She is great. Currently peaking two friends with her videos. This is a helpful starting list for them.

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Have you watched Mastecto$exuality: The High Cost of Hiding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N7N_S2zeHk

It contains the most ridiculous word salad I have ever heard. At 8 min 17 sec into the video, the phrase "I probably sound like a broken record" is about the only coherent statement in the whole thing (excluding Exulansic's responses).

I hope she fights the Twitter ban.

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A detransitioner that consistently points out how young people are manipulated into interrupting puberty and cutting up their bodies.

That eventually angered somebody.

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Detransitioner? Does anybody know this story? Did she tell it when she was on TMWI?

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Yes, she identified as male for 3 or 4 years while at university. She has a video of herself on one of her videos at a pro-trans rally.. She says she was cured by very good psychotherapy.

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She also said that hormones helped her voice condition, so she felt better, not knowing that The T was helping an underlying condition.

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I believe it was actually a drug which inhibited estrogen reuptake that helped with her health at that point. I do know that it was not exogenous testosterone.

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Yes ,she has a medical condition which is made worse by oestrogen ,and therefore she's now on an oestrogen inhibitor .

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So I'd call that desistance versus detransition.

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BBC is lathering it on thick with a trans parade at the moment - must’ve lined up troops for months, expecting push-back & resistance . ‘Nice Trans’ is all over the BBC network. The effect is: “How could you possibly think there was a problem with this? You’re so unreasonable”. Of course they’re not looking at the dark side - men in women’s sports, prisons. shortlists; the false statistics and misrepresentations of crime figures ( transwomen pushing up female crime figures etc.) It’s so insulting... and we’re not going to shut up. 😁

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... and just to add: the problems with sexualisation of children that’s happening; transing children before they’ve had enough time to think / reflect; transing gem boys/ Tom boy girls..., It disturbs me how non-binary is seen as an answer to sex stereotypes....it disturbs me that girls are having double mastectomies not because they want to be men, but because they want to escape gawping porn-addled males

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I think I just invented a new term by typo: ‘Gem boys’. Got to think what they might be...

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‘Gem’ : it’s a thing! The gender crew have already got there. This from Fandome: “Their body are illusions so technically they are genderless and rose gave birth to steven by reforming them making Steven half gem half-human to give birth she must have made a womb to give Steven.”


“I just noticed that all the gems are girls and steven is the only boy gem

Is steven the only boy gem?

(edited by Phatboy10)

Season 5





Rosie043's avatar




It seems to me that they are nonbinary, not using a specific gender binary, but in their culture the only pronouns they seem to use are she/her. In real life, nonbinary people use she/her or he/him pronouns all the time, but that doesn't mean they are a girl/boy? if that makes sense to you guys. “

Uh-huh. Yep that makes real sense 👀.

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Gem Boy’ is also a ?Portugese? Kitsch rock / pop out fit. Interesting, but not my cup of tea

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Gender Gems ... are you Agate, Topaz, non-binary m or f; having a baby as a non-binary f who identifies for a few months as m so you too can be a father? New Age / Fantasy / Fandom / Rainbow Culture / Unicorns .... it’s all well & good; but when the world of fantasy meets the world of biological reality, how far down the fantasy road do we go?

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The BBC deserves to be defunded !! I totally resent paying my tv licence to them !!👎👎👎👎

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Exulansic, if you see this, I kinda have a crush going. ❤

I know the people doing this would have tried to push me to transition: no doubt in my mind that they would not have accepted me as I am. Thanks for speaking out so rationally. Keep it up.

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I've said here before that, if this nonsense was around in the 1970/80s, I'd probably have been captured by it to the detriment of my life and that of others around me. We need much stronger controls in this area before irreparable harm is done to huge numbers of young people.

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Me too. I spent quite a few years trying to work out what was wrong with me - turns out it was nothing I just didn't fit societies expectations of what a "girl/woman" should be i.e. I didn't fit the stereotype. Thank goodness the answer at the time wasn't "you must be a man then". For a while I thought I must have been intersex and that is why something was wrong with me, but at no point did I think I must be a man because I am not what society thinks is a woman. I just knew I wasn't "right", but I did see the inequality around being a woman and I did think it would be so much easier if I was man. As I matured I grew more and more comfortable in my own skin and thankfully, society started to accept that women could be many things that weren't previously acceptable. I hate to think what would have happened if I was growing up now. I heard another adult yesterday tell me that "the kids these days know so much more about this than we do" as they told people on a course to keep an open mind. I wanted to scream - they haven't got a clue! They don't know who they are yet! They're trying to work it all out and being pushed and validated into harmful ways of living by having a whim validated that is based on either confusion trying to identify with stereotypes, grooming or escaping inequalities or a mixture of these!

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IKR? Since when did adults with decades of experience of life and human nature start capitulating to people barely out of puberty. It's only when you've been around the block a few times that you start really understanding how things work.

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Exactly! Older people over their mid 40's are just dismissed as Boomers (including Gen X). Their views are rarely represented in culture these days, so the balancing voice of reason is quashed too. People who have been through thes eexpereinces should be free to say "I wnet through this too and it will be ok" but instead that view is labelled as transphobic.

