For goodness sake, these beautiful young female humans are being abused out of their sex, their right to experience the amazing progression into adult human female status!! Why are these unhinged creatures allowed to rampage unrestricted into these babies lives!!! Waiting for the future to make them criminals is just not acceptable! We must stop this abuse🥺😢😡

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The whole nonsensical ideology is toxic and destroying the lives of young people and destroying all safeguarding for children and women. I cannot thank you enough for somehow managing to stay strong and keep fighting in spite of all it has cost you in your personal and work life.

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The Internet is a spread all phenomena which, as we know in 1978, was absent. I first heard of this death diet then, from a woman whose daughter was on the brink of death.

This sickness still clings on adding to this current dysphoria; doubling up indeed.

I do not understand why the various authorities, such as education, health etc who appear to believe and further conspire in this dangerous farce of ' heads in the sand while the world blows up'. They are cowards who know the truth but act out to retain a pupulist front no matter the cost.

I choose to believe that in the long haul, this gender lie of considerable magnitude will fade. However as said, leaving a trail of ruined and damaged human beings who trusted significant adults to care.

We must keep going.

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There was an article in The Atlantic over 20 years ago, which described how effective this 'semantic contagion' was, even before the advent of social media and smart phones. It's called "A New Way to Be Mad".


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As someone who has been crippled by doctors, I cannot tell you how angry this makes me. I would give just about anything to freely walk again instead of using assistive devices. Anyone who does this to themself is mentally ill and grossly entitled; I would suggest that a few weeks of having to do real work -- in other words, take care of the planet, other humans, other life forms -- would be the best treatment possible.

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E Page is a deeply unwell person but that is where my sympathies end. The promotion of this ideology is damaging young people & Page is actively promoting this harm. Pro Ana sites are shut down but this form of self harm is celebrated & glorified by people like Page, it should be banned.

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You are so right. This is a form of self harm. My autustic daughter loves the umbrella academy which E page stars in and likes all ger posts on Instagram sadly. My daughter also thinks shes a boy cos thats what shes been told in school by friends and online. This ideology is ruining lives.

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Whether she has mental health problems (seems obvious but guess I can't presume) or just a face like a fucking miserable slapped arse I don't know, but I can't forgive her irresponsible peddling of trans lies to vulnerable young girls who will regret mutilating their bodies and throwing away their fertility, or her casual tossing aside of natal girls and women and their rights and safety. I'm also sick of her posting pics of her double mastectomy (the best money can buy and still looks odd) and fake abs when we've all seen the botched reality for most of these girls left with no nipples and ragged, angry scars. She's selling a lie inside and out.

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She needs to be put to work, REAL work, instead of causing endless harm.

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This kind of mass hysteria involving body dysmorphia is explained away by the influence of social media but if it was really a “thing” then we would have evidence of over the last half century in a reduced form. I can count on one hand the number of female to male transvestites or such that I have met and who mostly just got on with life. In school I had lots of very athletic and a few butch friends who also did their thing but no one wanted to be or attempted to be an actual boy. So something more sinister and more underhand is going on here. A need to invade the head space of women as well as coveting their bodies. A need to convince them to erase the essence of what female is so anything can be called a woman.

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I agree - it can't be a coincidence that these girls are being groomed by (some) older TIMs (per detransitioner experiences online/in texts) into removing their breasts, sexual and reproductive organs, ability to breastfeed and have children... If you both envy and hate women, what better way to achieve your aims than to physically mutilate and eradicate them.

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This gender ideology is being indoctrinated into schools. Seems like there isnt a safe place for girls to talk about their changing bodies and how it affects their moods and how they feel about themselves. Also doctors have been totally captured too. Miriam Cates MP has spoken up about schools in parliament again recently its on YouTube.

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I have shared this on Facebook. Let’s see if there are repercussions.

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I've been sharing all Graham's comments on Facebook since Gender Critical Coming Out Day and also posting my own stuff daily. Before that I was posting Mr Menno You Tube posts. I live in Edinburgh not far from Meadowbank so was able to go in to the new Costa Coffee and photograph the temporary handwritten 'Ladies' signs over gender neutral ones. For anyone who missed this - in the new big Costa Coffee there were 2 toilets with 'men only' signs and 2 toilets with gender neutral signs, ie no toilets with 'women only' signs. After a woman (not me because it had only happened the day before and I hadn't seen it) pointed out the error of their ways I went in to check it out and they had hand written paper 'Ladies' signs over the gender neutral ones. I'll be back on Friday to check what's happening and if the new signs are not there I'll be asking them when they will arrive..

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And I think these actions are very important! Many of us do not have access to a major demonstration -- how I wish I could be in London! -- but we can do our part, however minor, on a nearly daily basis.

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As I’ve often said…a ‘Fad’ .

