We now have literal thought police!

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It really boils my pish that here we are again, same old lies, same old misogyny. They can't even show some originality.

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These are the real nutters, the real threat to women, the real issue with abusive trans ideology because it allows all sorts to use it as a kosh to actually harm women. Police says they “like (his) stuff” is that right? Or is it another lie? Hard to know but I would’ve be surprised. So so sick of this shit.

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Layla needs asylum care. Another ‘care in the community’ failure.

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When I came home to find my ex had smashed a window and was still in my home, waiting for me, I called 999. Gwent Police arrived and politely asked him to leave! Not even a suggestion of arrest! My ex went on to terrorise me for a full 12 months before anything was actually done, even then he only got 6 months and of those he served just 3.

Women have zero faith in the police and with good reason. If they aren't abusing us or murdering us then they are ignoring crimes against us and arresting us instead. The police hate women.

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The Keystone Cops are falling over themselves in the rush to demonstrate their obedience to the Church of Tolerance & Inclusivity. They're doing the bidding of people who claim to be getting assaulted all day long but when they're asked why the assault statistics are non-existent, they say they don't get reported because "the police are transphobic."

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How did they get a warrant to search her home? How did las enforcement establish probable cause for this? For STICKERS? Did they use the razor bullshit to convince a judge? Who convinced them that this danger was at such a level that they had to invade her home?

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Oh FFS! That tears it!

I am never setting foot in the UK. Ever.

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On the one hand this is all farcical, but the reality is just so wearing and punishing for women like Jenni. It peaks more of us but when and where will it end.

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Once, a poster with Fuck on it, wouldn’t have been tolerated by the police …

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Worse than that Graham, am sure the ladies mobility scooter ran out of battery in a dodgy place on the way home from the cells

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The website of this person....(yes, their own website, WHAT a surprise, eh?) https://n3ko.eu/

'Mental health issues', ringing in my ears....

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Looks like the link "A full thread on Layla’s lies, and how they’re often related to stickers, can be found here" has gone and account now suspended of troonpilled

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I hope this person's parents might get to see the photo of their child and go to the police to discuss things. Trouble is, the police are now SO crazy they'd probably arrest the parents for 'transphobia' too.

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This is all going to explode soon....and the public won't be on the side of Transworld, with their insanity and their tyrannical control eating into the lives of so, so many. I fear for the gentle trans people who just want to live their lives quietly, I truly do, because they are the innocents caught up in this vile and putrid war against women. The way the police behave is staggeringly frightening. Have TRAs become police officers? Seems to me they're getting themselves into every major part of society and changing it from the inside, out. Very, very frightening time to be alive and...to be a woman....Girls too, made to suffer at the hands of these vile misogynists, many of whom, in my humble view, have raging mental health issues...and....where once they'd have been in care homes, secure ones, 24/7, now, they're all over society, all over the internet, under the heading of 'care in the community'. Surely we need to bring in Care OF The Community, to protect us from people who are mentally disturbed?

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