What more will it take? We have numerous whistleblowers, staff quitting, a successful tribunal, in-depth interviews with staff exposing the ‘care’ model for what it is, a head of psychology exposed as normalising adult diaper fetishes/‘ageplay’ (SHUDDER) which there aren’t enough fucking red flags in the world to cover and now they refuse to recruit anyone with an objective approach to gender care lest anything get in the way of their teenage mutilation and sterilisation programme... If this doesn’t blow up explosively in the world’s biggest gender kaboom then we are literally fucked - WHERE ARE THE ADULTS??????? WHAT ARE YOU DOING???????? STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!

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This is beyond horrifying ,but no longer surprising. I will NEVER understand how ANY SURGEON can bring himself to mutilate the genitalia of young people and in doing so irreversibly sterilise them ,leaving them to.rely on exogenous hormones for the rest of their lives !! Legal Castration for no valid medical ,life threatening , condition now a " treatment " in the 21st century ? Shocking ! I fervently hope to see these people charged with criminal offences before I die !!🙏🙏🙏

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Feb 26, 2022Liked by JL

Profoundly scandalous. Like a Pink Floyd/Gerald Scarfe animated funnelling of children requesting healthcare into a professionalised mutilation service.

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Will she bring a belief-discrimination action against the Tavistock? I hope so.

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Thank you JL. Of all the many many extraordinary things i've read over the years, that article in yesterday's Times (and Telegraph) wherein the recruitment consultant 'says the quiet part out loud' is the most gobsmacking, and depressing. The Tavistock seems to be a Church, now

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This all seems to be happening with the full approval of our government. The question is why. Do we need to be seen to adopt transgender ideology in order to get a trade deal with the US? Or US investment in our health service? Does anyone know the answer to this or can anyone suggest a way to find out?

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Feb 26, 2022Liked by JL

Surely this should be the last straw for the Tavistock. It needs shut down forever. I really can't wait for the Cass report

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It's interesting (and somewhat horrifying) that believing that "sex is immutable" is now positioned purely as a "gender critical view", which implies that it's just a philosophical belief, and if holding this belief is not in line with the philosophical values of an organisation, then it's ok to reject someone as unsuitable. It's not a belief, it's a scientific fact, established beyond all reasonable doubt, and most people know it through simple common sense. If I lose my arm, can I grow a new one? No. So how would I somehow resorb all the reproductive organs of my female sex and grow brand new male ones that were never there? To say nothing of other changes.

This is particularly worrying given that the NHS is a medical organisation, and medicine must be evidence-based and based on scientific fact. If saying that sex is immutable is not acceptable for an NHS clinic, then it's abandoned all established science. I can think of no clearer illustration of ideology trumping evidence, and it's being played out on vulnerable children's bodies and minds. Who is driving this?

It's such a shame. This woman sounded like she could have made a real positive difference to these children suffering a lot of mental distress. Like maybe she would have swung back to the evidence-based position of "watchful waiting" and psychotherapy to explore their other issues.

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“No evidence base” that should have ended all this

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Feb 26, 2022Liked by JL

Why is the Tavistock still free to employ a guy who wants to "normalise ageplay" while being responsible for safeguarding vulnerable children? Because this is the one of the tiny handful of sites where you'll read about it.

Today's Guardian - by way of contrast - carries a glowing report on Mhairi Black's performance at the GRA debate, despite her performance being a total shit-house fire. Dangerous creeps like that guy at Tavistock get away with it because journalists are scared of them. Fuck the Guardian and the BBC; I can't wait to see them in disgrace when the lawsuits start flying.

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surely,surely they have shot themselves in the head now?

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It’s all nonsense, isn’t it?

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What a total dumpster fire!

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I can't think of much more of a bitter irony than medical professionals harming those they are charged with healing.

Anyone in the mood for some of Aunties' vacuous gender extremist drivel?

"Football Focus meets Caz Simone, a non-binary footballer for Brighouse Town Women, who discusses how they found their identity through social media."



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Trans activists should be louder and angrier than anyone that this service is deemed inadequate, that safeguarding is obstructed and whistleblowers are ignored.

I long for a prominent trans activists and gender critic to join in a public campaign that draws attention to the fact that regardless of differences of opinion, these kids are being failed and reform is vital to provide care of a professional standard, whether it includes medical transition or not.

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Who are the people actually making policy at the Tavistock? What is their history and lifestyle?

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