
I'm sure Prisha would value supportive comments on her YouTube channel if people feel so inclined.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

On it! What a brave young woman. Amazing.

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Yes she's remarkable.

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All of this is because of Graham, and JKR, and Maya, and the Helens, and Arty, and Sinead and Ritchie and Dennis, and the Jameses, and EDI Jester, and Kathleen, and Posie, and and and, too many to mention, but we love you all ... Names for the Ages. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Seriously, we'll have to make a Scroll of Recognition and Credit and Gratitude.

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And people like you too of course. Don't underestimate the important role you've had in supporting, promoting, and encouraging the more vocal individuals like those on your list. You also don't know all of the positive impacts discussions and activities in your own daily life have had for the gender critical movement!

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Aww, gosh, thanks. Right back at you!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, KFP

Who could have predicted that child sterilization would not pass a skeptical review. Who. Could. Have. Predicted. This development

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This looks more decisive and thorough than I was expecting it to be.

I'm sooo pleased it covers social transition as well - this should give some schools and teachers a wake up call along with Girl Guiding and the Scouts.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

YES! Social transition is KEY as that what cements a child's identity, sending them down the trans tunnel...

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I think this will give parents considerable power re the 'wrong body', 'assigned at birth', 'whatever you say you are' indoctrination being aimed at even very young children. Headteachers and governors etc are going to find it difficult to argue it's harmless when the full weight of the NHS guidelines are slapped on their desk along with the accusation of psychosocial grooming!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

"Wrong body". How dare they pedal this lie and let our kids believe it. A friend of mine said to me a few months ago that it was good for children to have trans role models. I said "not if it encourages mutilation". She was shocked by my response. I'm still so angry about it all. Surely once there is a common sense approach, people will be able to see how crazy and extreme affirmation-only was!? I'm an SEN/ASN teacher and as soon as I realised more autistic children were affected, I knew straight away how they might be vulnerable. But people's awareness of something like autism is so poor (in general), that they have lacked the critical thinking skills to even question why this might be. I think it's been the result of ignorance around other conditions and then the misinformation and gaslighting of the trans lobby. Double whammy. I also think people are bemused by social contagions. They don't realise how suggestible children are, especially if they happen to have confident kids.

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With your job, you're in an excellent position to provide feedback on this! Your students are so lucky to have you.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by KFP

Ah, thanks! I should have said - I am a teacher but I'm actually on a career break, hence why I'm kicking off about all things GC all week long. I'm surprised you didn't tell me to do some teaching, the amount of times you see me comment! Thanks 😂❤ I teach/taught children with severe ASN (non-verbal etc) so even when I was teaching, the trans issue didn't enter the fray. Completely different story for other settings I'm sure. Mainstream sounds like a can of [woke] worms.

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You are the Comment Queen for sure. It's fantastic though. Your words on Prisha's video are beautiful.

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Agree thoroughly with all you say.

Anyone who has, or has worked with, children must surely be aware of how easy it is to 'programme' their thinking and attitudes. If done at a young age some of the programming can never be entirely erased or reversed. Of course we use this in a positive way when we give our children moral and social attitudes and behaviours to carry them through life, but we can see the negative side when we look at the lifelong consequences of childhood abuse.

I think that many neurodiverse children and young people, often with a tendency towards obsessive patterning anyway, remain more vulnerable to this.

Additionally the social acceptance and the promise of being different and special for lauded rather than derided reasons make 'trans' an attractive route for the socially awkward.

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Exactly this. Any teacher or child-centered professional working in the last 15 years knows this already so why the bended knee to such fucking nonsense? Narcissists creating narcissists.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

I'm a teacher and I'm like "I do know a bit about this stuff" but suddenly, touring drag queens know more than me (and parents) about what kids need. Really? I wish these people would listen to themselves. P.s. omg, yes, narcissists do create narcissists. Are we seeing two co-current social contagions here? Society has been getting more narcissistic in general (steady evolution) but it's really ramped up since the TQ+ takeover.

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Absolutely. I think what this has really shown is people's complete ignorance of child safeguarding. What is and isn't ok. I know someone who is so accepting of trans ideology but if she believed me that it is gay conversion therapy in many cases, she would hit the roof. I think her mind won't let her go there :( she is married to queer theory and the left.

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I'm sorry to your friend but I really fail to see how either a man with a fetish for dressing up as a sexually objectified woman or someone who has had radical and damaging surgery to remove their sex organs is a positive role model for children(!)

