From the Guardian: Veteran LGBT rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said: "Trans women are different from other women, but being a different kind of woman is perfectly valid and no justification for the denial of their identity.

"If an artist denied Jewish, black or gay people’s identity, most people would say that the Royal Academy would be right to remove their works from the gift shop. "

Ha! But the comparison is false. No-one would bother themselves to do anything so pointless as to deny a black man his identity as a black person. On the other hand if a Sikh claimed Jewish identity, if a white man claimed black identity or a heterosexual claimed gay identity, then perhaps someone might stir themselves to say something to the effect they didn't believe it. And no-one would try to get their work removed from the Royal Academy for saying it. Most of us would simply shrug our shoulders. The whole problem with the trans cult is that we can't just shrug our shoulders and go on our way. We're being spoonfed this shit in carefully measured doses but so intensely, that for a peaceful life we're inclined to resign to it in the falsely cultivated belief that "it's just such a little thing anyway it can't harm anyone to use their pronouns." Only when it's too late do we discover these pronouns were Rohypnol and our right to speak out freely on things we fundamentally disagree with has been drug raped while we were unconscious. Then when we collect our senses and refuse the next dose the howling starts and we are transphobic bigots exposed for the world to see.

It's a cult like any other really, driven by ambitions for wealth and power. It seems now to be showing signs of the self inducted nemesis which is the fate ultimately awaiting all cults. As more and more people cotton on to its hypocrisy any attention it draws to itself will start to cut both ways and finally become so overwhelmingly negative they no longer will seek it.

From being an intended victim Jess emerges as a benefactor of their hideous misogyny and misanthropy.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Yay! The "racist" analogy! I swear they honestly think it's a 'gotcha!' moment. Why else would they use it every. Single. Time.

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And the irony is simply delicious!

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Oops. Beneficiary that should of course read- not benefactor!

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Listening to The Mess today, it’s clear that while we’re making gains, we’re in this for the long haul. For TRAs, this is about the fight itself, so for them the fight can never end. The fight allows them to be activists without actually making any real effort, excuses them from caring about anyone but themselves, gives them a hall pass from challenging any real inequality or oppression in the world. It’s just such a lazy and uninspiring way to live one’s life!

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Very well said, Lizzie, and sadly, I think you're spot on 😡

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As Bon Jovi would say: You live for the fight when that's all you've got 😉

I don't want to get overly political but the same argument is why there'll never be peace in the Middle East; both sides live for the fight. It's their raison d'etre.

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I didn't know Jess de Wahls' clever art. I'm grateful to the RA for raising her profile (have they learnt nothing from The Passion of St Tibulus?)

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😂🤣😂🤣😂 Well, the RA's character assassination of Jess was a tad worse than "Down with this sort of thing" but the Streisand Effect is a glorious own goal 🤣⚽

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I finally got around to watching 'The Mess with Jess'.

May I say, what a fabulous woman she is! Other than her obvious artistic talents, she came across as smart and funny, as well as very strong and firm.

A very impressive person indeed. She deserves all the success that the TRAs have inadvertently pushed her way. And this is one in the eye for the RA too. They seem to be quickly losing members from what I read...

And they can keep their heads buried ostrich-like in the sand for ever. That won't make this go away.

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One of the things that keeps me soldiering through this-- and genuinely laughing until I wheeze --is their total inability to understand the universality and timelessness of the Streisand Effect. It's one of the most blatant signifiers that I'm dealing with the youth and the unhinged.

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get your 'heretic' patches from jess's website!

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It’s on order! She’s going to sell thousands. 🤞🏻

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Maajid Nawaz phone-in on LBC on Laurel Hubbard.Monday 21st after 11pm. Not what I was expecting. 3 older trans gender women not agreeing with Laurel's inclusion and one disagreeing with self-id! Have a listen on catch up - quite cheered me up! Yet to hear a caller support it! Oh.. Just the last caller who tried to pull the gender forget sex card. Maajid sorted him out fine.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Surely it's a heresy to talk of the 'gender binary' when we all know there are over 100 genders. I think zie/fae/blah mean sex binary.

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112 to be exact and I know this because I read it on a T-shirt that comes in two styles: male and female.

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It's tempting to dismiss the whole colonialism bollocks and move on but I reckon there's something more sinister at play; there's a method behind the madness.

I've learnt since my abrupt introduction to women's rights that the large majority of feminists are politically Left leaning. I've also learnt that Britain's colonialist, imperialist past is frowned upon by many on the Left. Why? I have no idea but I digress 😜

I think by conflating the "evil" of colonialism with biological sex, it's an attempt to get (left-wing) feminists to disavow their worldview and recant.


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It's an attempt to conflate recognition of biological reality with racism. I can't take any argument seriously from a group of people who use words that mean whatever they want them to mean. It's like a trip to the Argument Clinic.

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British colonialism did not introduce any binary or whatever crap trans are on about to the nations it invaded, on the other hand, it did impose laws against homosexual acts. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/09/11/asia/british-empire-lgbt-rights-section-377-intl/index.html so it's another example of trans-activists hijacking a historical narrative and twisting it to suit themselves.

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They appropriate every fucking thing they touch, no shame whatsoever.

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The articles only mentions "Hajira being "declared" "unnatural" but not criminalised. If they were criminalised, it would've been for being homosexual, not crossdressing. And, in any case, aren't Hajira just openly gay, out, effeminate, camp men - excluded from manhood and othered by their own? 🤔

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Just like so many men who jump on the TWAW bandwagon. It's not so much 'you are a woman who I would consider in my dating pool as a hetero male' but more 'eww, you're not a man like me, therefore you must have more in common with those pesky women, go be with them.'

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I love her. I went on her website to buy something but everything's sold out!

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Gender boy, I found out makes and sells ‘felted packers for kids’ there’s a pic of him holding one in the comments.

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Honestly mind-boggling how everyone doesn't see this as grooming and creepy AF.

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I know that some people get sex addiction, for example Michael Douglas was in the headlines over this or was he just philandering? I am not sure what level of enthusiasm for sex you have to break through to be called an addict. When I listened to the interview with the transwidow that Graham reposted a couple of days ago it seemed that her husband who was AGP was addicted to sex and porn. I presume more people must be addicted to porn than ever before, so more sex addiction? Does that mean more AGP? Or there are no more AGP than ever before, they have just come out from under the rock. If we cannot discuss this openly without being called transphobes, then we cannot save women and girls from abuse and rape.

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It's so insulting to claim that before white people came along nobody cared about the difference between men and women, everyone was floating in some kind of bodily limbo.

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Brillaint episode... well worth listening too

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Sexism sexism which is pretty much universal.

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Dis you see Stewart Lee's piece in yesterday's Observer?

"Once, the Ukips looked like a joke party, with cranky candidates who talked about Bongo Bongo Land, lost imaginary friends at Hillsborough, ostentatiously declined to rape Jess Phillips and taught dogs to Sieg Heil at the command “Gas the Jews!”

(source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/20/is-gb-news-a-threat-to-democracy-thats-the-million-dollar-oesion)

I recall SL defending Count Dipshit at time of the trial, & SL confirms this in his book March of the Lemmings: Brexit in Print and Performance 2016–2019.

We all remember who spotted Count Dipshit a Mile off, don't we?!

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