I can't believe how often the comparison to abortion is trotted out. If carried out safely an abortion, while having life altering impact, should not damage or alter the body in any significant or lasting way. And the reason most people would have concerns about a 13 year old having a child is that they possibly won't, by dint of being 13 and all that comes with that, be equipped to care for it. The decision to have an abortion takes the foreseeable future of two lives into account.

To make comparisons to anorexia or bulimia, as often is done by GC folk, is closer in accuracy given the psychological and physiological damage they can have, all in the pursuit of trying to feel happier in oneself.

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This has made me feel really sick. The comparisons made. . . how is self mutilation (or mutilation sanctioned by the very adults who are supposed to protect children) anything like abortion? The throw away language about irreversible damage being done to children's bodies, minds and lives. The stuff of nightmares. And everyday I think about parents who are trying to coax their kids out of their teenage angst and through puberty safely while the insane trans lobby screams TERF and 'child abuse' at them. A true nightmare scenario.

How can anyone thinks this is OK, let alone argue (aggressively and blindly) for it. The skull surgery thing. . . what? I wish these people would all get in the bin.

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Thanks to you and others for all your work on this - it’s so helpful to have the evidence laid out.

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Ah, Juno "I just wanna be f*cked like a woman [orifice irrelevant]"/"gay men are just wannabe women" Dawson; Jane "extreme pornagraphy" Fae, and all the usual gobshite suspects 🤣🙄👿

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Anyone transing children is monstrous.

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i hope someone can show the Judges these posts

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