Look at this absolute guff from queer theorist Prof EJ Renold, the designer of Wales’s Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum who is desperate to embed her rancid brand of queer theory and gender ideology wherever she can.
I can’t afford to see the whole article but there’s a whole lot you can get from its abstract. She’s a Judith Butler devotee and aspires to vacuous verbosity. Some translation may be required:
“decentres the human and re-centres matter” - “forget what human beings are, we’re all just dust, love has no age, let’s mingle”
“post human co-production” - probably means working together to dissolve humanity in a toxic alphabet soup of unevidenced, indecipherable nonsense. It is pure Critical Theory and Queer Theory bullshit.
“Fugal figurations” - probably foolish organisations aping EJ Renold’s queer theory diktat across Wales. Expect Welsh government ministers to do things in full awareness now but be unable to recall them later.
“praxis” - mixing posthumanism with faux marxism and ending up trying to think human beings out of existence with gaslighting and puerile word-play.
“dartaphacts” - made-up jibberish where she cites herself as evidence, as is probably standard when you think you’re some sort of ground-breaking global thought leader, but the truth is you’ve just spent twenty years putrefying in your own anti-human, anti-intellectual and anti-scientific shite and some people, like the Welsh government, are stupid enough to listen to you and give you bags of taxpayer’s cash for it.
“Relationships and Sexuality Education(RSE) in Wales” - which EJ Renold developed, and through which she inflicts a dire queer theory driven mass human experiment on Welsh children aged 3-16. In her academic papers, she regularly says there isn’t enough evidence to justify what she’s doing, and often ends up manufacturing it instead. Rather than anyone recognising that as a red flag, she gets more cash thrown at her to produce dodgy experimental resources, like her AGENDA materials for 7 year olds, already in use in schools across Wales. AKA grooming.
“Rhizomatic” - making sure her ideology is embedded everywhere like an invasive knotweed that ends up being treated as hazardous waste.
“More-than-human forces for change” - passing off anti-human rhetoric as some sort of enhancement. Probably sells better than “paedo worshipping crap anarchist, trying to destroy humanity by eroding boundaries and safeguarding for Welsh children aged 3-16.”
All of her rubbish apparently requires forcing more gender and sexuality bullshit on children, as if they don’t already get enough of it. Someone needs to explain to Prof EJ Renold in simple words that the sexualisation of children is the problem, not the solution. Cardiff Uni and the Welsh government should have said that long ago.
And let’s not forget about her 2004 book, Girls, Boys and Junior Sexualities: Exploring Childrens' Gender and Sexual Relations in the Primary School. No further comment, just read it for yourself, and remember Welsh Education Minister Jeremy Miles has vehemently declared that the Relationships and Sexuality Curriculum will definitely not sexualise children. Despite the fact that the words sexuality and education are conspicuously in the curriculum title…And despite it all being steered by the same human being that wrote this (EJ Renold):
EJ Renold has made a career out of selling the idea that children are sexual beings from birth (and therefore probably capable of being sexy), and that’s why they need her brand of education. This is from page 37 of her taxpayer funded report Informing the future of the sex and relationships education curriculum in Wales:
Let’s also not forget that Queer Theory, in which she specialises, and upon which the entire Welsh RSE curriculum is based, was founded by paedophiles.
No parent in their right mind should want their children anywhere near a curriculum that Prof EJ Renold has her hand in. Her ideas are dangerous. Write to your schools and local councillors now.
Help is available here: Merched Cymru
Here: Public Child Protection Wales
And here: Safe Schools Alliance
What a load of utter tosh. It's just word soup. What the eff is "erotic innocence"? Why is anyone listening to such a warped individual? If the Synedd can't understand it, it's because it's made-up horsecrap, not because it's clever. They should be challenging it and asking for plain language, not nodding along.
Who was it who said 'clear writing gives poor thinking nowhere to hide'?