So stunning. So brave. So utterly contemptuous of women. So narcissistic. So very clearly an Autogynephile. So very obviously A MAN.

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AGP or opportunist. I think opportunist.

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At this point the term trans is utterly meaningless, and in fact it doesn't matter the reason. Every transexual who argued he is a woman laid the path for ANY man to walk down.

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I think you're right, he realised it was initiative that would pay off, and it has.

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Mentally distorted. Same as a anorexic.

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Brass neck was mentioned. But I think he probably has brass b***s too. When are Association's and Councils going to get a grip abd keep men out. Trans people should be campaigning for their own classes in competition. Oh, forgot, if they can't compete against women, they won't get validation and praise, but they might be treated as outcasts!

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I'd love to see female athletes making an organised protest, like Female Athletes Stand For Women- Female swimmers (and runners) attend the events as per normal, and take their positions at the block as if ready to go but when the starter gun fires, resume standing position.

Just stand. Silent. Let the man go off by himself, competing with no one, beating no one.

Treat his presence like a pitch invasion.

Once the disgraceful cheat is out of their way, the all-female race begins, and they proceed as normal. Maybe a sport-focused feminist organisation can organise to have records kept, and awards for achievements.

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I do believe this is what will happen eventually. Women aren't going to put up with this bullshit forever. That will show strength and determination in numbers that the whole world will have to see and take note of.

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Keep thinking of the Myanmar silent strike. All power to them.

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I totally support this and have suggested the same before.

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Me too

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That would be great.👍👍👍👍

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Absolutely. This is the only solution to this nonsense.

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Every race, bout, competition, girls & women all over the world need to stop.

It will only end, when we end it.





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I think the team-mates are having to get up the gumption to protest. Walk off as the race begins. Abandon him to do the medley alone.

I would not have said this a few years ago, and yes it is a risk, but nothing else is working at this point.

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I agree. The dude gets off on beating women, and all his misogynistic pleasre would be lost if he was the only one left in the pool. There's money in women's sport (albeit less than men's) so if all women in all sports walked out in protest, someone might sit up and take notice. Liike you, I can't see what else is left when the sporting authorities are too scared and/or blinkered to call this crap out.

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And get the sponsors and sports kit manufacturers on board. All those involved with supporting girls and women to do sport need to be coordinating to stop this.

This girl can

*but only if she's a boy

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Good thinking.

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Sorry. Have no idea why my comment kept reposting!

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I know. Something weird's happening, coz mine posted twice too!

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*pleasure not pleasre

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Competed in five meets thus far. Peak the world, dude.

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I don’t know how he sleeps at night. This is heartbreaking. I’m not interested in sports but for women who have trained most of their lives to be good at a physical discipline of any sort, who may well be banking on their prowess to achieve a scholarship, to then be blown out of the water completely must be shattering. And injustice is painful. No woman will ever break those records and if this continues I presume these teams will be made up of men identifying as trans.

The encouraging thing is that in the interview with this guy, linked above, almost every comment was critical and the ‘likes’ for each critical comment were often in the hundreds. With a measly one or two dislikes. People are NOT supporting this. It has to end.

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"People are NOT supporting this."

That's true of gender identity ideology as a whole. Most people know it's nonsense but most people are scared to stand up to it (understandably for many, because it has real-world consequences). Until the mainstream media takes journalistic responsibility - or is forced to - it won't change.

For a lot of female athletes their window of opportunity to make it at olympic level is short; they will have trained hard since childhood just to lose out to an incredibly dumb trend that most people believe is nonsense. It's utterly contemptuous.

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I agree.

But I think there is another group who are giving this lip service though who genuinely don’t get it, who are broad minded liberals, as I see myself, but they’re believing the hype. People are busy, they have other pressing problems and they don’t want to take a chance of being on the ‘wrong side’ and hurting vulnerable people. But we have to reach those people too, make it clear that lies are being spread about the innocence of their demands and their vulnerability itself, and finally make all our voices heard to the point that they can’t shut us all down.

