Jan 2, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

And, of course, all these tweets by @OU_Philosophy congratulating others have not been deleted: https://twitter.com/zeno001/status/1345052035209637889

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Learning about intersectionality through the medium of lego - not the regular lego but the baby edition - is truly appropriate. Phipps is Poe.

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Women must all agree to men’s perverse demands and our own erasure and abuse and in silence ... or else. Male pattern violence so what’s new? So ridiculous when we have other priorities and work to do and also typical. Just WAH.They could go buy a new eyeshadow or nail polish to cheer themselves up. I know ... a new pair heels should relieve all the anxiety and misery they project on women (of course... first rule of misogyny always blame (powerless) women).

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Well Graham, it's a good job you didn't get it knighthood isn't it? Can you imagine? Sadly I think I can.

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FFS. 'Lego sculptures to represent intersectionality.' IT'S SO BEYOND PARODY I need a new vocabulary to express it (and also to replace the one that's being taken away). Vic and Bob did this years ago! 'I'm going to be representing time passing over a radiator' indeed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vryyiudXYyg

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Pitying each of the Panderer here. Along with the Phipps woman, poor child of her is learning to be what trans before he / she has even started to understand the sex and how it plays a vital role in living a full healthy hormone and surgery free life. How crazy the parents must really be, to force feed their kids with this gender ideology. I guess Kathleen is another witch on hunt and being burnt , but then JKR, Keira, Graham, Kathleen will go down in history for making sincere efforts to expose the medical scandal of Kid's Castration.

We have made our points , its now upto the society to chose to either pander to the ideology or stand strong against it.

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