I saw the Times article Graham - I have an online subscription. I sent the article to my mum who is in her 70s (I’m peaking her!) and I thought you’d like to hear what she said: - “Sent the Gender Critical article to five friends yesterday. One replied this morning. She was reading it in the middle of the night and boiling with rage.

My age group are definitely alarmed and really grateful for the info. Xxx”

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daww. give her my best!

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That’s excellent! But first glance I read it as “definitely armed”... and became alarmed.

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I'm finding I have to read most sentences three or four times these days because most of it seems unbelievable. This reply is alarmed :-)

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The Times piece was great and the comments heartwarming. Made me quite emotional and optimistic that the tide is turning.

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sos ring 999 and ask for the fire service (they do professional risk assessments) to free grayson perry and daughter from the school of life. the school of life of life are alchemists who keep telling us now to think. they have a building near the gay bookshop in town and think they need to keep a lock on the door no one wants anything to do with them in the locality and you can just in and look around but do not talk to them they only speak in spells.

unfortunately the eec think that the word 'worklessness' means something (what does it mean? 'work isnt work if we say it isnt work? - they are not even the dwp?) the word 'worklessness' is just jibberish. because the ecc dont know what work means. i don't know how to present them with a dictionary definition of work they would know to be true. even our local conservative mp vicky ford doesn't want to be associated with them. thank you for reading. i am not the sort of person they would listen to - i have a reported a death trap on tesco/eec land and they wont take a look unless i say its an emergency. please help.

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They were both great. Andrew Doyle’s interview gave you time to discuss the issues properly. He’s a great interviewer and you put the points across very well. It is exhausting though, grateful as we are for your unwavering support remember to take time out if you need to.

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I loved that you turned it round on interviewer and asked why they arent going ballistic - notice no reply - well done you!

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Blistering interview in the Times Graham! Sincerely, THANK YOU so much!! Now rest, have some down time. x

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Haha! My and my wee banner! Was good to see you at the Scottish parliament Graham. Thanks for coming, wish more famous faces were as brave as you x

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Four wonderfully simple, clear, polite words. Exactly what the Women's Institute needed to hear in the circumstances. It's so surreal that they were deemed banworthy.

Wonderful to see them lovingly sewn into your banner, the pair of you in smiley solidarity, in the open. Thank you both.

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*me and my.

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How many more frogs need to boil before this trans-lunacy is shown up for the 24-carat travesty that it is?

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Both interviews were good. I really enjoyed the Andrew Doyle one.

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I saw the article and all the positive comments and I stayed up till after 1am watching the podcast last night 🥱 it was excellent! I couldn’t switch off. As a parent I want to say thank you once again.

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Dear Graham it is about time you had this kind of press in more mainstream - yes you you you - lots of love and please take care of your good self x

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The. House. Is. On. Fire. It is and yet so many people are either not noticing, or don't care because they don't think it's their house until the flames actually reach them. Others obviously are content to just bring sausages...far too much in it for many people to give it up easily. Where I work in a Government Dept. that is still signed up Stonewall's E&D Champions, there are so many people furthering their careers with pushing the agenda. I see more and more pronouns on signature blocks and obvious virtue signalling but very little questioning - it won't get them a promotion/pat on the back to question it but it will by furthering it.

The Times article was excellent.

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Loved the interview with AD. You came across really well, and made everything clear. The one phrase that really stood out was when you said you didn't want your daughter to be called a cervix-haver. ❤️👌 I only have sons, but I don't want future women to be called that either!

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Enjoyed The Times article, Graham. Looking forward to your interview with A.D.

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All excellent! Almost every evening now I’m spending In Bed With M’Glinner!! 😂

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The Times article and the interview were both excellent!

Credit to Andrew Doyle for his “New Readers start here” interjections but I nearly fell off my seat when he referred to “the it Crowd” and “Ginner’s” Substack 😂

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Great interview with Mr. Doyle. If we’d have been able to have public conversations like that years ago, the GI would never have gotten this far.

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