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Absolutely - what I mean is that most people who understand it, think it's nonsense, but I believe there's still a substantial number who think it's sort-of an extension of LGB rights and basically a "tolerant and inclusive" movement, which is how it's been marketed. As you say, most people have their own lives to worry about and just want to "do the right thing."

This is where the media (particularly the BBC, the country's most-trusted news source) has failed these people, as the vast majority of them would - if they heard the horror stories documented on this blog - agree that they're very far from "the right thing."

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So many people I love and admire have no idea. There's a problem in Scotland with Snip supporters completely unable to criticise anything that the party gets wrong even as the list grows (and conveniently disappears under the magic carpet). I'm getting tired of people patting themselves on the back for being "progressive". It's myopic. I'm not sure that most even know how to test the values they proclaim to have. The genius of all this is that most people I've talked to all say "It doesn't really effect me" or "I don't have a problem with changing the language I use". All of this seems to boil down to "Who I'd like to be seen as" and "Who I really am". Not the same thing at all.

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Absolutely right. Not only are we in a culture that reflexively condemns people as another Hitler, often for the tiniest misdemeanour (a friend once warned me that I was being racist when I commented - in a conversational context - that most Chinese people have dark hair), but it’s bred an urge in those of us on the tolerant ‘left’ to constantly PROVE that we really aren’t Hitler’s second coming. So yes, I too have seen friends post stuff on FB about how they don’t care what anyone is or what they’ve got in their pants so long as they’re good people. It’s hard to argue with such a bland statement. But the above story isn’t going to be an outlier soon, with a trail of wrecked lives. And enforced and policed language is a sinister issue that will constrain us all. Somewhere in my thoughts a lot of this is tied into the human potential movements starting from the 60s, the idea that each person has their own individual truth. And yet, don’t you dare pick the wrong ‘truth’ or we’ll ruin your life.

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Well, get this. One of the brain-dead my husband worked with on a farm told him that her Colombian boyfriend had curly hair because of his indigenous genes. Well, no, dear, indigenous people have straight hair -- since they're a genetic mix of Asian and Siberian peoples -- but your boyfriend is also European and African which might just explain his curly hair.

I had to tell a commenter on Feminist Current that not everyone from Brazil is a person of color after we were laughing about the obviously well-to-do Brazilian kid who went in the ocean when there were shark warnings posted and got bitten. The commenter claimed we were racists and I asked her if she knew who has ruled Central and South America and made up the elite class. If white Europeans in Central and South America are "people of color," then I guess white Europeans in North America can claim the same and whine about their oppression.

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And now we're back to Magdalen Berns and "Their minds are so open their brains fell out." I have not found liberals to be any more open to reason and logic than conservatives, frankly.

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How does he sleep at night? Sociopathy would be my first guess.

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To be honest, I am slightly shocked at this.

I had expected that they would be throttling back on these transitioned men, and therefore be a bit more circumspect about the cheating.

But here we are! They couldn't have done a worse job for their awful position, short of giving Michael Phelps a pair of comedy boobs.

This needs as much noise as as possible. Hubbard was always a close match (middle aged man verses female lifters in their prime), but hopefully even the wilfully blind and deaf IOC will get the message this time.

All I've seen from the TRAs is "who cares about sports anyway?", which shows that they're rumbled.

Obviously it's shit for the women in the pool with him this time around, but hopefully their sacrifice will not be in vain.

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deletedDec 11, 2021Liked by JL
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The IOC is in hock to its sponsors. Theses sponsors themselves have Corporate diversity and inclusion targets, and they love virtue signalling. These D &I people are the goons for Stonewall et al. Stonewall itself was groomed by cross-dressers back in 2014/15, who needed the credibility that Stonewall brought them. That's why.

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And yes, none of this would fly if they gave a shiny shit about women.

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You're absolutely right.

From what I understand, this was a local/provincial event. The MRAs/TRAs must be hoping this doesn't get further coverage at a (inter)national level, as it's a shit show for them.

On one hand, as a (sub-par) sportsman, it baffles me that fair play isn't fundamental to enjoying sport, and it was the first issue that got my attention in this war.

