A nice little tea time boost! thanks JL. I bet the nobhead’s at the BMA are furious that their colleagues have chosen to celebrate Hannah! And great that the greens have been learnt. In your face greens! now renounce this shit and get back to your proper work!

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Sep 17Author

Hear hear!

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I can’t be certain the greens read my message JL. So i’ll write to them later and make sure they get the message- but i’ll leave out the in your face bit incase they are feeling a bit sensitive after being fined so much.

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Sep 17Author

I dunno if they're feeling 'sensitive' but I bet they're feeling very, very skint!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by JL

This is very strange JL, when two authors publish at the same time its a bit like having two channels. Me and Petal are talking nonsense on the other channel and i’m talking to you on this channel. Two channels JL. Two channels.

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Sep 17Author

You are so down with the kids, CB. All over the interwebs like a teenager.

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you know JL, when i was juggling both those channels, two streams of information all at once- for a brief moment, i felt like I was the interface.

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Nonsense , well how very dare you 😂

I was just talking to my dil yesterday about her very new smart tv , I told her her I could remember the excitement about getting a 4th channel , shocked pikachu face 🤣

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Like when my eldest grandsons asked me what my favourite computer game was when I was young and were completely shocked when I told them I didn't have a computer when I was young.

Mind you carving letters into stone was a bit of a pain!


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ha ha Petal! I do dare! i do dare you! su there!

4 channels eh. i miss those days, you could find out there was nothing good on in 30 seconds. Now it takes months!

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Sep 17Liked by JL

90 grand skint and counting , mwahaha

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oh JL, i couldn’t help myself. Usual appalling production values. Hopefully you like my version of jingle bells and the moving monologue though. have a nice weekend JL


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I have been trying to tell people on here, that the Green Party of England and Wales, were taken over by trans activists (like cuckoos in the nest). Many Gender-Critical members have been disciplined and/or expelled: and many others left the party of their own accord. Shahrar Ali has said that he estimates GP must've spent about £200K on their legal fees, plus they now have to pay his costs of £90K- might the party bankrupt itself? There are other court cases pending too. There is now a group called 'Greens In Exile' of ex-members who keep up the struggle against gender zealotry... Adrian Ramsay is the only MP to even pretend to try and deal with GC views- and that looks bogus because he says an overhaul of the internal party disciplinary procedure should be enough. There is no freedom of speech within the party now.

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I’ve just called Graham a star on the other piece but you are one as well. Thanks for all your hard work each week and what a fantastic set of good news stories this week. 👏

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Sep 17Author

Aw TT that's a lovely thing to say and very much appreciated. Thank you so much! 🥰😘 xxx

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😘xx you deserve it as do all our heroes in this fight.

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Sep 17Author

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Thank you, JL, for our weekly good news treat.

Love the videos and the top photo.

So pleased that some venues are now open to Graham, and, of course, delighted for Dr Ali. It had been a long time coming.

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Lovely jubbly, been waiting for my good news all day 😊

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“We are in daily communication with Rape Crisis Scotland, have met their urgent demands . . .”

What a pity they wouldn’t meet the demands of women to have this bloke removed years ago. Brindley next. Bastards.

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Sep 17Liked by JL

As always thank you JL 🌹

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Sep 17Author

Thank you, Petal! 😘 xx

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Sep 17Liked by JL

As always I appreciate all you do. Pleased too with the photos outside the House of Commons one of which includes two of my daughters. Rebellious nature carries down the generations!

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Sep 17Author

Oh wonderful! My very best to you and your daughters x

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Sep 17Liked by JL

Well done to your two girls 😀

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Well done to your daughters. my friend from Derby is in one of the photos as well😄


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Thanks for the cheery news as ever, JL😃

As you say in your separate piece, now that Mr Wadhwa has finally gone there are a few more people involved in rape crisis in Scotland who need looking at!

Michael Biggs did great work looking at that ridiculous census question! I love the fact that 'sexual racist' Nancy Kelley, former CEO of Stonewall celebrated the remarkable number of Muslims in Newham who were transgender🤣 Who wrote the question? Stonewall, of course. It has been pointed out that it also caused problems for gender critical people because , if you said either 'yes' or 'no' you were kind of accepting that there was actually such a thing as 'gender identity'!!

