The only ammo in failed comedian Aiden Comerford’s unrelenting war on women is a screenshot of a tweet by a young lesbian defending her boundaries from entitled, autogynephilic men. He brings it up again and again, as if were the Pentagon papers, and no doubt her angry wording continues to allow him to sleep at night after he tormented her in her final years on this planet (she died at 36). While it’s fine for black people to object when their reality is being appropriated, women defending their boundaries in the same way must be subjected to Aiden’s malevolent cruelty.
And it’s not as if she got anything wrong. Everyone in this fight knows that fetishists have long been glomming on to trans rights. We see it again and again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Men like Aiden and Rory O’Neill and David Paisley are like poker players who continue to bluff after the hand was flipped. It’s embarrassing.
Anyway, here are some more lesbian resistance fighters.
Linda Bellos, more polite than Mags but just as powerful.
Kate and Bev from the LGB Alliance.
Detransitioner GNC Centric with the astonishing story of her time in Morgan Page’s ‘trans support group’.
Stormé DeLarverie, a lesbian who, like Magdalen, bravely stood up against heterosexual oppression (and Julia Diana Robertson, author of this piece)
Julie Bindel, who has been fighting this insulting homophobic shite for over thirteen years.
Claire Dimyon, who had this extraordinary experience with the NHS.
This is just off the top of my head, but there are many more, and even those who can only boast an anonymous Twitter account will be remembered long after fat, failed comedians have deleted theirs (only a matter of time). I’ll leave you with Saint Magdalen herself. Watching this single video will show you why lesbians are angry, and why so many of us are angry on their behalf.
I miss Magdalen a lot
I am like Claire Dimyon, being a woman of a "particular" age. I have not responded to calls from the NHS for specific screening, appropriate with my age, because I do not want to be examined by a man pretending to be a woman. Niether do I want to raise the question, as Claire did, because I know I won't get an honest answer. To coin a phrase, this is a hill I am prepared to die on, rather than be molested by a perverted man.