What about the bit where adult men can change their gender just by declaring ‘girl mode or boy mode’ whereas children need to have major surgery and lifelong medication.

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Maybe we need a pro-puberty movement to show kids that you cannot be a physically healthy adult without going through the puberty process.

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Absolutely agree!

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Hi, Ursula, replying to you here rather than below because though comment went to my inbox it doesn't show up below. ?? I'm referring to natural desiccated thyroid (yes, from pigs; the closest to human) rather than levothyroxine which is only T4 rather than the full range of thyroid hormones. A doctor got struck off the register in Britain for prescribing NDT, but private practitioners do prescribe it. If you check out Stop the Thyroid Madness she has lots of articles about the suffering caused by T-4 only, though it does work for a small minority of thyroid patients. I also understand that people cannot purchase iodine designed for internal ingestion in the U.K.; they have to order it from the continent. If I had had Lugol's solution when I was young (and I knew about it, but pharmacists had already become nothing but drug pushers), I think I would have had a very different life. And I wouldn't be online at all, but out gardening, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, working in the woods!

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Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. My son who has Down’s Syndrome has an underactive thyroid and takes levothyroxine. I was aware that there was a natural alternative but have never looked into it closely. Obviously you trust the doctors to prescribe the best medication... I’ll check out that book. Sorry to hear of your own health problems, all the best to you.

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You should have his FREE T3 and FREE T4 tested (the reason I capitalized them is that doctors will order tests that are not called this specifically, and these are the tests that are accurate); this will let you know how much circulating thyroid hormone he has. Doctors here will refuse to order the tests, in which case one has to find another doctor. There are all sorts of things that can happen to someone on T4 only, especially if they are iodine-deficient (in the U.S. Dr Brownstein estimates, after testing thousands of people, that 95% of the population is deficient, which has a lot to do with reproductive system cancers, diabetes, etc; you might check out his videos on youtube), including a buildup of Reverse T3.

Natural desiccated thyroid not only has T3 and T4, but T1, T2, T5 that I know of, and Dr Broda Barnes (an endocrinologist and a PhD) felt that all the thyroid hormones were important. Janie's blog at Stop the Thyroid Madness is excellent, and so is Thyroid Patients UK (if I remember their name correctly).

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This should be part of any reasonably thorough education in biology. And I don't know about you all, but science education in the U.S. is abysmal. And since our English exchange student had to come here to take a physics class in our poor, rural school district, I'm guessing your science education is at least as bad.

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The suicide pact makes me think this is a cult. Although threats of suicide are also a feature of abusive and controlling relationships, which adds another layer to this gaslighting nonsense. But it's also a precursor to Transhumanism. So to me this is a male sexual dominance cult whose leader is Martine Rothsblatt. And its advocates are misogynistic tech boys who now wield so much power in our society, and who spend far too much of their time staring and screens and watching porn.

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Sep 24, 2021
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I wonder if this connection to suicide is them playing a long game. At the moment this has been debunked and doesn’t seem to be true. But think of the future when these transed children realise what has happened to them; the trans lobby can turn round and say ‘see we told you trans people have a high suicide rate’. Sorry, I don’t like to think this way as it’s too awful to contemplate.

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Threatening suicide is abuse. And, yes, children can be abusive. One holiday we hosted a woman in our home (safe house for victims of DV) because she was frightened of her son.

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"We do not know why...." ???

How about: "In an attempt to roll back the gains that women had made over the previous century, men in power, along with their handmaidens, indulged in one of the most daring and damaging backlashes in human history. A backlash that destroyed women's rights in areas where they had begun to break free from male domination and violence , removed sexual safeguarding for children and gained recruits amongst the young by committing many of them to medication and surgery that would impair and in some cases destroy their lives."

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Ah the girl brain and liking pink!

I wonder how many kids in council houses are indulged like precocious boy.

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How did it happen? I'd add the excesses of late capitalism.

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This is so good

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Very powerful!

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Phenomenal. This might help peak many!

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great piece. Thank you.

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"In fact, the scientific method as we understand it was well established during this period, and was regarded as the standard by which medicine should be practiced."

Actually, no. Lynne Farrow (a journalist) in her book The Iodine Crisis came to the conclusion that medicine is a CONSENSUS-based practice -- this after speaking to numerous practitioners -- rather than an EVIDENCE-based practice. So it becomes clear why doctors have signed onto this even if it does not directly benefit them financially. Look into care for hypothyroidism in the U.K.; one has to go private in order to get proper medication.

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Brilliantly written....even more so when the author has a child claiming to be trans, so is in the centre of that Trans Turmoil, that so many parents are now having to endure. It's all so desperately heartbreaking and so wholly wrong, in every way, to have brought this cult to children...and that it's been done by teachers, the very ones who are given the trust to guide their pupils through life, to teach them the importance of Truth, Honesty, Biology, etc...

Now, schools force children to lie, to deny truth, insisting they call their friends by the sex they are not, nor ever will be, dragging everyone into the chaotic mayhem of muddled up minds, which is now tearing apart not only families, but society itself, all around the world.

That parents are choosing to do this to their children, as in the case of those of Jazz Jennings, and so many, many others, whilst seeking adoration for doing so, for themselves, making out they are the heroes for putting their children through such psychological and physical torture tears me apart.

Total dereliction of duty by adults

Also, any cult which seeks to separate children from their parents, to encourage them to keep secrets from their parents, is a cult which is, in my view, run by paedophiles and the mentally deranged.

I pray it won't take 500 years to put this right...and that things such as The Lancet referring to women as 'bodies with vaginas', just the other day, on Twitter, in their once respected medical journey, will start to awaken more and more adults into what is really going on here.

Adults are here to PROTECT The Children, that is our main purpose in life, save for ensuring we leave Mother Earth in a better state for them, always, down the generations. Right now, we have failed miserably in our duty, to a point of disbelief.

Thank you to whomsoever wrote this, for it must have been very hard to do. I sincerely hope their child finds their way back home again, to sanity and safety.

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