It seems wrong to "like" that post, there is nothing to like about it. It is a shameful, disgusting state of affairs.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Wershbale

Whatever her past , brave woman for speaking up 👏

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Labour, Lib dems, greens and SNP think that incarcerated women are worth less than convicted rapists. How else can this be interpreted.

Big credit to MSP Russell Findlay for fighting his very best for women and girls and common bloody sense in the recent Scottish self id vote. Labour didn’t even allow a free vote on self id. Shame on them.

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Rebekah was barred from a pub for wearing a T shirt which "upset transgender people". All the shirt said was "Woman - Noun: Adult Human Female". And that apparently was enough to offend that peculiarly vaporous "transgender community". The "logic" behind this damage to such fragile sensibilty is summed up here:


"Okay so… It doesn’t matter if there are or aren’t any trans people in a 10 mile radius of you, let alone in the pub. Your behaviour, beliefs and straight up bull shit don’t get less transphobic because no trans is around to hear it. If we transplant racism here, and you went in wearing a KKK hood — do you think “but there wasn’t even any black people around” would cut it as an excuse? Heck no it wouldn’t."

So apparently Rebekah's T-shirt defining a woman is equivalent to a KKK hood!


"The stance that trans women are men is transphobic."

i.e. to call a person with male genitalia who claims to be a woman, a man is "transphobic".


"If isn’t difficult to include trans women in the definition of female, from a psychological, social, legal and to a large extent biological stand point. Heck, many trans women would already describe ourselves as adult human females - my self included. Even despite knowing that my body objectively started on the male developmental path, and that it’s impossible to wholly switch paths currently."

So - because "many trans women would already describe ourselves as adult human females", that magically effects the transformation?

Still it's at least gratifying to note that this person KNOWS that "her" body "objectively started on the male developmental path" - though it is apparently "currently" impossible to "switch paths"? A sinister piece of insane self-delusion.

But this "Gemma Stone" is a sad example of the defensive infantile aggression that invariably accompanies such logic defying drivel.

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These are guys and should only be in men’s prisons. There is a place for them as VP’s - vulnerable prisoners - where they can serve their sentence in safety away from the general prison population

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Does this all show that men (even those with a paraphilia and those who law break) are treated as more important than women in society and everyone must buy in to this to keep their jobs/careers/ reputations? Well I’m not playing along - this is an example of real evil! Nicola Sturgeon and others play along for power, reputation and money. They have zero honesty and no conscience.

Anyone else seen the “Ricky Gervais SNP awards” video


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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Please sign and share the UKGov petition - ‘Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex’. Google ‘petition 623243’ to find it or look on the Sex Matters website. Please also sign the other one on that site to reveal the GRA.

Here are the links:



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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Wershbale

Thank you for this Rebekah and Glinner - does anyone know whether the Howard League for Penal Reform been sent this testimony? Edit - if not, I'm happy to do it myself.

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I’m going to send that transcript to my labour mp although i think she’s had enough of me now given that i’ll told her that Kier’s stance on self id means i can’t support her.

25 years of supporting labour down the drain.

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This explains the scale of the injustices .. I’d seen it as appalling lack of safeguarding, and traumatising threat.. but your funding points here are so important too. Everyone reading your article will likely have already signed this petition .. just incase though I link it .. we have to strengthen the equality act .. it was always intended to protect women from precisely this kind of misogynistic injustice. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/623243

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Wershbale

Women prisoners tend to have far less programming the men prisoners, because there are vastly fewer of them. For the se reason, they have a tiny fraction of the facilities men have. This means that in large jurisdictions, they may be placed very far away from family and thus are unlikely to receive visits. There are states in the USA with no facilities at all for women who are serving federal sentences. The men get to request to be housed near their families and the BOP takes that into account, but they are really limited.

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we have the same problem here in new zealand prisons. this is a global issue. it's a world war really. a quiet insidious one.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Wershbale

Powerful, Rebekah. Thank you.

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Prison is meant to be the penalty,not the awful nightmare being in one sounds to be.

There are some horrible people who need locking up and will never change but surely the opportunity of prison is to give people a chance to change,to gain an education,self-confidence and a sense of control over their emotions .

A women's prison is not a place to validate men with problems,its a totally rotten idea to divert money to these blokes.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Rebekah Wershbale

Excellent piece, I will be sharing at every opportunity

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Unbelievable. This ought to be raised in parliament that funding for women and babies went to transidentified men

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