A trans person must be invited to comment on any news or politics item for balance.

No, not THOSE trans people.

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Of course a trans person should be invited onto a discussion of trans people, like all issues there should be someone there to represent the group being talked about. Imagine we talked about BLM and there were only White people.

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Yeah, Tezzy, annoying, eh, like when trans folks dominate conversations about women's rights, when NO WOMEN at all have been invited? What's that? Men pretending to be women are better at being women than women? Meanwhile, he's good ol' India screaming at women that he IS a woman (sighhhhhhhh....) a REAL woman, (double sighhhhhhh) REAL woman, my female arse! SO disrespectful to women. We've had enough.

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OOPS! Forgot the link re Willoughby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsJxpvGzo3E

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I’m fine with her being allowed to speak, but she seems to be the only person the right wing press turn to when her views are in the firm minority. Just because she’s trans doesn’t mean she represents the majority of trans people

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Tezzy, Debbie freely admits HE is a MAN. He's not a 'she'. He speaks common sense and truth, which is why Transworld loathes him and always tries to 'bring him down'. I don't have a problem with men who are just happier living as if they were a woman. My problem starts when they insist they ARE women and that we women MUST give in to their bullying. Live as you choose, but never try to steal the rights of the sex to which you don't...and never will....belong.

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Yes I think it's a shame. Rose of Dawn made a really good showing on Good Morning Britain a while back. Scott Nugent is also worth listening to. They know the difference between being a man/woman and presenting oneself as if one were a man or woman.

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Well I'm glad, I hope we're all glad in fact, the whole world is surely glad that you are fine with Debbie being 'allowed' to speak. We will all breathe an enormous sigh of relief. Glad we got that sorted.

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Phew. Imagine we talked about inclusion in female sport and there were only males. But it's okay, lads, Tez says it's fine.

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and in case you didn't get that the first time, that's WHOOSH

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I keep thinking of this (I've no more fucks to give): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXK03FHVsHk

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Not White CAPITAL LETTER White people? No. tHe HorROr. Imagine. Have you read the Trans Commandments, go on, have a look they're at the top of the page, you know the top part of the page! You're following every one! Have you been studying?

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How about:

Women do not exist. If you believe otherwise you are a biological essentialist. They are just ‘people with certain biological bits’ The word ‘woman’ should be erased as it is not inclusive.

However Transwomen are women. To say otherwise is heretical. They are not ‘people who are not women who say they are women’ because that would be mad!

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See todays Guardian on the US abortion situation ,women are referred to as 'pregnant people 'throughout.

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A friend of mine, who's now had her baby, was using the term pregnant people in relation to her hospital appointments and the care she could expect, etc. I asked why she said people, not women, because only women become pregnant, carry and birth babies. If a man is pregnant, it's the result of delusion not biology.

My friend hasn't realised she was using the word 'person', she was surprised. But it's part of the language that is being percolated through institutions bit by bit and finding a place in our unconsciouness. I'm sure we're all aware how much power language has, and what changing it does. It alters mind sets as well as vocabulary. There are no pregnant people, there are pregnant women, there are no 'cis' women, there are women.

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Quite, as Phil K Dick said:

‘If you can control the meaning of words you can control the people who use the words.’

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Words fail me.

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Brilliant! This is one of many great pieces that I've been reading for the last three hours (when I went to bed intending to go to sleep)! (Edie Wyatt: Vive la Résistance!)

I suppose many of us here get our information from the same writers, but my heart jumped with joy when I read this article by brilliant writer Julian Vigo; I had to share it - can it really be true, is the end of this madness really in sight?! https://savageminds.substack.com/p/the-power-of-the-senseless: "Today, here we are in the midst of a tide-turning moment where transgender ideology is being rejected en masse by gay and straight people, men and women alike. Meanwhile, the public institutions which have for years codified the social signs, sponsored the "gender identity" training, crafted the woke lessons transmitted by the BBC and the NHS permeating all arenas of media and public health, in addition to the cast of Harry Potter chiming in with their endless support for “trans people” through Twitter and other media outlets, and we have been handed the perfect storm exemplifying exactly how we got here in the first place... Now that the gender narrative is falling apart quickly, many of its proponents are running for cover skipping over to the very side they previously denounced as “wrong.” Of course, these individuals will happily prefer their slogans be forgotten, to have their tweets removed and their websites altered from public record."


