Mar 16, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

'No debate' was the approach when the legislation was brought in. And 'no debate' is how they want to continue.

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Mar 16, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

These idiots (or should I say eejits) are really threatened by LGB Alliance, aren't they?

It's because they know that the LGBA shows them up for what they are. Dim witted ideologists.

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At least it shows the LGB Alliance is really having an impact.

On a different note, there was one of the Glinner substack articles that copied a really good meme/quote which had examples of how language is being twisted by trans rights activists. I seem to remember it was linked at the end of the article, and it just gave some examples of the doublespeak going on right now. I think it was in the format “when they say x, they mean y”, or something like that.

I think Graham mentioned it briefly in one of the “The Mess We’re In” videos too. But can I find it anywhere?! If anyone happens to know what I’m talking about or where to find it, please put me out of my misery! Thanks.

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