...).

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The biggest damage to children of my daughter's generation (15) is the idea that material reality can be trumped by ideology. That is a dangerous idea in times of global warming, misogyny and tyrant leaders. Subjectivity over objectivity is central to liberalism in the way its practised today and maybe always was - I think the last time we had a solely Liberal government was in the Victorian era - hardly a time marked for kindness and truth.

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Thing is, they don't see it as an ideology, sadly. You can choose to believe in an ideology, or not. They see it as the truth which all must subscribe to!

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all ideologies present themselves as the truth, its their modus operandi. Charles Manson presented himself as a truthteller, so did Goebbels

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Fair point.

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Absolutely spot on

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Thanks Simon. A wonmderful article. I so hope your optimistic view plays out. I see the dmage it has done to kids and young adults and I think it could be many years before the mantle drops from their eyes. I very much hope the detransitioners grow and bring a class action. I welcome that day.

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Top class article Simon.

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Loved the book Simon. It made it very clear just how a crazy theory/idea can take hold and spread. Your highlighting of how it pervaded a social media ap almost made me go into a panic attack. It felt like there was no way an ordinary person could fight against it. Thankfully, there is of course, by sticking to the truth.

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Though it might get you 'cancelled' and lose your job snd possibly friends.

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This is a terrific article. Thank you.

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Well done, excellent article.

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excellent piece

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The only difference between Nancy Kelly and the Wizard of Oz is that the Wizard of Oz finally admitted to being a fraud.

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👏👏👏 and ‘the world is flat’ is great read. But it’s still tough having to watch the fall out. So much damage being done

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‘The End of the World is Flat’ is the brilliant book.

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