We are so used to make threats and violence. What is mind boggling is how captured some women are ( friends of mine) who’s answer to shit like this is: it’s not violence when they defend themselves.

This is what drives me the most mad: that up is down and down is up. There is this meme of TRA being vulnerable and their violence towards TERF (or Karen’s - Imagined to be white bourgeois women - being legit.

My own daughter has bought it. Suck my girl dick made her laugh.

I am so lost

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Only last week after seeing aggressive imagery and words, I thought to myself, at some point these extreme activists will be seen as a terrorist group. Then, only to confirm my intuition, this image pops up on my feed yesterday.

In Ireland in the 70's and 80's men with balaclavas and guns were called terrorists.

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After reading his latest view of women and seeing these pictures, I’m actually beginning to think he’s dangerous.Either way,any woman should get the hell away from him.

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Hard to watch those pictures calmly. I'd be happy to do worse to them, honestly. Bastards

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Men will always find a way to pick on and exploit women and children. Especially women who resist. Damned if you do damned if you don’t. People think it’s an overreaction to say women aren’t considered human but it’s not. It’s like watching a whole majority being systematically and individually dehumanised, brutalised and oppressed with their light being crushed from them. Once you see it you can’t unsee it and the consequences for social cohesion, peace, progress and safety are dire. As history shows. As for being a woman things internally and in terms of our children are tough enough as it is (men have literally no idea) and without being taken for granted, objectified, used and abused. Simply unpaid slaves to be exploited, disciplined and absorb the blame and responsibility men do not want to take on themselves. It’s so tediously obvious. As for children well they’re just easy targets who don’t matter at all to them. To acknowledge women and their children belong together and require and deserve support is just to challenging for these men who are so selfish they see children as threatening them and their access to sex and food. An unfortunate by product of sex which is all women’s fault. They’re so unevolved, irresponsible, unnatural and downright stupid it’s laughable. Here now men will claim to be the primary parent (read Mother)or stay home and send Mother out to work to get money from Government. No one is acknowledging it’s best for babies and children to be with supported Mothers for many years. But that’s what happens in a mans world. The more these guys do this ^ stuff the more obvious it becomes they’re men. Apologies for using the generic term “men” to good men but let’s face it men in power won’t deal with the bad ones will they? Bro’ hood is more important than women or children. Or maybe it’s just cowardice.

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thanks for the warning. its pretty rough stuff. *academics* like lavery seem to be outta control having got their way without much come back from academic authorities. the b-movie trash style posing may be a steal/homage to a john-waltersesque aesthetic but and the big but is its all about hostility and the violent potential of gun-totting (rather than the made up 'literal violence' of 'mis-gendering). these academics are teaching culture from a gendered ideology point of view and are well aware of the power of images on young minds (see cissy porn and lavery). such cinematic narratives provide the excitement of confrontation and horror that may provoke fear/revulsion and arouse desires, by mixing sex and violence against a 'feminine' body and thereby creating a confusion of feelings in those who watch. and bascially 'trained' to perform for the instigator, then asked to act out these 'fantasies'.

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Utterly obnoxious

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I can partially understand why someone might side with the "trans rights are human rights" brigade if they have a close friend or relative who's trans, but I really don't understand not calling out male violence towards women regardless of how those males are dressed or theirs preferred pronouns.

People are too afraid of being called a bigot or terf for daring to speak up against anything trans. Afraid of the truth. Just like the grooming and abuse in Rotherham. But it is NOT bigoted to question male oppression of women.

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As an academic, I have to say this Lavery person is raising red flags for "predatory lecturer" all over the place. What kind of contact does he have with students? Does he meet students in his office without anyone else, behind a closed door? Also, I did a quick google of Berkeley's student societies. Scroll down and weep: for when one "qu**r" society isn't enough....https://cejce.berkeley.edu/geneq/resources/lgbtq-resources/campus-organizations

Utterly fruitloop.

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Jesus, that girls eyes are from the worst nightmares .

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Trans stickers in Oxford - anyone able to take this on? https://twitter.com/stickersftw

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Have a look at the following Twitter account: https://n3ko.eu


N3KOcardiff! for Trans Rights!!

They've currently:

Vandalised a number of bikes in Cardiff with various flags

Graffiti-ed a number of walls with gender theory

Encourage crime: selling stickers with guns saying "shut the fuck up TERF" and Be Gay Do Crimes

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