Nothing says "woman" like male-pattern baldness!! 🤣 🤣

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As a female sufferer of a mild form of male-pattern baldness, I'm going to add, Katherine has a lovely head-tilt though.

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Maybe if you tilt for too long, the hair slides off.

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Oh, no! Sorry - I didn't know that women could get that! Would you like me to delete the post?

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No of course not! You're all good

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Thank you. I've learned something today, and I'll be a bit less crass in future.

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And a male face.

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And a willy

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Jul 5, 2021
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More women suffer from alopecia than you might suspect. And women who subject their hair to straightening, bleaching, permanents, and hair dye, often lose some of their hair. When I used to go to a stylist, she knew immediately that I didn't even use a blow dryer.

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I honestly couldn't vote if the next election was tomorrow. All the left parties have made themselves enemies of women.

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I feel virtually disenfranchised at this point.

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Alba is standing up for women.

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That's what I've been thinking... seriously.... where do we go from here???

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surely this is a legal challenge waiting to happen? he kept banging on about abiding by the EQA but missed it by a mile - also free speech?

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A man, talking about shutting down the voices of women who don’t believe men are women, says that his actions are in line with the Equality Act? This guy is irrevocably stupid.

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I was just coming to say the same. There is nothing about this man's actions which comply with the Equality Act.

Also, "commutation" doesn't mean what he thinks it does...

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And conducive. Never seen anyone end a sentence with conducive.

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With no evidence whatsoever presumably.

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Emma Bateman response on mumsnet:


"Hi ,

I have just seen this thread from Facebook, and thought I would say thanks for the support from commenters.

I am still suspended from the green party, and the complaint against me for asking 'are trans women female?' is yet to be heard, and won't be heard until at least the end of July.

I know some people cannot understand why I, and other women , would stay in the green party and put up with this nonsense, but I am an environmentalist. Climate change is as real as sexual dimorphism, and it needs addressing urgently. There is no other party talking about climate change enough, and I absolutely refuse to let a bunch of arrogant misogynists and women who would sell their grandmothers for a pat on the head from any Tim, Dick or Harry (because they have so little idea of the true value of grandmothers), destroy the party.

The complaint against me was brought by two green party women committee members, who have both done exactly what they said they were going to do, which was to take green party women in a new direction. I might suggest that direction is downhill, but I am sure others would have a different opinion (if there was anywhere left for members to voice that opinion, of course).

I am prevented from using the members space, though it appears now there is little point in using it anyway, as green party women members have been barred from commenting or posting in their own space, but I (and many others) are entirely unsurprised at the recent turn of events.

To launch one young man with a penchant for silencing women into the sacred untouchable caste may be regarded as a misfortune. To do it twice looks like carelessness.

Anyhow, I just thought I would say that much to the disappointment of some , I am still Rowling,Rowling, Rowling (but not rolling over), however, it would be unwise for me to comment further on what is happening to green party women, as no doubt the likes of Dick Filth and his ilk are lurking here ready to report unruly green sisters at the drop of a bonnet.

Emma (still co-chair of green party women despite rumours to the contrary)."

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One of the many reasons I'm so angry is that transpeople making fusses about pronouns is just taking time and resources away from the real problems we're facing, and driving women away from the public sphere where they could really be making a difference to humanity's future.

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ALL men benefit from the ones that push women out of all politics. Keep us quiet. We know too much. Especially as we get older and realise it’s a plot, a plan an agreement not agreed to or consulted upon by us and keeps us where they want to exploit and profit off us. This is what they are raised to expect and enable in each other as a class.

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Brava, Emma.

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Good for you!

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Well, clearly. Women having opinions about being women is fascism.

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I always thought the Green Party was a bit eccentric; a bit odd but essentially harmless.

How times change.

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They expanded from being environmentally-focussed to being generally left, now they're just Tumblr: The Party.