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Totally agree. It struck me as deeply strange at the time. But that's when I realised! You know what it is? The influence of drag and RPDR, especially now there are trans queens. My friend loves it. I think she's lost in this narcissistic world of sassy men and hasn't quite hit reality. She's very taken with what she sees as the liberation of drag / trans. The "I can do anything, including invade women's spaces", and "HRT saved me" (the trans queens). Chatting so openly and encouragingly about medicalisation on mainstream TV, that we know kids have gotten more and more into. This is what upsets me the most - adults putting their ideas and interests above the needs of children (and women). Or perhaps including children in them is a better way to put it. We can't have a society that just does whatever the hell it wants. To me, any ideology that is no good for our kids can never become mainstream. It needs to either stay in its own consenting, adult circles or it needs to burn in hell. Anything that hurts children is a flat out no.

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That is not what they see. They see the Katie Montgomerie photos and think boys who want to be girls can look like that. Photoshop does not exist in their heads. And they see their boyfriends, husbands and dads as the men that girls who want to be boys will be. I had the conversation with a gran whose granddaughter thinks she is a boy. She is not, she is a girl who like "boys toys"! Gran was sure that if she transed, she would look just like her cousins. Handsome and bright... Except with scars on her chest and no nipples and no functioning penis. It took the photos from TikTok to convince Gran that she should not be encouraging her granddaughter to be anything other than her granddaughter.

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I was so ecstatic at Sonia Sodha's tweets that I went to like them, and then realised I don't have a twitter account. 😄

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Did you get banned for stating facts too!?

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I know it would happen so haven't even joined!

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That's great news - but not in Scotland. Nicola has issued a statement that she intends to ban conversion therapy, refuse to allow this kind of conversation around causes of dysphoria, including with the parents. And if the parents try to understand they might lose custody.

I am so sick I really don't think I will continue to stay in Scotland if all this unfolds the way it looks to be. Seriously - I'm ready to phone that estate agent.

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Shocking. I'm concerned that if Labour win the next general election that their approach will be the same, after Kier Starmer's stance at the Pink News event.

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As above... We all need to be more engaged with parliamentary process and respond to calls for evidence - Graham provides that- and to government consultations to give our views. If everyone on here put in a response and encouraged a couple of friends who think the same to do it, then that is a helluva lot of responses that negate what they might try to do. We need to mobilise in the same way the trans lobby does. And we need to believe that we can change the hearts and minds of the politicians and policy makers. If we don't believe, why are we here?

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This was my first thought

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

Arghh Nicola! We are going SHAME her for this! WHY would she want a [even more of] a medical scandal on her hands? She's not thinking straight, is she?

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Not thinking straight indeed? 😉

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

Haha, oops! 😂

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I see what you did there 🤭

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I'm 'trans'parent...

Sorry in advance!

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Would be interesting to see whether some dodgy party funding is skewing her thinking on this.

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This definitely deserves more scrutiny

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Could be money is at the heart of this, but none is going to the party. In fact there is still the case of the missing £600k from a fundraiser to specifically cover an independence campaign. Police are investigating her husband who is party Chief.

It's more like we have the Gayest Parliament in the world and so are simply under Stonewall's thumb.

It's a bit like Starmers recent uber support at the PN awards. Why? The queer vote is hardly an incentive if 51% are alienated.

The simplest explanation is 100% Ideological capture and in the case of Sturgeon the next move to a job on the world stage.

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Is Sturgeon's husband really being investigated about this? *crosses fingers*

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The last thing Police Scotland can be accused of doing is being efficient. However...


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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

'...criminal ­complaints from at least 19 people have now been received'. That was in May. Are Police Scotland sitting on their hands for a reason?

Imagine if Carrie Johnson had been Chair of the Conservative party and £600k raised for a specific purpose had mysteriously gone missing. What would Sturgeon be making of that?

How does she get away with so much shyte?

Thank you for the sordid link. Why is it not widely known throughout the UK?

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

What do you think is really going on here with the SNP? There is clearly a massive bend towards all things LGB$%^4ofhqrph'vq#rr!!!! , what with the "lavender marriage", the NDAs signed (re abuse within the youth wing of the SNP), the DESPERATE NEED to fast track Self ID (regardless of any and all questioning), the seriously creepy wee mammy hating fuckwits being given diddy appointments and the plain and utter disregard of statistics and new information that seeks to improve quality of care? Who has the Wee Krankie sold her soul to?

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Perhaps her alliance with the Green Party is part of it, though I'm sure there's much more to it than that.

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I wish I knew. I wish I could get my head round it. Has she been plotting and scheming for decades? Is it just anything that's opposite to England?

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Anything thats opposite England is surely part of it. That's part of the dynamic here in Ireland.

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Well they united about Ukraine so they don't always have to be opposites.

