Damaged and dangerous people being enabled by at best the negligence and at worst the complicity of Reddit.

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Hard to think of what to say to this. The mind boggles. Might need to go have a bath. In disinfectant.

But well done, someone needs to publish this stuff. 😟

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There might actually be an entire book's worth of horror hiding in this mess. Possibly with a big fold-out insert of a crime board to connect all the nefarious characters and fursonas. Sell the book with a My Little Pony keychain for maximum effect.

Seriously though: book.

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Imagine a book of modern horror stories on a par with all the stuff Hammer Horror films used to make. I would definitely like to design the cover. I like the idea of the MLP keychain. Hahahaha, or should I say MMMMWUHAhahahahaha

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Facebook have prevented me from sharing in groups. No notification or explanation. Nearly all the groups I am in are GC feminist groups. I have shared on Twitter and my own FB timeline however.

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Would Private Eye want to see this too? I wonder how Disneyworld Inc is going to filter out its seasonal workers

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I knew a dominatrix and know women in the sex industry. She told me how many men wanted to role play being babies/toddlers in nappies while she performed sex acts on them as 'mummy'. Sex workers know these men for what they are.

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Can we all buy you a Sam Spade fedora and trench coat? Top work there. What utterly disgusting creepy crafty perverts they are.

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it slays me cause this is just ONE prominent person and ONE story. When you think about how many stories like this are behind the pseudo-trans pornsick fetishist influencers this is going to be like watching a series of bombs go off over the next few years.

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Grown narcissistic predatory men, full stop.

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These men should be in prison, only being released into 24/7 secure care afterwards, for life. There are many humans, tragically, who are not safe to be around other humans, for many reasons. Once, we took care of them in appropriate care facilities. Now, they're all out on the streets, amongst us, worse, amongst The Children. I still shudder at the image of the Met Police merrily posing with the kinky, leather-clad 'pups' at PRIDE, those fetishist humans being normalized by The UK Police, who are, of course, now completely submerged in Stonewall's Indoctrination. It is beyond scary, it is evil...and the more those who have every form of kink going, and then some, are allowed to be positions of power, making the rules, removing the safeguarding, under the guise of 'just be kind', 'be your true self', 'be stunning and brave', 'be inclusive', 'love has no age', and Stonewall's Paeod Mantra: acceptance without exception', the deeper into Hedonism-on-Steroids-Hell we all fall into.


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Hey Glinner and sane people here, can you talk about how the hostility to children in some RadFem circles is a big problem? Safeguarding children is at the heart of all of this. While obviously the Ovarit crowd doesn’t affirmatively want children harmed, a disturbingly big constituency are in the “ew, children are gross” camp. While clearly nobody should have children against their will (and it’s a good thing a lot of them don’t have children, IMO) is there not a tension here in not attaching any value to children - even if you don’t HAVE them - and fundamentally opposing the harms of the trans movement to children?

See https://ovarit.com/o/Women/27204/normalizing-women-not-liking-children

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please take some time offline and talk to women face to face about this, 'not wanting children because we know what girls have to live through' (physical/sexualised harassments) is a valid stance'. and talking face to face is important because a lot of communication nuances are lost when we only read words/ texts. you'll find that women/rad fems do share safeguarding concerns that you so rightly head up

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the 'predators' are protected by 'institutions', be they in 'startups' online or in established enterprizes, such as 'churches', or by the distribution channels (internet). because if anyone kicks up a fuss then there is the blacklisting/canceling of the messengers. and in this 'culture war ' the laws of the land are under threat. fair boundaries need to be surported to stop the cultural bullying/exploitations.

we need to turn off the distracting computers in schools, in colleges and at home, and teach children /young adults for safeguardings sake. skills such as how to critically read texts and images. looking. thinking, talking about and understanding/discussing ,(consciousness raising) how images/texts are made, why they are made, what are they trying to communicate, who they are for, how will they be used, who is paying/paid for the cultural 'product', who is being used/abused, because we are all influenced and make 'content/product' and can't control its use once made, and distributed. we all need to be able to question confidently - not be bamboozled/led astray by the cultural gatekeepers/theorists who are out of their depth. (think ill-formed 'queered' theories)

its not just an economics or art history education that's needed. its a safeguarding issue because unclear/confused/ transgressed values/boundaries are harmful to real people. (for the influence of the transgressions of porn writing/images and addictions/acting out tend to lead to a fascination with torture/using people as if they were objects).

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I dont think that little gang is going to be satisfied until they are locked away for a whole life term. They certainly appear to be becoming more and more dangerous by the week. I would be surprised and disappointed if it turns out some branch of law enforcement were not watching their every move, but who knows in these ridiculous days?

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woah if you look at u/fionacats comments on their reddit profile, they recently commented on a post in r/chile, i can’t read it because it’s in spanish, but in the comments someone is asking him why he can’t step down as a moderator from r/lgbt as they have enough moderators and so many people are extremely uncomfortable with his continuing to moderate the community...

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