Jan 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

👏👏👏 This needs to be published in every newspaper!

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Absolutely. And sent to every politician in the Scottish Government. And Westminster.

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If the police weren't corrupted, should be sent to them too.

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I took a screen shot as I think he will regret saying that.

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Absolutely agree. This whole movement and its consequences are now being exposed so much that the tabloid press can no longer ignore the issue. Some of these stories ( court cases in particular ) are already being reported on so it's time for the media to fully inform the Scottish public about how corrupt our captured Government now is !

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Indeed. I see from from a recent post by Eliza Mondegreen -- worth a follow ... 🙂 -- that Sturgeon has managed to get her head at least part way out of her arse and ensure that male rapists -- who "self-identify" as women -- aren't put into women's prisons:


Link to BBC story therein:


Somewhat "amused" to note that even Peter Tatchell has recognized, in a recent tweet of his, at least that much of the writing on the wall.

Expect that the kerfuffle over those rather egregious placards that Stuart has described helped to "motivate" them ...

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

I hope you're aware that the manifesto of Edinburgh Action for Trans Health includes this gem:

"We demand immediate release & pardon for all trans prisoners."


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Jan 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

"We demand resources for hair removal anywhere on our bodies, and the option of local anesthetic during these procedures.

We demand the revocation of medical licenses from all gender clinic doctors & nurses, past and present."

They are fucking mental.

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Sorry, I don't have time to reach the article just now but are they really demanding that they are treated and operated on by unlicensed/untrained people. How effing crazy would they have to be?

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There's no sense to it. It's a completely mad list of demands that reads like it was written by an group of angry teenagers. Which, of course, is how they start...

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Well that's full of gems. They list things that were and are abuses of other groups and appropriate it all. I haven't more than skimmed but is there anything they're not demanding? I can't help but laugh then realise they have the ear of the First Minister and too many MPs. One florid fantasy after another and anything they can co-opt;'...to virginity tests for South Asian and other Women of Colour in the UK in the 1970s;'. What prat misinformed them that stopped in the 70s? Their Queer Studies Profs? Or maybe the Head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. It's still happening now. As is sex selective female abortion. They really cannot get anything right ever. Or are they just Googling and think that's 'research'.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

I think they forgot to ask for an endless supply of ice cream and jelly, but apart from that...

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They have a strange way of enacting ‘be kind’!

A bunch of losers who couldn’t hack it as men and now pretend to be women. The other ones not hacking it as men are Harvie, Greer, Cole-Hamilton and McDonald. As for Stewart, Thewliss, Oswald, Chapman and other facilitating women, they’re even worse, led of course by Sturgeon who dismisses women’s concerns as “not valid” while claiming to be a “real feminist”. Feminist my arse.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

Not hacking it as men? Precisely.

Check this out: https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/23267374.monmouthshire-lgbtq-champion-cllr-ian-chandler-gender-identity/

Cllr Chandler told colleagues: “I agonised for many years about how public to be about being non-binary, about my ‘failure’ as it felt in society’s terms to live up to what it meant to be, a man. Not adopting those attitudes, and those behaviours, and those expressions that I felt were wanted of me and expected of me.

Society's terms? NO. Please don't blame society for your hangups and dare I say it, your bigotry towards manhood. We're the ones telling you you ARE a man! We accept you. You don't accept yourself...

Who is the one judging? Oh wait, that would be the open-minded, transgressive "liberals".

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How does such a long article say nothing at such length? So he doesn't like gender stereotypes? Really? No shit Sherlock. He's really meandering about unable to explain this. Emancipation and the need for it really passed him by. The comments are hilarious! Starts off with a load of deleted ones, then scrolling down eventually a few sane ones.

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I noticed that Douglas had testicular cancer and has a low sperm count. Is the key to his hatred of women somehow bound up in that? Was he rejected by women?

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The cancer might have been caused by the hormones, Marion? Or, if not, it would not have helped. But, hey, it's all women's fault. Everything appears to be our fault for not debasing ourselves before the gods.

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Once he found out he didn’t have many of the wee fellas he couldn’t decide between being a ‘trans woman’ or an incel! After all they both hate women, the first because they’ll never be one and the second because one won’t sleep with him.

