I believe you are right, Graham, that a vast amount of sadism pervades the 'trans' movement. I also believe that this stuff is being pushed at the very top. Ed Davey's recent statement yet again that some women have penises can be put down squarely to the financial backing the Lib Dems get from a pharmaceutical company that makes puberty blockers. He should be dealt that ball to see how he manages it. Jennifer Bilek has done great work in tracking down the sources of the 'trans' movement's financial backing, and it includes governmental money as well as vast quantities of private wealth bing poured into it. These global corporatists are not doing this for nothing: they expect to recoup trillions from the erasure of females and gays and the mutilation of children. The politicians are complicit. Everyone and his dog knew until yesterday that cross-dressing heterosexual men were motivated by sexual fetish. Now, if you are not 'trans', you are an anomaly according to this insane horse manure. I hate to disagree, but there is no compromise with these people. None. You can't compromise with a psychopath. This movement is inhabited by sexual-sadistic psychopaths. Compromise, and women will lose everything.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

It is infinitely sad that J K Rowling should have made such a modest proposal about “ a few small places” reserved for women (as in actual women – and the fact that I even have to put that in is also infinitely sad). Is this what the woman’s liberation movement has come to? In an age where, for decades, it was happily the case that women had won so many rights and where the rights have – quite rightly – been taken for granted, nevertheless we now have someone speaking – almost apologetically! – for just have a FEW spaces for women?

What is the grip that this trans movement has? As Graham pointed out, it is relentless because it is everywhere and has seemingly limitless funds poured in. And look at the success it has attained in effectively undoing everything the womens’ rights movements achieved.

The very language we use has been tainted and turned against us. “Gender critical” APPEARS to suggest something radical and “weird”. But it actually means the opposite. It means the questioning of the new trans ideology. “Cis-women” again suggests something radical and “weird”. But it refers simply to actual WOMEN.

The odd and indeed the oxymoronic is now presented as “the default”, as normality, as the natural. Meanwhile the true default, normality, the natural is pathologized.

Cf. This from “our dependable dispenser of knowledge” – Wikipedia:

“An ideology variously known as gender-critical feminism, or trans-exclusionary radical feminism (TERF), asserts that trans women are not women, that trans men are not men, and opposes transgender rights. These views have been described as transphobic by many other feminists.”

What this ought to say is:

“Simple rational thought which was automatically assumed for untold thousands of years asserts that men are not women, and women are not men, and opposes the assault by psychopathic men on women. These views have been claimed to infringe on the rights of the psychopathic men to assault women. And the only feminists who agree with this claim are as disturbed as the male psychopaths.”

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We need to take this fight to the very top, to governments and corporations. This is where the indoctrination has begun. It has infected all agencies, companies and organisations.

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I recently changed browser but when trying to send things like this to Twitter it appears Twitter no longer allows it. The Twitter button does not come up. All I can do is copy headline and post that. Bu

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