Thank you Malcolm. This is excellent. Getting really fed up with the transsexual/transvestite; true trans/not true trans distinction. None of them are women. None of them warrant having the word 'woman' in the name given to refer to them. Don't hate any of them; don't wish them any ill. But their's are not my or an other women's problem to solve.

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I remember the Beaumont Society from when I was a child in the 1970's. Men in polyester and their poor beleaguered wives. And here we are. Jane Fae and his ilk beguiled Stonewall and the rest is history: Transwoman Are Women - Get Over It

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Mumsnet thread about more recent TRAs Press for Change and GIRES:https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/womens_rights/3463920-Lets-go-back-to-2007

Press for Change is Stephen 'internalised Misogyny' Whittle and Christine 'Mrs Merton' Burns. Whittle was the first FTM to join The Beaumont Society

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Trans and everything about it is a lie, so lying about their past and very origins is par for the course.

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Well written ,Malcolm. No surprises there . Most people know that the gender ideology " movement is built on lies and deceit and this is just further evidence of it. I wish those women hating ,biology denying ,woke idiots at Hollyrood would open their eyes and conduct a proper investigation into Stonewall and its allies instead of giving taxpayers money to this CULT. As for those MSPs who have already seen the light ,they need to gather their courage and stand up for truth and justice !!

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Revealing complexities. Thanks for the research.

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16./ Hasn't that been the game plan ever since? But let's return to that BBC show to explore just what early trans pioneers were thinking. Or imagining. Here's Della revealing a medium put her in touch with historical figures including "a chastened Adolf Hitler." 👀👇

Dabbling in the occult or raving mad!!!

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Further proclamations by Della Aleksander, at the end of the second clip:

"I'm even told that I've been sent from another world where sexes don't exist. And that the sex change is the early model of a higher race uniting the two sexes in one."


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Fantastic research.

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Fascinating history. When listening to Barbara Gittings who made sense with regard to being gay, I'm saddened to see that her style of commenting has been hijacked by trans activists.

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