Next time they should have a question about Santa Claus🤣


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"It has been pointed out that it also caused problems for gender critical people because , if you said either 'yes' or 'no' you were kind of accepting that there was actually such a thing as 'gender identity'!!"

Exactly! I just wrote a comment about that here. It is reassuring to know that I am not chasing phantoms in making an issue of this.

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Spot on, Ollie. There was not some separate section where you could say, for example, 'I don't think gender identity exists'.


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...the section that accidentally ended up shoved off their desks in the bin...or was lost or mislaid or we all just dreamt up? No, no, I've got it, they issued it in invisible ink, or it could only be read by a statistician sitting on Mars...

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Thanks ,JL. Congrats to Hannah Barnes for those awards and to Graham for "smashing it" in Dublin. Some great wins this week. Well done to all x

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I wish I had good news to report on the collection of information about people's gender identity in America. I do not.

I recently discovered that two health care organizations with which my doctors are affiliated collect, display and presumably report patients' gender identity. I objected to this in writing to both organizations on the grounds that the information, which is part of my medical record, is incorrect.

Specifically, it would be incorrect to report that I have a male gender identity. That is because I do not have a gender identity. I am a male; I do not "identify" as one. The other option would be to report that I choose not to disclose my gender identity. That is unsatisfactory because to do so would be to concede that I have a gender identity, which I consider a scientifically baseless concept that has no place in medicine. In my case and that of other sex realists the only correct choice is the one the health care organizations deny me, the answer "none."

Both organizations have denied my request for a correction. One of them suggests I opt for "choose not to disclose." That will not do for the reasons given above.

My predicament is reminiscent of a phenomenon Helen Pluckrose described in a recent essay:

"It is [queer Critical Social Justice activists] who insist that we live in a profoundly homophobic and transphobic society and must address this by flying increasingly complicated, garish and ugly flags all over the place, conflating sexuality with gender and gender with sex, ‘educating’ everybody in their own theories, policing language, making people affirm things they don’t believe and trying to shoehorn issues of sexuality and gender into absolutely everything even when it has no relevance at all."


I have not yet given up on correcting my medical records by laundering the genderism out of them. Since both health care organizations use the same patient interface, it undoubtedly affects the accuracy of other sex realists' medical records in the same way. Moreover, the organizations do not provide a definition of "gender identity." As difficult as it may be for activists to believe, most members of the public do not know what gender identity is. I suspect my inquiry is unwelcome because it presents the prospect that patients might someday be able to report they lack a gender identity. That would not do at all because it turns the genderists' narrative on its head.

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Brilliant Ollie; keep at it. If you substitute the word 'soul' for their term 'gender identity' it shows what this is all about. It's a mass grifting nothing nothing burger that we're all forced to eat.

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A quick Google search ( a monster has been unleashed ) and I find no evidence that madhaw has been sacked , merely that he has stepped down as ceo , given he and other deviant perverts have been fully protected and indeed awarded by the Scottish nonce party I wouldn’t be surprised that he has a cushy wee number elsewhere out of the public eye

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Sep 17Author

No, he wasn't sacked, Petal. He resigned. He's been on 'leave' since June and I think, being a total narcissist, he honestly thought he'd be able to stay in post. But that excoriating report made it impossible and I suggest that he may have jumped before he was pushed.

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Sep 17Liked by JL

So he’s gone from ERCC , cheers JL ,you’re much better than Google

Now can you diagnose my skin complaint 😂

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Sep 17Author

Not sure what it is... but I reckon a large glass of wine will cure it! 😉

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Sep 17Liked by JL

I’m on it

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Eh JL , Grahams following me on this stack , does that mean I’m at risk of being booted out ?

All my comments on WOS get booted out and I’m normally nice and polite ……..

I’ll be nice !

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Sep 17Author

Nah I'm sure you're not going to be booted out! We're all in favour of free speech here, Petal.

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Sep 17Liked by JL

It was just a shocker !

Me , being followed by the mighty GL

Smacked my gob was …..

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