I’m so ashamed of women who don’t stick up for other women

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Women writing this nasty tripe are linking themselves to the nuns who ill treated single mums in religious " maternity homes".

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I spent a while reading the recent tweets of one of these people yesterday, and branching out into some other conversations she’s joined on these topics in the past few days. (I did this because I realised that although I don’t know her, one of her family members is a very old friend who I’ve not seen in ages. I was kind of horrified and fascinated by how close to home that made her comments feel.)

It really unsettled me, the dissonance between what they seem to think they are doing and what they’re actually doing. There is a lot of mutual back-slapping about showing up for righteousness and comments along the lines of “Btw, I have also spotted that [redacted person in their industry] is a bigot, let’s make sure we do something about that too” kind of stuff.

I then went to look at the timeline of [redacted person], who appeared to be incredibly mild-mannered, and just quite calmly open in her views. Fully expecting to see her career torpedoed next.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

These women should be ashamed of their aggression towards a fellow writer, or indeed any woman who expresses HER opinion. As writers, they deal with words and language, but they, like so many others commenting on this particular heresy or a million others, have made the word 'hate' meaningless. Hate is disagreement, giving an opinion they don't share is hate speech, and it arouses the most outlandish and genuinely hateful responses in them.

Maybe their anger comes from her being able to say things they are too afraid to say. They resent their own gutlessness in siding with the bullies and joining in, protecting themselves because they're weak against them. But the bullies aren't always going to be strong, and when their power is gone, these women are going to be asked to explain themselves and defend their position.

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It frightens me that seemingly adult women can behave like this, utterly shamelessly. They are HORRID. Rauf and Rooney are trying to protect children! Anyway, I know whose books I will be buying, and whose I won’t.

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I just read her speech at WPUK 2019 - brilliant woman. Suggest those who can buy or download one of her books to show support.

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Nasty.I went to four catholic schools,and experienced the nasty misogyny of women ( some were nuns but not all were ) and men.The women in the article are shamefully biased,arrogant and silly.

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"I don't understand how she can do such amazing work with refugees and still be like this."

That must be the most bizarre sentence I've read in some time and in gender ideology there's a lot to choose from.

She's trying to say: 'I don't understand because I'm such a good person that I could never disobey the Church Of Trans,' whereas she's actually (accidentally) applying Kirkup's "Rowlings Razor." ie: What are the chances that a compassionate, caring woman has suddenly decided to become an intolerant, hateful bitch on this one specific subject?

The obvious response is: If you admit you don't understand something, why not take a five minute break from broadcasting your ignorance to have a think about it?

If you're in any doubt that this is a cult-like ideology, just look at the way people can say out loud how illogical they're being - while not even realising they're saying it - and still go on to pick up a pitchfork and join the mob.

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Those three women could do with reading Onjali Rauf's work on empathy I think. They should be ashamed of themselves, sitting in smug judgement as if their persective is the only "right" one.

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Women like men have different views...these sad three are gross though!

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Shocked but not a bit surprised. Publishing has obviously been woke for a long time ,shamefully. One of the first actions of a totalitarian regime is to cancel free speech and burn books. Metaphorically speaking, Publishing does this by cancelling authors and refusing to publish their books. Hope she'll be ok.🙏🙏🙏♥️

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I’m more and more of the opinion that there is very little talent in publishing and very few genuinely talented writers of children’s books in particular. These people therefore need to get along and get ahead by denunciation of any original thinkers - heretics - while at the same time loudly congratulating themselves and each other across social media for their self-righteousness. Shoring up their own mediocrity against those outside their own circles. It would be merely pathetic except the end result is so sinister. Do these people never, once doubt themselves?

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She’s bloody heroic for tweeting that. Sounds absurd, but it’s sticking her neck out, risking her career stuff.

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Those three were most likely the archetypal mean girls in school. Now they think by aligning with the TRA platform gives them the opportunity to carry on with their supercilious bullying. Little do they realise that sooner or later, that movement will turn on them for not being the the right sort of woman.

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I now have a mental image of them reading tweets in the style of Little Britain's Maggie Blackamoor.

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