Jun 17, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

The diversion of the Left from serious causes is perfectly intentional and deliberate. These people are the neoliberal "Left". They are fakers of the first order. Preserving the social and economic status quo is even more important to them than achieving the objectives of gender ideology and its best buddy critical race theory.

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Identity is supposed to be all-important. Well then. My identity is being eroded because of the attacks on the category 'woman' and also the erosion of what it means to be a person of the Left.

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It is this bullying that I find the most disturbing. What disturbs me more is that it is allowed - in a society that is supposed to be founded on fairness, yet one institution after another gets captured. What is that?

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That's the question I'd really, really like to know the answer to. The Denton's document advised attaching the T to LGB as a way of hijacking a cause that most people support, but that doesn't get near to explaining the reach of gender ideology and why so many went along with it.

Politics, media, healthcare, policing, corporations etc etc throughout many countries have all signed up to it. Most people think it's nonsense, but most people are scared to say so. There are probably PhD's to be written on it and what it tell us about human conformity, faith-based belief systems, social media contagion and probably lots of other things, but so far we haven't scratched the surface of understanding it.

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I think it's a great experiment in thought control. If you can make people believe something so wildly false, they will sign on to all the other bullshit you're peddling. And I see a lot of gender-critical people doing just that, believing every other lie brought to them by their government and its servile media and institutions.

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I have just read this article which shows how much the juggernaut has been powered by billionaires: https://uncommongroundmedia.com/stryker-arcus-billionaires-lgbt/

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

I do think that a major factor is people so rich that they aren't used to hearing anything they don't like... such as, "you're a delusional, perverted creep". And they have the money to ensure that they don't have to. As well as the sense that they're entitled to a world that tells them nothing but "YOU aren't deluded or perverted or creepy, NO WAY NO HOW!!! You're Brave and Stunning, living a life dedicated to truth, an example to us all!" So they've made themselves one. Which I guess you really need to do, when you consider yourself the very essence of hawt but look ridiculous (James "Jennifer" Pritzker always makes me think of ultra-homely 1950s comedian Milton Berle when he donned a dress for laughs), and creep everyone the fuck out.

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It's the unreachable, immeasurable detestation of women.

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I think you are right. I suppose it's a good thing that it is coming to light.

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You've nailed it as "language that obscures" is the MO of gender id extremists. Similar to that most vacuous of their platitudes: "trans rights are human rights".

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

In order to continue they are eventually going to need more widespread support. That's going to involve people knowing what they're actually supporting rather than what they believe they're supporting, because they're good and kind and want to uphold a 'live and let live' attitude. I think it's apparent that many don't know what the reality is. As far as transgender identity is concerned, they are primarily focusing on transsexualism.

People presenting and ostensibly behaving as though they are a different sex from the one they were at birth, etc. This is far removed from fully biologically intact men who insist they are women because that's how they identify internally, or claim to. How is that going to be countered? It isn't. But it is sufficient to get them into women's spaces. It gives them numerous opportunities to aggressively confront women, to harass and threaten them, before appealling to the authorities and asking that action to be taken against a group they are preying on, and it happens.

None of this would be possible in a society that wasn't deeply misogynistic. Men who are terminally contemptuous of women identified a way of oppressing us on the basis of being oppressed by us. The oppression is our existence, wanting to define ourselves and our identities, and our safety. Instead, in some instances we are being forced into becoming pale facsimiles of a womanhood appropropriated and modified by men.

Over the last few years we've seen women disproportionally succeed in fields they were previously under represented in. Their success is down to them being men, and being perceived as men by the kind of men who don't want to see women achieving on their level. At the other end of the spectrum, there has been a huge rise in 'women' serving sentences for murder and sexual violence, usually against women.

Ignorance might seem unfeasible, and it is for anyone immersed in what is happening, but most people aren't and they don't want to be. Nevertheless, it's inevitable that one day soon they are going to be confronted by a lot of things they weren't expecting and don't want. The winners are going to have to overwhelm them or get them on side in order to continue winning.

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

That's why they are getting institutions, businesses, corporations, government bodies, political parties, police etc. on side. They don't have to win over the masses, just subjugate them before they wake up and realise what is truly going on.

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They've certainly targeted the right places and it works. Those who are aware of this stuff aren't simply cautious about drawing attention to it, they're afraid and are silencing themselves. As for political parties, they do need people to support them and give them their vote, regardless of how little they care about their interests beyond that.

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Or are those institutions you list pushing transgenderism for their own purposes?

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Everyone will have their own agenda, but ultimately it boils down to this ideology being forced on an unsuspecting population.

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Well said ,Eliza. The absolutely irrefutable damage this cult is doing , especially to children ,can no longer be hidden and the evidence for that is mounting and becomes more visible every day. Even if they were to " win " ,this fight will NEVER be over as long as the human race exists and children , including babies , are in danger 😭🤮💔

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It's useful to look at timelines to see if you can work out at what point issues coalesced or went beyond a point you can identify was almost a no return, things sped up out of control or meant some outcomes are almost inevitable. Who knew what and when.

'In 2016, NHS England commissioners ruled that GPs, schools and social workers could refer patients to GIDS directly without any formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria.' So, moving kids from one MH waiting list without assessment or treatment, to another to be transitioned. Which NHS England commissioners, and why?

I have many 'how the hell did that happen?' points, but how the hell did it?

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

Has anyone seen the Times articles just posted this pm? I’d say it is ending….

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Nope, what did it say?

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Dam burst I’d say. There was a small article first thing about WPATh - the comments underneath quoting Genevieve Gluck/Graham and telling people to look online - and this afternoon massive epic piece by Janice Turner about detransitioner and another by Lucy Bannerman

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I hope so, but I’ve seen how entrenched it is at big corporates, government, NHS, banks, the Civil Service etc. with my own eyes and the tendrils are in everything. At the moment they still see the GC position as a fringe argument that can be sidelined. Hopefully as more people speak up the pushback will come but I think it will take a generation and quite a few more court cases to undo.

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Captured people at work are TRAs. Or most are I believe. I was shocked to find out that people where I work have been seriously TRA ing behind the “be kind” bullying

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The ERGs have a lot to do with this. They are directing policy, and if you have TW in the women’s group they have double representation as they are also in the LGBT one. Plus women aren’t consulted on changes made across the organisation related to LGBT, even though it impacts them, e.g. ‘gender neutral’ wording, spaces, etc.

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Yes. I hope you are right. Certainly a huge step.

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Right side of history? I don’t think so! They will be looked back on as the bad guys. I suspect there will be more and more transpeople themselves who will join in condemning these current trans colonisers and their enforced ideology.

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Straight to the point in this piece. No messing around!

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Absolutely right.

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And I am a socialist by the way and I assure you that the real left wouldn't disagree with a word of what you are saying.

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And let us remember that the genuine left -- just like genuine feminists -- have been marginalized and censored. Those who run our countries do not want even the specter of a different way of thinking revealed; it does not serve their purposes.

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