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deletedJan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023
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Cole Hamilton always looks like he is speaking with venom any time, he has a permanent sneer and is one of those people you would instantly be guarded when around him

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

Every day I think this can’t get any worse, then it does. For the first time in my life I feel genuinely afraid, just for being a woman and supporting those leading the pushback against the erosion of women’s rights. We live in increasingly dark times.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

We really do live in dark times, but a darkness that shines light directly onto the hatred and contempt so many men have for women. Trans rights activists who are trans women have so much 'cis' male support, primarily because the latter doesn't see them as women, they see them as men who are ridiculing and objectifying women with the desire for women to no longer exist other than on their terms. Essentially, both share the same aims.

How dare these repulsive men talk in terms of 'real women' as a concept that has only the meaning 'they' give to it? How dare they talk about their 'womanhood'? But dare they do, and it's not much of a dare anymore, because they have so much political, media and frightened celebrity support, and so little effective political, media and non compliant celebrity opposition.

We've got a Labour Party leader who can't even fucking bring himself to say that only women have cervixes. He knows only women have cervixes, and he knows how many women there are in the UK, and roughly how many are part of the electorate. Yet he expects women to vote for him, it doesn't really matter what they are, or who gets to call themself one.

Which draws attention to the ludicrous idea that male privilege ends when these men claim to have become women. What a fucking joke, that's when their male privilege goes through the fucking roof! They can be in women's spaces as their immediate right, and they can make rules for women, that any men who dislike women but like being able to have sex with them and behave abusively towards them would approve and make themselves if given the opportunity. Misogynistic men are allowing misogynistic men who say they are women to bully, oppress, threaten and potentially do far more harm to women.

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That's a very good point, and one I hadn't considered. Women get no vocal support from most men because they are women. TIMs get a lot of vocal support from many men because they're men!

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Completely agree.

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Yes I know how that feels. I have had numerous death threars from male abusers of women ( almost using exactly the same words as eachbitger wanting me to die horribly and alone and to be there to gloat...yet police have done notging. One lives right next door and last night diused me in water full bkast from his hose after I called oit to stoo him abusing his chikdren. Police on phone assured me would act. Male officer who turned up on my doorstep would not...it's a 'he said she said' he said. A doctor friend (retired) was with me as a witness. He had come over to support me. Another male neighbour came and set up cctv and another said as he can see my place and the abuser's clearly and often works from home will keep an eye out. But.

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And here you reinforce my point. No one should have to tolerate violence in any form, including threats.

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Agreed. We stand together though TBT.

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I don't feel afraid, but I would feel afraid if I lived somewhere that women have absolutely no right to defend themselves. This is an important right that women must reclaim: We do not have to accept violence, including threats, aimed at us.

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It breaks my heart that the uk has gone backwards on women’s rights. Not just the Uk

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But…but…they haven’t got eyes in the back of their heads.

To put it another way, the refusal to see or hear evil, enables evil to flourish.

Sadly I’m not really shocked to read this but huge admiration and thanks to all involved in this incredible report. Will it change things…. in the past I’d have said yes, now I’m in despair at it all.

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I can sympathize. Though something of a major sea change for a couple of SNP MPs -- if I'm not mistaken -- to explicitly repudiate and condemn those placards and those behind them.

Maybe that will help Sturgeon get her head out of her arse and reconsider if not withdraw that GRRB. The OP by Stuart -- with a "u" ... 😉🙂 -- may also have some positive effects on that score 🙂

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That was some sickening read, Graham/Stuart. I think you have it right about the psychopathy. This is exactly how it works, and we saw how this worked with the banks, with the 2008 crash. Now, we have a mixture of psychopathy and porn-addled sexual perversion. What could possibly go wrong? Even if Kirsten Oswald and all the others did not advocate violence themselves, they were willing to stand beside those who do. They should step down. Resign. What is wrong with those people, with Harvie, Cole-Hamilton, their personal handmaidens, et al? They have to go at the next available opportunity. Please, women of Scotland, use your votes wisely and get these disturbed people out of our parliament. Whether you are nationalist or unionist, the threat to us transcends political differences. It would take just a change in political temperature and these people would kill us just for being female and for saying no to them. That Lloyd somebody with all the names like a Roman senator, abusing the female MPs in Westminster, was sweating pure misogyny. How dare a woman stand up and speak against the "most vulnerable and marginalised group in society"'s blatant abuse of female rights and spaces. Pure, unadulterated misogyny and extremely dangerous.

