"Without the conviction to go through transition"

Of course you don't have the conviction; they chop your cock off!

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No no no no no. What is Pride for now? Just a tourist, marketing, money-making opportunity? Fluxating femme euphoria (demigirl)? This word salad means nothing. You are a deluded man, accept it. And removing your penis does not make you a woman. It makes you a man without your penis.

Why is this attracting such unhinged people? What fresh hell is being unleashed in the name of diversity? It feels like society and reality are imploding.

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That's a bloke. In fact, that's the blokiest bloke I've seen in a while.

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"I have never been so popular".

In other words I am a no talent no one...who belongs to a group of like minded people.

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Oh God! Well that sent me down a very dark wormhole: https://youtu.be/FHQB0glDTCg

Chris has spent way too much time online and has diagnosed himself with numerous conditions.

There are so many of these frankly crazy people now and I would include incels in that list. They don’t seem to have outer lives, they exist in a weird virtual space, so when they’re confronted by reality they truly think they’re being victimised.

I’ve never felt more grateful to not have had the internet during my formative years. Thank god I was going out and having fun!

In some ways it offers insight into what’s going on, in others it’s bloody terrifying! Social media is toxic enough for adults, children don’t stand a chance.

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‘Non- binary demigirl’ - ???? 😵‍💫

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Watching that video is so depressing. What the fuck 2021. It's like homophobia never went away. Maybe it didn't... 😭

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I had to Google “apl aroace”. This is what I found: https://imoga-pride.tumblr.com/post/182262620156/aplatonic-aroace-aaa-flag

I posted a link to the whole mind-fucking blog on previous article, so apologies in advance if it seems like shit posting, I just thought all you hateful bigots needed a gender-identity education.. (joking).

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Really shook watching that video, horrific.

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So many of these dudes don't even make halfway decent-looking men! I have gotten very sensitive as I have aged to how ugly most males are; it literally makes me recoil in horror. Remember that old crap about how women age and men just get better? Huh? Older women mostly look quite good except for the ones who smoked and drank too much, then they end up looking like men.

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Not happy with some of the language being used here but I understand why. When you read the guy's description of himself you have to do a double take. Just where do these weird and outlandish terms come from. It sounds like the sort of thing a satirist would write for a character to get a laugh. Are we sure he isn't really Andrew Doyle's new character to replace Titania McGrath?

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There’s something about that man that makes your skin crawl!

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