I happily prefer that they rot and burn in the deepest pits of Hell, but hey, let me tell you how I REALLY feel...

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Thank you Iris; great reads. I heard someone on BBC 5 Live earlier on how 'LGBTQ+ history' should be taught in schools. Huh? This gay man hadn't known things until he watched TV - 'It's A Sin' and a recent Freddie Mercury doc. Seriously? You review TV and you're never seen ANY TV about these subjects before? Really? Were you living under the Stonewall stone? What chills me is that this is very recent history - it's in my living memory and experience and for a younger person to be so utterly unaware of things that happened in the 80s and 90s - that's only 30 years. He'd never picked up a book? Heard things around him? Music? Seen adverts? Been out of the house? See movies? Never scooted about bored online outside of their feed? Never spoken to anyone? How could you not know? Within the space of a generation history is forgotten, wiped, then 'remembered' and rewritten. THIS is how that happens. This is what damn Stonewall have presided over, the blanking out of LGB history - all our history and trans history - and the forcing revisionist 'history' to reframe things I lived through. I only learned about things before a certain time and before I was born in books, or through listening to older people, listening and studying, and we knew it was selective and biased and the victors write their own narratives, but you do build a picture of sorts that changes or grows and this young man's ignorance really threw me. I was taught things in school, so what are they teaching them now? I think we really need to assume some people are very unaware of a lot. Right into their 20s and 30s and on. Critical analysis and uncomfortable thoughts, and how not everyone with agree with you. And we can live with that cognitive dissonance without calling for the extermination of others. And we have the receipts.

I found myself in charge of some dusty boxes of work documents once, and letters written by people who I knew had subsequently become senior. I asked my boss if I should sort through and archive them officially. Nah, chuck em and we don't have space. So I looked at them before I chucked them. And kept some. I felt the burden of knowing I was myself selecting what would be recorded. A lot of that is stored in my head. When I go, it goes.

But we have so much at our fingertips - there are oral histories so we don't keep plunging into ignorance. But no, we all seem to have lost our curiosity. The easier it is to know things, the stupider we're all getting. But then no man ever wore a dress before 2014 as we all know...

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Brilliant article. Some hope at last ?🙏🙏

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10 out of 10!

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James nailed it! The cognitive dissonance to comply with any of this is huge! I'd like to add to a couple of rules if I may?

2. Only refer to people by language they want. However, it is fine for us to label you “cis” and to use the slur "terf".

6. The trans community (1% of the population) must be listened to. However, the experiences of detransitioners (1% of trans community) should be ignored as well as the experiences of women (51% of the population).

8. You must understand us. However, you can never understand us because you haven’t had our lived experience. Only trans actors can play trans parts or parts we deem to be trans.

...just for completeness.

Actually I think the addition of the opinions of women are crucial to commandment 6. It shows just how misogynistic this ideology is when the opinions of 1% of the population trumps the view of half the population who are not listened to, but instead demeaned and disrespected and silenced. And people in power in organisations, let it happen.

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What makes it worse is that there are women on the side of transactivism. I don’t understand them at all. At this stage they should know enough that they can see this ideology is bad for women, so why would you continue with it.

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History is rife with examples of women who have sided against women's best interests, and often are actually responsible for keeping other women in line. Look at the shaming of women who have extra-marital pre 1960's, or had a child out of wedlock. Genital mutilation is done to rirls by other women either doing it becuase it was done to them without question, or to keep avoid their daughter or themselves being ostrasized, not just be men, but by other women. Women side with oppressors of women and their rights for a multitude of reasons - fear, love of someone who manipulates them or grooms them, or sometimes to further their own interest of protect themselves. Ultimatley no woman has power in a patriarchical societyso it comes dow to a survival or coping strategy. It's complicated and some of it I get. I get that keeping quiet out of fear is a valid strategy for self preservation. I get that women cna be manipulated and groomed and coerced. It's the ones that then willingly throw others under the bus that I find hard to understand, but that's what grooming does. That's what cults and extreme ideologies do.