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I’m interested in how politicians and public figures of all shades spout the “most marginalised, vulnerable” nonsense. Is it a handed out script from somewhere? Do they get brownie points for remembering to say it? It is so obviously a self inflicted condition and not at all marginalised by anyone except their own behaviour that it makes no sense.

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I think it might be - or they are so indoctrinated into thinking it's 'nice', so they've gone all in. This very strange take is still being pushed on so many platforms. The BBC and Radio 4 managed to skew the news on Russia's latest anti-LGBT law this morning and focus on a drag queen who takes hours to get ready and is moving to France to be safe. Huh? The famous levels of violence against women there and how unsafe gay people are, yet the BBC wants us to go to the barricades for men in drag as the most marginalised. It's the BBC stoking this, it's causing the populism and 'culture wars' they moan about.

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A Canadian I know who has gay Russian friends told me they say they have never been harassed for being openly gay. It is a good idea to take any propaganda coming from our governments with a big dose of CRITICAL THINKING. You know why Hungary has been declared fascist? Because they did not participate in the wars that USUK undertook and they do not want refugees from those wars flooding their conservative Christian country. That is not my definition of fascism.

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Ah well, silly me, someone you know who knows someone says they haven't been harassed so it's all ok. And now you are telling me about Europe again. No need to use CAPITAL LETTERS at me either.

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Yes - 'most marginalised, vulnerable people in the world' is definitely one for the trans bs bingo grid.

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"It would take just a change in political temperature and these people would kill us just for being female and for saying no to them." Very well put. These are the would-be modern witch hunters and inquisitors.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

Lloyd Russell-Moyle is my MP, for Brighton Kemptown. Brighton is a Mecca for gay people, and LRM is gay. I knew he was very pro-LGBTQIA+ and pro-trans (together with at least 20 prominent Labour MPs) which means it's pointless addressing him on this issue. Even so I thought he wasn't so bad, just mistaken, until that hate-filled display of misogyny in the Commons. I won't be voting for him again.

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There is a popularly held misbelief that gay men aren't generally misogynists but I can tell you I have met PLENTY of women-hating gay men over the years. Also any gay man who associates himself with the LGBTQIA+ community is suspect.

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I have, too. But we're not supposed to see it, to point out that misogyny is clearly strong in a LOT of gay men. The Hate That Dare Not Say Its Name?

Not surprising in a way, as the defining quality of non-attraction to anyone of the opposite sex can be as strong as active dislike of that group or worse. But people don't like intolerance originating within a 'protected minority' to be pointed out.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

Unfortunately you are right. I was disabused of the idea at least 25 years ago that gay men as oppressed minority had any sympathies with woman as oppressed majority. But always thought LRM was a reasonable character despite his gay activism which I knew little about. Until that display of misogyny in the Commons.

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Just wish I knew what party to vote for. Feel politically homeless now. I never voted SNP ,Greens or lib dems in my life but now that labour's gone woke and the Tories seem pretty hopeless .😥 Alba's pro independence and I never could abide Salmond !! God help us. We've never been in a worse situation in my lifetime and I'm 76 !!

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Wow, just Wow- How on Gods green earth have these space cadets captured the Government narrative .

The ideology is being forced on the general population, no ifs no buts, certainly no rational or general discussion, Our political class are clearly not representative at the majority of the people they represent.

Openly advocating violence, then sharing platforms with our political class, just shows how out of touch our politicians are.

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With the collusion of the media, Joe. The TV companies, including the BBC, are captures, as are all the press. I think our politicians are more than just out of touch: they are a danger to those they purport to represent.