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Poor punctuation due to typing fury.

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Yes, you left out '*?Tq×' in LGB$%^4ofhqrph'vq#rr!!!!

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With you all the way Susan, I'm close to despairing.

Our politicians are so unbelievably far down the rabbit hole. Apart from the Tories, replies to my letters confirm that they will be be voting for Self ID. Furious beyond words.

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Susan, MSPs have asked for a free vote on the GRA on Thursday as some want to follow their conscience. Nicola will dig in on this but I am slightly relieved to hear that some of them do have a conscience to make up for their lack of backbone.

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When does self-ID get decided on? Along with 16 year olds being able to change their legal sex (down from 18)?

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The first vote is this coming Thursday.

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Ah, sorry is this the same as the GRA? I'm not so up on the specific legal stuff!

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Yes. The proposals are to do away with medical diagnosis, drop the age limit to 16 and reduce the length of time to 3 months plus 3 months reflection period. Cos even though gender is innate we wrought want to jump into this!!!

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I heard about that! And also that the SNP are 50/50 on this. So they are not as bad as I thought! Things are looking up!

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But that has to be consulted on before it can become law and if enough people respond and say No,it can't become law. Running away is ot the answer. Continue the fight. Anyone who lives in Scotland has the right to comment on potential legislation and should take on that right at every opportunity possible. You only need to put in a short letter with bullet points on why you disagree. Cheaper that selling up and moving. We all do it, NS can be stopped.

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There have been 2 official consultations. The first one was abandoned because it was sneakily not publicised, outrage followed so it was widened and relaunched in late 2020.

Of the 17,053 responses only 215 submitted by organisations were scrutinised/ analysed in any detail. The weighted results published that 4 out of 10 was against self ID, 5 outof 10 were pro with 1 org being undecided. The views of the remaining 16,843 respondants are shrouded in mystery.

What we can say is if there was an overwhelming positive result the SG would have trumpeted it from the highest hills.

However unlikely, all we can hope is for a free vote to be declared.

Helen Joyce said we must win this fight, even if it means through the Courts on a case by case basis.

Damn right!

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Well yes I would absolutely stay and fight 100%. But if we lose the fight I will not stand for this.

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While Susie Green's tweets are protected (more than children at mermaids), it's interesting that she doesn't have pronouns in her bio - how transphobic.

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This is seismic.

I almost can’t believe I’m reading guidelines that effectively free the NHS from institutional capture and ideological malpractice.

Gay Men’s Network will be working with medical professionals and publicly responding to this consultation and if anyone want to use or adapt the medical legal analysis from that they’re free to do so.

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Yes Jolyon, the wealthy can pay for private 'care' abroad, you know in places such as Thailand.

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I’m so pleased that Jolyon is pressing ahead with the NHS JR, it’s guaranteed to bomb if he’s involved.

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It's definitely a case of 'Keep Calm And Let Him Jolyon'.

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How on earth can these idiots disagree with folk having a full, person centred approach to support them in their time of need...they couldn't care less about the children they want to maim...🙁

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

It's really sick, isn't it? Morally corrupt to the bone!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

Also, Helen Webberley, are you joking? Wading in on this? Someone tell her again that she's been struck off! FFS!

p.s. I'm having a Coca-Cola in the bath to celebrate. Don't judge me 😂

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Better than having coke in the bath.

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respectfully disagree!

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RIP Whitney Houston.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP


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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, KFP

Almost weeping for gladness.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022Liked by KFP

Speedy reporting Graham, well done! Totally welled up at this. Imagine being happy that our national health service *may* cease to drug and mutilate healthy children?

India Willoughby hasn't kicked off about it yet, or has HE? Genuinely surprised.

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Is there also a woman named India Willoughby - I'm only aware of the bloke? 😂

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022Liked by KFP

Oh. Sh*t! Corrected immediately (after 3 hours😂 ). We shall never speak of this again.

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Wow. Good news. The ghouls are flailing.

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I sometimes think I’m in an alternate world from the one I was born into.

I really felt that young woman’s pain, it really hit me as though it could’ve been me. I’m not of the generation to have got clobbered by this madness but I loved cross dressing and looking androgynous in my youth and as someone who had very little confidence, someone who momentarily got ‘captured’ by Scientology (not for long though) because I thought they could ‘fix’ me, I can see a route through which the icy fingers of this ideology might have reached me.

Wish I could put my arms around Prisha and reassure her that life finds a way. It does if you stick around.

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Great overview, Graham, and great news (though not for the whole of the UK….for England only). Sonia Sodha has been a trooper in all of this - clear reporting, with no sensationalism, and on top of the story at all times.

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