The UK may be about to end gay conversion therapy 2.0
A public consultation is the last thing the trans lobby wants
First of all, a reminder of why we fight: Prisha began transitioning at 15 and had a mastectomy at 17.
It’s a heartbreaking video, but it looks as if the nightmare for gender-nonconforming kids, at least in the UK, may finally be coming to an end.
The Dail Mail is reporting that the NHS has published draft advice based on the findings in the interim Cass report. If implemented, they will bring an end to what my friend, Dennis Kavanagh, in horror at what being done to children in the name of ‘his’ rights, calls ‘The Gender Abatoir’.
The consultation has already begun and ends on December 5th.
Sonia Sodha tweeted a useful summary of the report.
-An emphasis on multidisciplinary care & integrated approach to assessing co-presentations like autism and ADHD, depression, anxiety.
-An emphasis that primary intervention for children referred to this service is psychological not medical.
-A clinical approach reflecting evidence that in most pre-pubertal children, gender incongruence doesn’t persist into adolescence.
-An approach mindful of risks of inappropriate social transition inc difficulties in detransitioning socially should gender incongruence not persist
-A watchful waiting approach overall with more individualised approach on case-by-case basis where a child could benefit from a “carefully observed process of exploration of social transition”.
-Clinicians should remain open and explore young people’s needs holistically, including specific needs of neurodiverse children & young people.
-Really key - only prescribing puberty blockers as part of a formal research study given the lack of evidence on the risks and benefits of hormone treatment for children & young people.
-Strongly discouraging children & families sourcing their own puberty blockers/cross sex hormones from unregulated sources
An emphasis on multidisciplinary care & integrated approach to assessing co-presentations like autism and ADHD, depression, anxiety.
-An emphasis that primary intervention for children referred to this service is psychological not medical.
This seems like a very important reset of healthcare for children with gender incongruence in light of the appalling standards of care at the Tavistock & the ideological capture of children’s healthcare by adult campaigners for gender identity ideology. A big relief.
The reason you know it’s good news is that the Mengeles and their useful idiots are furious.
It’s a major win simply to have these guidelines published, let alone put to the public. The trans lobby likes to work in the dark, so congratulations to all those who risked everything to drag it into the light.
This is what the right side of history looks like.
I'm sure Prisha would value supportive comments on her YouTube channel if people feel so inclined.
All of this is because of Graham, and JKR, and Maya, and the Helens, and Arty, and Sinead and Ritchie and Dennis, and the Jameses, and EDI Jester, and Kathleen, and Posie, and and and, too many to mention, but we love you all ... Names for the Ages. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Seriously, we'll have to make a Scroll of Recognition and Credit and Gratitude.