
I have rarely seen an ideological nut so pleasingly crushed by sense and reason and logic as I have here with this insanely disingenuous and dangerous drivel from the New Yorker.

The intellectual evisceration of this piece was as satisfying as it was correct.

Thank you.

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Good summary, Arty. It is a disgrace that people are being gaslit like this.

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It *is* an absolute disgrace. The guy is 6ft 4, with massive shoulders and an obviously immensely powerful body. We're all asked to disregard the evidence of our eyes.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

"As Thomas underwent hormone-replacement therapy, and went through something like female puberty, she noticed some of her muscles softening. Fat was redistributed around her body, and she felt herself losing aerobic capacity." Where?? He still looks like a perfectly formed in tact human male = man , in that photo.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

Good piece Arty. Lia Thomas story leaves me speechless - that he had reportedly been in women’s changing rooms left me cold. Gender confusion, if that’s an honest interpretation of what’s happening with him, doesn’t mean us all joining in pretending he’s a woman. How did we get here.

Democracy is fragile in the west. Shocking that so many people give ground to authoritarianism and enthusiastically signal they are on “right side”. Hoping for a win in Maya Forststator tribunal- that will at least get some sense back here in the UK. Hope it will energise others to refuse to play along with this utter nonsense

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Hmm. perhaps they might have asked him how much time he's spent tugging himself stupid watching "sissy" porn?

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

Thanks Arty. The guy is a disgrace and so is every idiot playing along with him

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Just written to the editor, enclosing the link to this blog. Everyone else can do so here too, via the New Yorker's Contact Details: https://www.newyorker.com/about/contact?verso=true

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So here we are: posting links to Fox News because that is the only place where Kellie Jay Keen and other women can be interviewed, stating facts: www.foxnews.com/sports/lia-thomas-protesters-ncaa-women-swimming-victory-atlanta.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

I'm so glad I ditched my NYer subscription (after 20+ years!) in 2020. If I encountered and paid for that drivel, I'd be beyond furious.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

Well done Arty. Unfortunately I had to stop reading it because this whole debate is really starting to mess with my head but I am going to save it for a future date.

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People complaining about Lia’s name not appearing in quotes, it’s my fault not Artys. That is my usual preference, certainly when talking about outright cheats/misogynists like Lia. But the name is unusual enough that I didn’t think anything of it. I certainly would have been all over it had he done what so many of these blokes do and call himself ‘Gwendoline Preciouscakes’ or something

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Thanks Arty -where can one find honest journalists? I'm sure there are some, and some intelligent editors too but this article you've filleted so well for us demonstrates the deep corruption peddled by trans-ideology and how it can overthrow even the mightiest publication.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Arty Morty

Thank you for reading this for me so that I didn't have to. I'm not subscribed but I get regular emails from them. The newsletter this week highlighted this article and my heart sank. Do I read it (as one of their one-off freebies) and feel the gloom descend yet again as I read another article peddling claptrap and deceit from a supposedly reputable news source? Or be surprised, shocked even, that here was an article that also looked at this from the point of view of the women and girls at the sharp end - in this case in the category of women's sports - of the impact of gender ideology? The newsletter headlined the article with 'The Trans Swimmer Who Won Too Much' which, to me, was ambiguous. Your piece, Morty, makes clear that it was claptrap and deceit which holds sway at The New Yorker. Not in a hurry to convert my email subscription to a $ subscription.

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I would like to know if the author of the piece, Louisa Thomas, is even aware of the anonymised audio piece from the mother of one of the swimmers. (Perhaps a more relevant question would be, however, would she even care if she knew about it?) Her testimony included the shocking indifference from the ACLU lawyer and her absolutely chilling statement that they will "never represent cis women against women". Graham, could you post that piece again, as not only is it a rebuttal to the New Yorker article, it gives a first-hand description of the impact that this has on an otherwise silenced group of women and their families.

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Remember when Trump became president...women's rights groups where everywhere on the street demonstrating!

Why are they not doing it for this in your face man on a woman's swim team?

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