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Apologies for all the typos. I have a migraine today and it has made brain, hand and eye co-ordination a tad hit and miss at times!

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You’ve got something in common with my Mum then. I know they can be nasty.

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Thanks. The medicaiton can help with the pain and see them off but leaves me feeling a little drunk! Not as much fun as it may sound!

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And still you persevered to write a comment that kept me thinking long after I read it. The way you expressed compassion for those in the fallout of these contagions inspired me to remember try when it's often hard to muster. Rest well.

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Yes, I know what you’re talking about. I know women police each other sometimes as a survival strategy, some of us desperately need approval from men, some of us don’t actually like other women. This trans stuff is weird to me, because we have women in positions of authority, women who call themselves feminists, women who are intelligent, backing up a movement that ultimately disadvantages them, and is showing strains of paedophilia and other predatory behaviour. I don’t understand what they think is in it for them. With Jess Phillips I wonder if she sees her position as insecure, and therefore she must say whatever is necessary to keep it, because her job means more to her than anything else.

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It's hard to say what Jess Phillips motivation is - only she knows I guess but I find it weird too. I think it can show a lack of integrity at times. As you say, how can women of intelligence, and who call themselves feminists be behind such obvious erosion of their rights and yet there are many.

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Great post

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Well this is bloody brilliant

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I'm really looking forward to Tezzy's thoughtful and intellectually honest dissection of the Trans Commandments.

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He’s added another one. Demanding evidence for our claims; his claims are self evident

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I'm sure he'll get to it once the 360° headspins stop.

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And he climbs out of his adult-sized furry tiger costume.

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Oh I like this game...ahem...

Firstly I'm not sure why you are being so mean and inciting hatred and death threats against the most vulnerable sector of LARPists and I think you'll find there are studies and evidence and science says so and that shows this if you care to look. But thanks for the chat and engaging.

(I thought I'd save him the trouble).

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Tezzy's input goes something like this: "I would also like to point to a study which is based on some hearsay, conjecture or subjective opinion, rather than anything with facts in it, and rather than providing you with a link to it, I hope you are going to trust me when I say it backs up everything I am saying".

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That's too accurate. Are YOU Tezzy's sock puppet? :-)

He reminds me of the gangster character from the Simpsons who would shoot someone dead and innocently say, "What did I do?"

And now, the countdown to when his actual sock-self shows up begins...

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I ADORE reading these threads in chrono order. I'm going to get some tea, a mulled wine chaser and a platter of Tunnocks treats and have a laugh as I read his responses :-D

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You are my kind of woman! I spent the morning making wee pie shells and this afternoon I will make a wee apple pie.

And I'm glad The Tez can provide some laughs -- I like other people's mouthing Tez responses better.

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Sounds delicious! Enjoy :-)

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Lol !!

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Me too 😁

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The 11th Commandment transwomen have a cervix just ask Willoughby

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As a wise woman once asked, is it near the bumhole?

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Beautifully summarised James. What a great resource. I'll be plundering from it. This needs nailing to the door of every captured institution.

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See also 'you can't define women on whether they menstruate, but I totally have periods', from trans-identified males.

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Brilliant James. Nth commandment, we can choose how many commandments we have because.

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A great analysis James which completely sums up the absurdity of this damaging ideology.

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easy to understand pocket guide -

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I would add "surgery" to 7.

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Re the drugs problem in ireland, fintan o toole, irish times, asked on saturday "are we still addicted to doping ourselves with the illusion that what we choose not to know cannot harm us?"

Same applies here

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Unfortunately, for vast majority of the population and trans people who don't unhold these hypocrisies, it's all demonstrably true. It's what extremists do, they can make and bend the rules for themselves and apply them rigidly for everyone else. None of it would be possible if organisations and individuals didn't cooperate with their authoritarian, misogynistic bullshit, or if we stopped running scared from them or blankly accepting it, all of it.

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Long ago I discovered that most people's philosophy goes something like this: YOU must obey the law, however I can do whatever the fuck I want. You see this really clearly when you live in a small town.

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