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The perils of allowing young inexperienced people to run the world

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>>I heard another adult yesterday tell me that "the kids these days know so much more about this than we do" as they told people on a course to keep an open mind<<

Throughout history the clans, tribes, and peoples on every continent have relied on the wisdom of their Youngers in times of crisis.

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Can you imagine?! Of course it's well known that we are all born with wisdom and grow more ignorant and bigoted as we age. Images of Confusious should all be of him as a young man, after that it all went down hill for him. Wjat is wrong with adults these dyas that so mnay default to the views of kids/teens/youn adults as if they hold the wisdom of the ages?

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Well, there is Thoreau's point of view, which is that we are born with something that society trains out of us as we grow up, e.g., innate wisdom and intuition, curiosity, etc. The thing is, we are supposed to replace the good things of being a child with the good things that can come as we age if we live consciously. Unfortunately, most people just seem to get more and more stupid as they sign on to societal bullshit (such as kids these days know so much more).

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I've worked with all ages of children and young adults making art. There is definitely something innate in the wee bastards creatively. Learning to fit in and succeed within a failing education system kicks it out of them. I tried to advise some away from Manga and Graffiti because it was so prescriptive, not enough room for personal expression. Neurosis seems to be one of the fundamental things they learn from our society.

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Apologies for all the typos. I have a new keyboard and I cannot get used to the thing!

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Absolutely. I'm so lucky I had the freedom to work through it and understand on my own that I didn't actually want to be a man. I just wanted all the freedom (and stuff) I saw men enjoying.

>>and that of others around me<< this right here is a great immunisation against the ideology. It's hard to think of others when one has not actually grown up yet in either: a) physical brain development, or b) the broader meaning of life experiences. Or c) when one has a borderline personality disorder.

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Get in line 😂

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😂 I was gonna say, but you said it first! ❤️

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Oh noooooo.....the leader of the Church of Monochots has become a twitter martyr.

I just got back in after a weeks suspension. Rather than a GC coming out day I think a mass cancelling would be more effective. Twitter is really no use for anything, leave it to the eejits.

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I agree with the sentiment but people who manage to stay and spread the good word, like Helen Staniland are making such an impact. Otherwise, who would push back agaist all the crazy?

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She's one of the the smartest commentators out there, so it's no wonder the public toilet wall that is twitter banned her. Like Helen Joyce, she nails the religious/fundamentalist/cultish aspect of gender identity ideology, which is so important in realising why you have to "talk past it" and engage with the law - otherwise you're basically trying to discuss rationality with a 'born-again.'

She's also very well-informed on the medical/pharmaceutical profit motive, which is often naively dismissed as a conspiracy theory, as opposed to just what happens in most business sectors when potential new revenue streams emerge. As she puts it; creating lifelong medical patients is profitable.

Getting booted from twitter is becoming a badge of honour which should help to promote her on other platforms. You can't keep smart, fearless women like her quiet.

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She is frighteningly bright

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Serious mental health problems and these poor young girls are being marketed to by an industry without any regulation. Awful beyond words

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The most annoying thing is, I'd only just got the hang of typing her name correctly.

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Sadly predictable.

She's smart, funny, has an 'insider' perspective, qualified to pull apart the philosophical and medical claims, and a health professional. She doesn't fit any stereotype. But most of all she's a woman. She's absolutely awesome and I have a major crush going on! Guess I will just boost her You Tube more until The Twits boot me.

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Her biggest sin to them, is that she is so good at what she does

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Most vitally: Crystalizes the fact that this is, in fact a RELIGION.

Platforms may try to shut her down, but she'll continue to be the first cogent ethnographer of the Church of Trans - and I'll forever be grateful for the fact that I was so early to notice her sheer brilliance on TikTok.

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Spot on. She's also a detransitioner which is basically an apostate in the Church of Trans; even more "evil" than a heretic (which is basically just a rationalist).

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Meanwhile more and more 'let's kill a TERF' videos get posted. So glad i am not on that garbage dump of a platform.

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‘Kill a Terf’ etc should be considered a hate crime - I don’t understand why twits don’t ban / investigate them or why those who can be identified have not received the knock on the door by the Police. Maybe that’s because the Police are Policed by Stonewall.

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Yes, and most social media platforms are run by incels

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Yes, incels who "identify" as women

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Twitter is a misogynistic hate site (some people who don't fulfill these requirements get by, thereby lending twitter a sheen of respectability) which has no interest in banning hate speech, particularly against women.

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I find Exulansics stuff can be a very very hard watch indeed but its essential viewing . Hope she fights the Twitter ban and sues the TRAs behind it . Bastards . Utter bastards .

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When you realize that Twitter has CIA connections, TRAs seem pretty small potatoes.

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Oh nooooo! She is one of the very few Twitter accounts I put notifications on for, as I didn't want to miss a single tweet. I hope she appeals.

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Here's my shocked face.


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This seems as good a place as any to post this, there was an accidentally enlightening interview over at The Verge during the week on cancel culture. The interview was with a researcher at Media Matters, which is basically a large media focused campaign group affiliated with the Democrats.

> First question was "why are you so interested in Joe Rogan:

> Ans: I started regularly monitoring Joe Rogan’s podcast beginning last year in 2020 when he had Abigail Shrier on to push anti-trans rhetoric.

Obviously from there it goes off into Covid19 and QAnon madness, but that wasn't what provoked them. Joe spoke to Abigail and from there he became a person of interest.

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