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But this is one far more harmful than any previous fads. In this instance, it's being made increasingly difficult to openly discuss what is happening to people. The bodies that should be intervening are facilitating and encouraging it. Fiction and lies are presented as literal truths and those challenging this, and the abuses taking place are being silenced or criminalised. A particular vernacular is being imposed and we are being told to forget things we know and embrace fantasy. With the condition that anyone who doesn't could be significantly disadvantaged. Potentially, everyone is implicated in this in multiple ways.

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Absolutely. We need to keep fighting it as hard as we can. Its quite incredible to think that such dire atrocities can happen just as a result of something ‘catching on’. And what’s more, it has the feel of a religious cult. And we have seen how tragically they end. I think the only positive thing about it being a ‘fad’ and apologies ..it’s not a good word for this…but the only positive is the hope that it will pass..eventually. Because to be honest, if I didn’t believe that, I would be so depressed. Some days I feel like I am on the edge of a mental health abyss with all of this. Especially when the medical side of it is to the fore. It is truly heartbreaking.

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I know what you mean, there are some days when I despair and wonder what is preventing everyone from reacting to what's happening with horror and anger. The is a moral universe between transgender adults who feel that they can live more contented and productive lives as the other sex, and minors being prescribed puberty blockers, breast binders and surgical procedures. For those enmeshed in the gender ideology cult, unquestioning compliance isn't that remarkable, but what's preventing others from recognising delusion?

Adele is being described as a terf for saying that she "loves being a woman" following winning an award in the newly gender free Brit awards. She's aware that what it really means is that it's woman free, not men, and I commend her for having the courage to say something. However unfeasible it might be for a woman to need the slightest courage to say that of herself.

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That's so awful that someone would say she's a terf for that. So pathetic.

I love being a woman too and I'm proud of all the women here.

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They will probably hate her for just being a woman and loving being a woman, which they can never be.

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That's the impression I got too

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If a transwoman had won the award and made the same statement he would have been stunning and brave and the applause would have been rapturous.

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I'm not sure I'll ever get over finding out the depths of misogyny that society has. I'm utterly appalled by it.

You know, I had a thought - with all the stories about trans identified males coming out - it won't be long before #notalltranswomen starts. And when it does, boy will people laugh. #notallmen

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It is on twitter and people are laughing!

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I agree and if you have a family member who is captured by the ideology it makes life very hard. Im so angry what society has done to my daughter. Especially the school who are supposed to safeguard her.

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Hold the hope safe and protect that flame. We're all on the edge of that abyss with you. My family are Catholic. I am not trying to offend anyone in saying this but it's a belief system just as powerful as this is. Do not question. God is on their side, say a few Hail Marys and on they go as before. The Genderology Inquisition laying waste to unbelievers and believers alike.

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You are 💯 correct!

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A fad with life changing complications.

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Yes indeed…a very destructive fad indeed.

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It reminds me of how sheep-like we are. If only we could get young people to focus on their own uniqueness and be proud of it instead of always being desperate to either ‘fit in’ or ‘be different’ for the sake of that. If only we could teach them how wonderful they are and how fully loved and cherished without expectations. Loading your children with your expectations is just the most destructive burden on them, but we parents all do it to some extent. I tried hard not to, but caught myself out lots of times. Parenting eh… tough work.

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It is the toughest job in the world, and the only thing perhaps harder is parenting someone else's children. If we could just see children as their unique selves and nurture and cherish those selves, not expecting them to reflect us and our needs, I don't think they would engage in self-harm.

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I wanted to echo my thanks to you guys here as well and all the work you do and have done over a number of years. Thank you

I don't really have a lot of money to contribute. Although I do subscribe here. So 'Penny Rhymes' are what I do.

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I just remembered about the dancing plague of 1518. Started with a woman dancing in the street and other people joined in, mostly young woman and danced for days until they collapsed or were taken away. I think there's been outbreaks from 13th to 17th centuries. I heard that it could effect thousands of people.

It was thought to most likely be a mass psychogenic illness. I wish doctors and government people were a bit more aware of history. Or it was taught better in places like on TV and in schools. I was aware from uni that you could catch a disorder from a person, such as anorexia and other things too. But our history quite clearly shows how suggestible we are. It's so irresponsible to let people broadcast the way they are. They know about suicide risks and why that shouldn't be broadcast but keep going on about it in terms of trans people and also about being trans etc. It shows a spike. It's clearly socially spread. :(

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There should be clear journalistic guidelines and recourse when it comes to trans coverage and spreading misinformation regarding surgery, puberty blockers, suicide risk etc. I used to work in teen magazines a long time ago and there was a sector/age specific publishing code around content, messaging, and how to handle sensitive issues. So for example, if we shared a story about a girl who had anorexia, we would avoid sharing before and after photos, or anything that readers could use as 'tips'. We had to carefully balance reports into teen behaviour and consider whether we were helping to draw awareness to issues or spreading them to girls who weren't aware but might then try them (such as self harm). I'm sure this system wasn't perfect, and magazines didn't always follow the guidance, but at least the intention was there, set guidelines and a governing body parents could complain to. Publishers and editors are not holding their journalists to account. They don't care as long as it fits with the 'woke' narrative. But they are just as culpable as Trans Youtubers and Tik Tokers and are spouting the same lies.

