I know I say this a lot, but Harry Miller was born for this battle. As was Maya, and Allison, and JKR, and Sall, and Keira, and Marion, Jennifer Swayne, and Christine Ellington, and Kellie J., and Graham, etc.

In the time and tide of events, the right people come along to fight the important battles. We'll be forever grateful to these courageous souls.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

I'm sure they didn't have a clue who he was and they'll all be cringing when they realise. The police are visiting me on entirely unrelated incident in the morning but I hope they like my terfy poster display along my front windows....😂

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Wouldn’t their police computer data system have all his details etc. They feckin’ know who he is alright. Someone is settling scores if you ask me. They are out of control.

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The whole point of his case was they were recording stuff with no crime. Data protection says you can't keep records on people you've no reason to have.

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Officially yes but some police also use personal private What’s App groups etc to gossip or worse - it’s the old canteen culture in some ways transferred onto social media.

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The police have been told in official guidance not to pursue these non-crime incidents. They're actually breaking the law!

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They can arrest each other- that should give them a good clear up rate. I'm sure there are big bosses dreading what will happen to their bonuses if they get judged on actual crime and not made up nonsense from Twitter

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I am glad to report that the posters displayed on my front door have not been ripped off for the last couple of days. I am about to congratulate the Beeb for their reporting of the closure of the Tavistock and interview with Sue Evans. These events make a refreshing change. THANK YOU

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The posters were ripped off again this morning. And I replaced them with new copies. And so it goes on and on and on. I sometimes find them in the bins in the nearby park.

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Either discipline has broken down in the police or a cabal of officers from Sgt rank upwards has decided, for whatever reason, to prioritise harassing gender self-id critical people like Harry, Kellie J, Graham etc. Who knows how many people with no public profile or connection with support groups etc have been picked on out of sight. How are the police spending time on this when everything from rapes to muggings to house burglaries are going unsolved or even not properly investigated? We need journalists to start digging into this scandal.

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Many Journalists are in on it.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

As I like to say these days, we live in the age of the sociopath. Those intent on maintaining a grip on reality must keep fighting back and defying the lunacy activists are trying to impose on everyone. I am not surprised the police are up to their necks in this idiocy, 'to serve and protect our own interests', has always been their maxim.

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The police can't stand that we're winning.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

Harry's 'Critic' piece is brilliantly written - quite the talent! Still, I'm very disappointed to hear that the new Police guidance on non-crime-hate incidents has merely been manipulatively tweaked and not, as recommended and desired, scrapped! This government needs to get hold of the reigns of our public services and start giving orders rather than recommendations when it comes to clear infringement of our basic freedoms, which are fast disappearing under the Tories. Whatever happens following Harry's arrest, the Police Force will have a job mopping up the catering-size portion of egg on their face - and I wish them good luck explaining away their decision to shore-up paedophile sympathizers - especially in the wake of their total failure to protect tens of thousands of female children from rape gangs all over England for two decades and counting. The Police Forces of England, by their own actions and inactions, have been totally discredited and have lost the trust of the millions of women and girls in the UK whom they continue to fail, day after day, month after month, year after year.

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Harry's in a cell? Wtf?

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Gosh ! You would think that the British Police would be hard at work trying to salvage what's left of their tattered reputation in the light of all their recent mistakes and even ,in some cases , actual misconduct ,instead of harassing law abiding citizens for "upsetting " someone , especially when their target was Harry Millar AGAIN !! Didn't they make themselves look foolish enough the first time they did this to him ? He's more than fit for them anyway and we're all on his side Good Luck ,Harry 🙏👍♥️.

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But it's still hurting the wallets of those pushing back as they have to take it to court. That's the worst part of it.

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Yeah ,so true. It's a disgrace.😭

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Guido Fawkes website reporting tonight that Rishi Sunak, commended the closure of the gender transition centre Tavistock Centre and said "I am instinctively cautious about children undertaking life changing treatment. When clinicians are raising concerns and young people are coming forward saying they felt harried into treatment, we must listen."

I don’t live in the UK but if I did I would be lobbying my MP about the activities of the police in harassing the people who fought to expose Tavistock and in the process protecting the filth behind its whole philosophy

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I’ve just read Harry has been released ….. no charge. Well what a surprise.

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Phew, thanks for the update

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So they're blatantly harassing Harry then! They have no basis and should be hauled over the coals.

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It's almost as if these weirdos can't bear for us, on the right side of history, to have a few days to enjoy the sweet smell of sanity returning, for a while! They have to come along and drop their disgusting, foul smelling faeces around us!! I want to see what/how they decided to arrest Harry? Any idea anyone of which police force (yes force) did this? Why don't they give up!! We see you dumpties🤬

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omg NOoooo!!!!

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Excellent article from Harry. No wonder 'they' fear him.

Big question is who exactly are 'They'? Someone within the Police hierarchy or some other 'Body' pulling the strings (and not too clever about it either).

Whatever though, Harry in Humberside and KJ in Wiltshire, it does seems to be a co-ordinated effort.

Is this a last hurrah? Liz Truss is saying the Police should be focusing on crime instead of policing twitter.

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By the way, at first glance, appears to be a brilliant article ‘Why the Tavistock Clinic had to be shut down’ by James Kirkup in the Spectator today online . It’s paywalled but Graham may be able to get access etc. Link here https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-the-tavistock-clinic-had-to-be-shut-down?utm_medium=email&utm_source=CampaignMonitor_Editorial&utm_campaign=BLND%20%2020220728%20%20House%20Ads%20%20IH+CID_93e9831e71fd57c731e545a2efc9d0fb

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Yes, I've just been reading it. Pleasingly, the headline article right now is DH's article on Drag Story Hour, and Kirkup's Tavistock story is no.1 trending on that site.

Shows again what a mind-melt we're in though - me, a lifelong Labour voter and I'm reading The Spectator!

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I steered clear of The Spectator until the past few years - then started reading it. You're right it's a mind-melt as they and The Telegraph have been covering this and formerly lefter leaning or less right leaning outlets just ignore it, twist it, or pump out propaganda. I know the Graun supposedly went for the US market but it and The Independent are more Heil than the Heil.

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The police ought to know better. Can they not see how it rebounds on them? The video that instigated a visit by the police to Posie, if I have correctly identified it, has 8.2k views. The one where she describes her visit from the police has, at the time of writing, 83k views. Far from silencing people, they are providing them with material to talk about. Now more and more people know about the problem of NCHIs.

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There's even a term for this: the Streisand Effect.

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Apologies if I'm saying something that many have said before - since it seems so obvious, but is there MEANT to be a swastika at the centre of that rainbow design?

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Yes, it was created to be read as such. The original trans flag was likely designed for it, knowing what we know about it’s creator

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