But on the other, when we look at drugs cheats in sport, it's just a pharmaceutical-free version of cheating.

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My slightly dour serious uncle did a bit of IOC related stuff and used to compete himself when younger. It was funny to watch events on TV with him and he'd explain tactics, timings, training methods and all the behind the scenes wranglings as well as whooping or leaping from his chair. I remember his agitation about the latest of a series of doping scandals in the 90s and he was in a foul mood for days. What he'd dedicated his life to and loved was being trashed by dopers. Cheats. It's just not sporting. I feel the same about this.

Many of those lower, local or children's and youth levels feed up to the elite sports levels so they've been clever testing that ground (oh it's just kids and inclusive what's the harm). It's always been how some won scholarships or saw the world and were able to earn and succeed. Not any more.

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Coach sound like Brian Minty in this BBC news report about a transidentifying man who plays in a women's team:https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/49298550"She folded a girl like a deckchair during a game, which was quite funny, but they're still friends."

Abusive men, here, there and everywhere.

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All sheepish pretence has disappeared.

They are so emboldened they don't have to feign any timidity.

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Cheat, cheat, cheat....oh before I forget......the guy's a cheat!

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Why can't women just be happy for me? Women who got up at 5 a.m. for training every day for years, pushed themselves to achieve the heights of their chosen sport, just to find it was yet another thing that men can claim based on how they feel? What is with those bitches?

Also, this is not me exhibiting male privilege, because I am a woman. Because I say so.

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The 5am starts and having to miss many social events in your teenage years is fun I have to admit :-)

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Obviously. But, hey, if our endevours make some man feel uncomfortable, then hey ho

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The smart voices have been predicting for sometime that sport is where TWAW collides with reality, because the unfairness is so visible. But as obvious as this all seems from Britain, I couldn't predict what America will do, no one wants to listen to pragmatic voices, everything has to be polarised.

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Every time they mention his name they should put in brackets his height and weight alongside the h and w of his nearest team mates.

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No pics of him on the podium with the women who came 2nd and 3rd ,odd that ,its a mystery...

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Sometimes there are apologies after, and medals are given to those who lost out after the cheats are exposed and have their records removed. Who even knows about or remembers that small print correction on page 587? That never makes up for having your rightful victory stolen from you in a magical moment never to be repeated. It often changes the course of your life. He was likely smirking too much to have his picture taken. #NoThankYou

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My thoughts were that a podium pic of a 6' 4" broad shouldered male winner flanked by two women ,may have given the organisers pause for thought .#NoThankYou

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We've had the Paralympics for decades, allowing sportspersons of different abilities to compete fairly and equitably. Why not have the same for trans people? Lia Thomas should be competing along with others with similar histories - this 'pick your opponents' attitude is so ludicrous it defies understanding!

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I'm afraid that's no longer true. I watched a recent documentary about paralympics and disabled sports. The documentary exposed evidence that the coaches and managers are so focused on their team or country getting medals that they deliberately choose athletes with very very minimal disabilities. They gave evidence of someone on the selection committee advising an athlete, with a condition that only displayed itself when he was cold, to have a long cold soak before going before the board so that his condition looked very debilitating. But on the track he was just about able bodied competing against amputees. Sports is corrupt.

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I'm surprised none of this opportunits narcissists have identified as disabled to compete but then I guess you don't have to when you can easily compete in womens sports and "smash" records based on your say so. Identifying as disabled would be harder for the public to stand by while society has a long history of throwing women and their rights under the bus.

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Cos they get off on beating women..

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Because that would demonstrate even more clearly that women competing against men is unfair. You’d have all the transmen coming last even with their elevated T levels, and the Transwomen winning because of being men.

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Lia(r), weel named an a barefaced yin at that. The mair a read the angrier aa got. Noo am jist feckin RAGIN.

And whit are the lassies thinkin about tae actually get intae a swimmin pool wae him. And why is it that they hiv a bloody male coach? And and.....🤬

Aa agree that women faced wae this blatant misogyny need tae withdraw their cooperation.




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Just watched him being interviewed. As someone on TL has pointed out, he can barely conceal his smirk 😡

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