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Yes, one's tempted to say 'let women breathe and go plant a tree instead'

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Typical male behavior--those blasted women won't shut up, so I'll shut them up but good! What does the leadership of the party have to say about this?

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They worship him.

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Yep, shame on the top-drawer for enabling and using another vulnerable Trojan Horse; Aimee Challenor mark2.

I believe that Kathryn is super vulnerable, (my distaste notwithstanding!) and the leaderships of any party should be thoroughly ashamed for their exploitation of like-ilk persons.

Zero empathy, zero care.

Having said that, this person is an adult and has to take responsibility for his own behaviour and actions.

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Wait wait wait, I missed this on first reading, are Kathryn's pronouns fae/fae?! What the hell is that, is that sentences like "Kathryn is on fae's way, fae says to just begin without fae."

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I have always thought that if my work take the plunge and insist on pronouns in my email, I am going with 'fae'. And not explaining it either. I want to see how silly people are prepared to look.

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Fae as in aa come fae Falkirk.(Scotland) or Whaur dae ye come fae? 😁🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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I'm looking forward to the day someone asks me my pronouns. I'm going with "that terf" and "that terf's".

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Reminds me of that talking dolphin from the 1970s. Fa go now!

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Best laugh of the day! "Fah love Pah, ack ack ack ack" (said in best dolphin accent of course)

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That's Faescist to you mate 😉

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As "fae" is a legendary mythological people from "faerie", this pronoun is even more absurd. And as you've shown, it renders any sentence as impossible to decipher.

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Faes and Buns bullshiterrati, yes.

Transhumanism strikes.

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Fae originates from people who think themselves "otherkin", but some people use it anyway.

Faeries - Fae, Faers, Faerself

Bunnies - Bun, Buns, Bunself

Bonk, Bonkers, Bonkself.

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Just so you know, they let Bill Cosby out of prison today meanwhile, on this very day, a woman who killed her pimp is sentenced to a longer prison sentence than Cosby ever got.

To be clear, Cosby isn't factually innocent. He got off on a technicality - he's still a fucking serial rapist.

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And Britney is still a prisoner of her father's.

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Peak Greens. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Let’s hope that *this* at last wakes their party up to the folly they’ve thus far fallen foul.

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I did slightly feel like - look, a really clear choice was presented to members just a couple of months ago. Couldn't have been more clear, really. And they plumped for this. They were warned, and they said 'oh no, that's never going to be how it is, we're all nice people'... like Challenor never existed.

So I tend to think, sod 'em. They got what they wanted.

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The eyes! The eyes! Help!

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I know right!? Be afraid, be very afraid!!

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Unbelievable. Well people will leave in droves. The Green Party is becoming a totalitarian state. Women will just have to circumvent this group and set up their own. The suffragettes would be upset. Can't believe we're losing so much because a few men decide to call themselves women, and it gives a very bad name to those who are genuine trans. Susan Browmiller wrote 'Against Our Will' to show rape was about power not sex. Plus ca change.

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Most GP members have no idea about all of this so no, people won’t leave in droves.

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That's the worst part of it

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I guess it allows them to bleat away on the sidelines with no chance of ever being elected and actually having to deliver.

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Pretty sure that's the idea.

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No discredit to you Graham but can you get this into the mainstream media?

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offered it to a paper but they said it was too 'niche'

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Private Eye would do a great job, at least..

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A political party silencing its own members... they wouldn't even have to cover the trans angle of it if that's the hesitation. What a bunch of cowards.

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which is niche - The Green Party or Gender Ideology?

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not sure!

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Of fucking course it is!

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Niche, as in too risky/mustn't scare the horses? Would love to know which paper if appropriate.

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Can you get it into TheTimes? They published a story about the Libdems 2-3yrs ago about TRAs hounding out women

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It looks like he may have purged some of his more embarrassing tweets as well. The ones about being able to cry since being on hormones making him feel like such a woman 🙄 and worrying about his nails. There was a big Mumsnet thread about that.

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I hope this hits the mainstream press

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