Yes, it is long past due for that divorce and I really wish people would stop thinking of TQ+ as simply Gay Rights 2.0.

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TQ+ is to a large extent a men's rights movement, in which women - wives, lesbians - are expected to accommodate the desires, fantasies and fetishes of paraphilic males.

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I don't believe it is helping anyone to refer to it as a "men's rights" movement. That description implies men's rights don't matter, or that men in general benefit from this pernicious ideology. There is a very small number of men pushing this for their own self interest. They aren't doing anything to benefit me or my rights, or those of most men. Don't let them off the hook by simply thinking of it as a men's rights movement, as that gives them too much credit. Also, there are a lot of (particularly younger) women benefiting from the self-imposed perpetual victimhood status of being "queer" or "non-binary", let alone those who are fetishising gay men by claiming to be a gay man.

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it may not be a men’s rights movement, but lots of men are quite happy to watch women’s and girl’s rights be diminished regardless of the catalyst. I think thats why a lot of us see it as another string to the misogynist’s bow. Fucking andrew tate in favour of lia thomas comes to mind. What a dick

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Absolutely. Even sadder are the women cheering it along for god knows what reason, eg the Nancy Kelley types and the many HR directors and EDI "professionals", not to mention virtue signalling politicians. We need to call them all out and encourage as many men and women who see reality to speak up for women's rights, gay/lesbian rights, child protection, and free speech on against this ideology. I'm still perplexed by Andrew Tate, but saw an interesting thing about a lack of decent male role models and so teenage boys will pick the worst there is when there's nothing else.

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Thank you for your comment.

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So well-written and a relief to hear the issues so well articulated. THANK YOU! Can this divorce really be sanctioned? How will this happen?

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Yes indeed. I'd also like to see a distinction between transsexual and transgender.

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It seems to be a spectrum for crossdressing, drag, transsexuals and transgenderism with many deviations along the way. Some men who start out as crossdressers get involved in drag "entertainment" and eventually becoming transgenders; for instance guys like Candis Cayne who advised Bruce Jenner on how best to impersonate a woman.

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It’s a long uncomfortable read but worth it

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Transgender impersonations of women go back hundreds of years; at least to the recorded history of Grecian civilizations and probably before. Then, because women were not allowed in many occupations and venues, including acting, their roles were usurped by by men in drag impersonating women. This continued over the centuries in a more specialized subculture of minstral entertainment as "drag shows," no longer as part of the broader spectrum of public entertainment - as women were eventually allowed to play themselves. Gradually, drag minstrels catered to a smaller, more exclusive clientele composed mostly of gay men, while other minstrel shows, like blackface, withered away due to the repugnance of their racism. The corrosive sexism of womanface endured, portraying women as venal, hypersexual, petty, envious, stupid and mercenary, all of which seemed like good entertainment to some. Many transgender men like Nina Arsenault, Andrew Long Chew and other autogynophiles are sexually turned-on by imagining themselves as women desired by men. As a throwback to those ancient Grecia times, the organization established by transgender men in the military armed forces was/is named S.P.A.R.T.A. in honor of the Greek city-state whose raison d'etre was military conquest of surrounding territories and whose women had few rights except to reproduce the next-generation of soldiers to further men's military ambitions. A revealing perspective on trans men's view of women's place in the social hierarchy. Presently, as transgenderism has burgeoned with a vengeance, drag men eventually came to the fore to pave the way for expanding exceptance of transgenderism with a broader public: from public schools, to libraries, to public zoos, to political rallies and parades and many other venues that had never showed any prior interest in drag minstrels. The drag subculture seemed to act as a vanguard to forge an acceptance of transgenderism across a broad segment of society, including school children swept-up in drag men's story hours.

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But I don't think any of those earlier men impersonating woman actually thought of themselves as women, or wanted to actually be women, which is the new aspect of transgenderism. While I agree that drag can be misogynistic, hypersexual, petty, etc, so can many forms of performance. If you think that is all that drag is then you've never seen the reverence a really good Barbra Streisand drag act holds her in, or the audience watching. The TQ+ lobby have used drag queens to justify their ideology, eg retro-transing gay men such as Marsh P Johnson, and mainstream commercialisation of drag, such as RPDR, has jumped on the virtue signalling aspect of portraying "transwomen of colour". But that isn't the source, or purpose, of much of the art-form of drag in a gay club context. Drag story hour is a very recent phenomenon pushed by some very narcissistic, and at the least naive, people.

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There’s a great piece about drag queen story hours

It’s horrendous , I’ll try to post a link

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I'm not gay despite my name. But I often feel how angry the LGB's must be having the TQ+ attached to their name. Anyone with half a brain must be able to see the difference between same sex attracted and this ideology.

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Jun 18Liked by James Roberts

Absolutely spot on article, the two are mutually exclusive as far as I'm concerned and LGB people have been taking over in a very hostile way.

"A controlling narcissistic partner", that is EXACTLY what trans activists are. Forcing themselves onto others where they have no place.

You can see how desperate the TQ lot is as they are hoovering up any group they can get their hands on. Intersex and 2S people have nothing to do with any of it. They're also trying to get "minor attracted people" on the flag. They are so desperate and have totally lost site of reality. I don't even know what rights they are fighting for, other than to be allowed to barge into women's spaces.

Lastly, maybe you can explain why we need Pride MONTH. No other group gets an entire month! It used to be a day, then a week, now a month. Trans males are the most pandered to demographic around so not sure why they need a month to force themselves on us!

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Well written. Linking to Queer is as offensive as Fag. As you say, imagine The N word used with a black organization. Your piece should be on the desk of all HR people worldwide. My experience with trans has generally been one of witnessing homophobia and misogyny and I wish we would have nothing further to do with that.

I wonder how much a full page letter costs in the NYT to launch this.

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Jun 19Liked by James Roberts

James is such a great voice for the LGB community. He has been very busy on Linkedin recently correcting the huge amount of misreporting and misinformation that erases gay men from their own history. Massive respect to him.

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I saw a billboard last week, a heart with just the rainbow stripes. no light pink/light blue stripes.

It said something along the lines of “Equality and Love”.

“Yes, yes, yes” I shouted while I drove past.

And, I wondered what the trans billboard would say? I was in a snarky mood so I thought, perhaps “inequality and hate”?

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It would say 'trans before everything' because they are the most vulnerable, etc. ;)

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Whole heartedly agree with all of this! Thanks for putting it down so succinctly.

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Should have been done long ago, and can't be done too soon.

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I can't wait for the LGB to kick the T and the alphabet soup into touch. Please let it happen soon!

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FYI, I tried sharing this to FB but they removed it!

WtactualF, right?

They've gone nutty over the last 6 weeks or so.


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I've long since left Facebook but I can only imagine how captured they are by all the woke ideologies.

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Facebook won't let me share this article.

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It is being deleted after posting or is it that Facebook has started restricting Substack links at all?

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They said it violated their rules and threatened me with restricting my access

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