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Exactly, completely agree

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And now Teen Vogue has articles on how to "do anal." Repulsive.

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Urgh! We (back in the day working for teen mags) couldn’t even run a feature on masturbation (which would have been much more healthy and helpful!) I do remember speaking to someone from Brook I think and they were saying how many teen girls were having anal sex to ‘save’ their virginity and I thought it so sad that they felt the need to appease in this way, and also were suffering painful sex with no pleasure. This was in the 2000s.

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As an alternative doctor said, we are the most propagandized people in history. Never before have so many people been plugged into so much crap media where they are brainwashed constantly. As another commenter and I have agreed, it's really good not to expose children to media (she grew up with TV and my family didn't get one until I was 8 or so).

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I meant to say WITHOUT TV!

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Yes and us adults too. I always look around me now on streets or on public transport. It's hard not to stare to see if anyone will look up from their phone. It's an instinctive thing to know tube etiquette in London and when someone is staring at you. It's how we've evolved to live with each other. I'd seen a few with white sticks or other assistance kit or dogs happily negotiating their way around. All of us managing conflict and negotiation in spaces.

The other day our underground train was stopping and there were signs flashing and saying all change as the train terminated at the next stop. Slightly inconvenient for me to work out where was accessible for any change in journey, but we'd had plenty of warning from about 4 or 5 stops before and audible and visual warnings. I got off, and was only mildly annoyed as we all know there will be another one along in a minute or two max. It wasn't packed, dry weather, and I was ok. There was a smooth level surface, no need to mind the gap, so no issues at all.

I found a place to wait and joined the rest of us all politely and patiently waiting. Checking screens and also being aware. Then the train didn't move and the doors remained open, so I thought maybe someone was ill. Then the driver was rushing through warning to get off. I watched in astonishment. We are so tech advanced yet that man was forced to walk from one end to the other, and going up to the person - the one person in the end carriage - busily ignoring everyone - staring into their phone with headphones. Hadn't noticed all the rest of us getting off. They sloped off onto the platform, so the driver could get back on, move the train and let the next one in. I felt like cheering.

How selfish are we training everyone to be? I have no idea why they weren't getting off but just one person felt entitled to do that in a capital city of millions. It astonishes me daily that anything works at all.

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What's really sad is to see an older couple out to dinner both staring at their phones. And it's not very nice but hard not to laugh when you hear about someone falling off a cliff while taking a selfie or stepping into a manhole while walking down the street and staring at their phone. I like the comedy routine where the dinner partner has to call up the other diner because it's the only way to reach him or her when they're sitting across the table!

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I completely agree, I don't think it's healthy. You know those big tech people in California don't let their kids use social media

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My ballet class had to learn the Tarantella as a kid. Turns out my mum had to too at a similar age and taught me about weird tales and dancing plagues (I'd probably not been practising or fully immersing myself so it could have been a lot worse was the idea). Then the red shoes. In any emergency as an adult I always consider breaking out into dance might be a suitable stress response ;-)

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I just watched it on YouTube, it's really good. It looks like a lot of fun. That's a good way to handle stress, dancing's better than the others - fight, flight, freeze or fandango? :)

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I LOVED TARANTELLA! Thank you for this nostalgia trip into my ballet past :)

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Here's what our (UK) National Broadcaster, dear old 'Auntie' Beeb credulously wrote about Page:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56952345 "If you're not gonna allow trans kids to play sports, children will die," Page said. "And it really is that simple."

and:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57239448. Elliot Page has won praise for posing bare-chested for the first time since coming out as trans in December.

An Instagram post shared by the actor showed him smiling while posing in a pool in swimming shorts alongside the words #transjoy and #transisbeautiful.

Page, 34, previously described his top surgery - where breast tissue is removed - as "life-saving".

From around 2014 onwards, with the CBBC documentary, I Am Leo, aimed at Primary aged children, and from then multiple dramas, online content and teaching resources the BBC has 'sold' transgenderism and social physical transition directly to children and teens. They make me sick.

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*social AND physical transition

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If the BBC reported on Karen Carpenter: "Singer Karen Carpenter wins praise for showing off her flat stomach, razor-sharp cheekbones and calloused finger"

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Feb 9, 2022
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Girls indulged in fetishistic eating behaviors because media told them endlessly that they should be thin, thin, thin. I had a camp counselor who didn't eat anything during the day then ate candy all night, and all of us girls were aware of her behavior and thought it weird. But then we weren't old enough to think that males were everything -- far more interested in horses -- and we needed to destroy ourselves in order to be attractive.

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