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Yes. Those of us in Aotearoa who are aware of what Greens and Labour under Ms Ardern have done in erasing women's rights are relieved she is gone but we still have no safe spaces and all government departments preaching the cult letting violent men be in women's prisons, mutilating children, confusing and distressing others, telling midwives to include transwomen, to use birthing parent not mother...it is sickening. Police no longer take threats to kill seriously. Two men one lives next door have made almostcidenticslly worded tgreats to me. Police turn up tell me therecis no evidence it is mycword against tgeurs. Thankfully several male neighbours beloeve me. Onechas setvuo cctv for me another lives oposite and texted when hexsaw poloce car and came over later to offer support. A third cslls by or gets in touchbyo mske thecpoint to these dangerous msles ( that police will do nothing about) that I have support.

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Indeed -- more than a few, including Posie Parker, not unhappy to see Ardern depart; maybe Ardern started to read the writing on the wall ...

But you in particular might have some interest in my essay on the rot in various Statistics departments -- specifically those of New Zealand, Britain, and Canada -- produced by gender/transgender ideology:


Of particular note about NZ's is their definition for "lesbian", and, more generally, a link to Joanna Williams' essay on "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology".

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Wow. Lot of reading which I've only skimmed so far. However, it looks like a damning indictment of much of Sturgeon's government, along with the assorted grifters & charlatans among the transactivists responsible for the GRRB.

But it simply astounds me that "self-identification" should have ever seen the light of day, much less become government policy. Our "politicians" might just as well have decided to pass laws stipulating that children who "self-identify-as-adults" must be allowed to buy booze, cigarettes, and guns.

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I had a long comment written - but instead I will make do with:

Good grief.

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The only thing I've read today that made me smile, thanks. Outa'words.

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Thank you. I am so glad to see you back more in the public sphere. This was such impressive investigation and chilling to see the further detail - all this bunch are on more than one watch list. It's been happening for decades in plain view. Looking at the reactions online many think this is all so fantastical it could only therefore be part of a Westminster/security services plot to discredit the Independence movement and further stymie devolutions across the UK. Many don't like to think just how embedded and how common a deep hatred of women and this psychopathy is. And everywhere in all cultures.

We need UK and wider counter terror and public protective services to publicly admit that resources need to be directed domestically and to these men in every jurisdication. It's money well spent. You've put it all together again for anyone who cares to look. Services admit forms of 'radicalisation' are changing, but I would like to see them and us admit what that means in practice. These are not gay, straight or bi men (or women) that's a distraction and this is just the vehicle they have chosen - their primary motivations are selfish and to get attention and power. That's not a sexuality or identity. It's got far more in common with other mainly men who are high on other supposedly religious and nationalistic indoctrination.

This bunch of violent men and their cheerleader women have been applauded for hiding under every label they can stick on anything - racism, sexism, anti-feminism, anti-fascism, twansphobia. And when eventually caught they slink off and continue pulling strings from behind the scenes. They've infiltrated many of the publicly funded and core redevelopment and economic regeneration work I've been involved with - this endless round of 'policy' and 'infrastructure' funding they get similar types to write. I saw the Bonjour bar and thought of course but not again! This is just one place they meet and radicalise each other and others. Like student unions. All the 'place' strategy and funding has this version of 'inclusivity' deeply embedded now and across governments and sectors - Wadhwa's partner is neck deep in that 'sustainable communities' and 'green' transport shite and I couldn't understand how he'd managed to wheedle his way in to so much work.

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Ooooooh this is good!

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A brilliant report but God, it is so disturbing.

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However you mix and match the facts, there's absolutely no doubt that these people are deeply disturbed, need pyschiatric help (self-funded, obvs) and must be totally rejected by all reasonable people.

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That was some read and explains a lot for me. Kaukub Stewart is one of my MSPs and Patrick Harvie is another so I petitioned Kaukub to speak on behalf of transwidows as I already knew it was totally pointless to contact him. I went to meet Kaukub to explain my position and at one point she said she did not agree with me. I assumed it was over a specific point that I made but now see clearly that she is a trans supporter and has no interest in offering me any support! However, I will be sending another email expressing my dismay and disgust that she was photographed under a sign which implies I ought to be sent to the guillotine. I am so looking forward to KJK coming to Glasgow and am hoping to have the opportunity to speak out. I am by nature and inclination a quiet and private person but feel compelled to make an exception.

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Male pattern violence.

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Thanks for this- great timing, as the press are picking up on the Decapitate Terfs incident.

I’ve been thinking which MSPs to send this to- and very sadly, I think it will only be read by Tories...

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