Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

230 years ago, during the Spanish Inquisition, sceptics of the church were subject to the edict of faith. Here's the full text


It is incredible how perfectly this historical document is relevant to the trans debate if you simply replace the nouns (Church = Stonewall, Devil = JK Rowling etc)

With apologies for the length of the comment, I tried doing it to the whole thing

The Trans Edict of the Faith (2022)

Through this, by our Apostolic Authority, we order all persons, ecclesiastical, secular and regular; of whatever grade, status, preeminence, order or condition they may be and whether exempt or not; by virtue of gender obedience and under pain of major excommunication, to be incurred ipso facto, absolution of which we reserve to ourselves; that within the period of thirty days which we fix by three twitter suspensions, giving ten days for each admonition, they should come to denounce and declare before us what they know of the cases which are specified hereunder.

If they know or have heard that any Twitter account has said or done anything against Gender Identity, doubted or felt ill of some of its articles and against all that the Stonewall holds, believes and teaches, even though they might know this by natural secret, such as may be outside of Confession.

That any person tweeting denies or mocks with words or actions the true gender identity, or covers their impiety with the name of philosophy, disdaining revelation, and pretending to govern themself solely by the dictates of natural reason, saying or giving to understand that there is nothing more in this life than to be born with a sexed body and denying that another gender identity exists greater than this in which there is paradise for the believer. That they profess or have professed some blasphemy against Stonewall, or again some of its mysteries, or against the purity of Jazz, not believing that she was female, before and after her transition.

That they follow or have followed at any time the accursed sect of Rowling and observed any of the precepts of her essay.

That they follow or have believed in the Law of Matthew Paris, not recognising in Nancy Kelley our Redeemer the true Messiah promised to the patriarchs, prophesied by the prophets, performing the rites and ceremonies, abstaining from the things forbidden in the Old Law, solemnizing at trans remembrance, or doing any other act that is known to be observance of the said Law of Matthew Paris.

Holds or has held as good the sects of Stock or Joyce or any other heresiarch whether old or modern which are condemned by Stonewall.

Saying and affirming that wearing trousers without removing your breasts is sufficient to align sex and gender; or that some of those that Stonewall declares to be so are not mortal sins, like same sex attraction and simple homosexuality.

Thinking ill of some of the sacraments of Stonewall, like to have denied or doubted that gender identity is really and truly present in the body of a 2 year old and should be venerated with the same adoration as is due to Nancy Kelley.

Has denied or doubted that persons are obliged by divine command to confess their sins to trans allies and affirms that it is sufficient to confess them to Twitter admin alone.

Has denied or doubted that there should be cancellation in which the livelihoods of persons who transgress without having fully expiated their faults are purged.

Denying to Stonewall the primacy over the LGB Alliance, and to Stonewall the power of granting indulgences, and to these their efficacy of aiding gender identities.

Has denied that the trans should be venerated and considered as our intercessors, or refusing to venerate their relics and images.

Has denied the duty of remembrance at the times ordered by Stonewall, or thinking ill of the vows, religion and ceremonies approved by that same Church.

If they know or have heard of any person who shows by acts that they think badly or mock the genderbread person, and also the Barbie/GI Joe Gender Spectrum by celebrating Sex non-conformity or being butch lesbian.

If they know or any person or persons who have committed the nefarious and abominable sin of misgendering.

If they know or have heard of any person who practices wizadry or witchcraft, or any other superstitions, pretending to have a tacit or explicit pact with JK Rowling, invoking her and venerating her.

If they know or have heard that some people gather, or in any way assist so that meetings or gatherings or conventicles take place entitled women’s rights, or exclusively for lesbians.

If they know or have heard that somebody may buy or sell, own or read books that clearly contain any of the aforesaid errors, or that are prohibited by Waterstones.

If they know or have heard that any person punished by Twitter for offences which the person confessed before it says subsequently that they confessed falsely of what they had not committed, or discloses the secret of what transpired at the Inquisition; or slanders or gives a false idea of the procedures and lawful ministry of Twitter.

All and every one of which things of which anybody have knowledge by any means of having been committed or from the present time forward shall be committed, one must come and denounce to Twitter, by oneself or through an intermediary; and in those places where there may be a comissário of Twitter denunciation should be made before him; and where there are none, everybody to their confessor who within the same period of time shall be obliged to make it known to Twitter; and once that period of time of thirty days has passed, and not having come to denounce that of which they know by these presents we place on the persons of those whose names and surnames we have here stated and declared major excommunication and we shall apply for further proceedings to be taken against them in conformity with the Bull of Inquisition, and such persons will in addition incur the malediction of Stonewall and the blessed Owen Jones and David Paisley, the chief apostles. And under the same pain we order that no person should be so bold as to impede denunciations or to advise others not to denounce by threatening, suborning or doing some harm to those who wish to denounce or are known to have denounced.

With the same apostolic authority we order on pain of major excommunication all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and other persons (Q+) or allies, to whom this our Edict may be presented that on the day and at the hour which may be fixed they should read it or have it read in their social networks, in a loud and intelligible voice, so that it should come to the notice of all and there should be not one who could allege ignorance thereof.

And this same letter they are ordered to put up as a pinned tweet, where it shall be always kept, and in following years they shall read and publish it on each first day of Trans Remembrance.

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This is great. Well done you!

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Cheers. A professional like Glinner could do a better job than me at picking witty replacements I'm sure 👍

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I remember watching a video where it was reported that trans activists have decided to avoid the sports issue, as its too difficult an argument to win (I paraphrase) - but to concentrate on likening the trans 'struggle' to the fight for racial equality as it will resonate more with people...

They follow their play book down to a T..

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Aaron refused to discuss women's sports; doesn't that tell us that that is the thing we need to insist on discussing!

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Some terrific comments, particularly on the negativity of this truly nasty movement.

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Fascinating discussion today. Loved it. Thank you all 4 for taking the time to put forward your arguments with clarity & humour. Bulverism fallacy.

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In that exchange with Andy. Aaron refused to discuss women's sports, saying that it's a "wedge" issue; doesn't that tell us that that is the thing we need to insist on discussing!

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fallacy of irrelevance, bulversism. Love it.!!

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It’s totalatarism men’s rights activism in drag to break women and children’s boundaries and rights and erase us from all discourse and humanity by rewriting all history, science and reality. On steroids..

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