Fantastic edition. They inculcated most of our institutions at a social/policy/cultural level and meted out ridicule, ostrcisisation, persecution and draconian punishment upon those who choose to espouse biological fact. Now they have been reminded of the law; full on. It was always going to end here. Courts make decisions which inform society. As these advise policy making the repercussions for ignoring or admonishing those who insist on sex based rights and freedom of thought/speech will find it a costly exercise. Good.

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Chickens coming home to roost? I think so. And Samantha T was worried as being outed as trans amongst co-workers? I suspect that they knew before the court case. 😉

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Oh I'm sure they did! I suspect that (like Dr 'Beth' Upton who labours under the delusion his colleagues and patients have no idea 😏) Sammy boy is about as convincing as a polar bear in sunglasses trying to get into a penguins-only country club.

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When it suits, eh?

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This is what is so endlessly grimly fascinating about these delusional men. 'Notice me! Don't notice me! Notice me! I'm a laydee! Look at me! Don't look at me! Don't ask me! Ask me!'...it's yet another way they attempt to shape our minds, our thoughts, our very reality and world. Coercive control.

And this bizarre confection they stole from the gay rights movement that you can be somehow 'outed' as what you obviously are and always will be, despite so many attempts to cover up, conceal, hide and their endless lying.

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One of the recent ones in the US who goes around to restaurants looking to be ousted reminds me so much of the Little Britain Character who was 'such a lady' down to the penelope curls and dainty frock.

Eff me, gimme a break!

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Being generous - Perhaps Samantha not wanting to be outed was more not wanting a worldwide pile-on?

Great piece JL, lots of wonderful news. It made my heart light.

Very much looking forward to seeing Graham's live on Monday :)

2025 is going to be a great year!

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Travel well Ted. Have you come across John Callow's 2022 book, 'The Last Witches of England'? In it Callow describes John Holt, a judge who played a crucial role in 18th Century England in stopping convictions for witchcraft and the accompanying horrors of that hideous persecution of women. Callow particularly credits John Holt, as I and many others now credit you Ted Linehan, with 'great courage' in pursuing his contempt for the witchcraft cult 'in the face of religious pressure, mob violence, and popular superstitious belief in witchcraft.' Historian Wallace Notestein writes that "the decisions of Powell and Parker, and most of all by those of Sir John Holt, the statute of the first year of James I was practically made obsolete 50 years before its actual repeal in 1736 ... Holt did more than any other man in English history to end the prosecution of witches" To give an example of what Holt and his small band of allies was up against, see how Lancelot Blackburne, Archdeacon of Cornwall, was so disturbed by Holt's actions in a trial, that he wrote to the Bishop of Exeter that the "Lord Chief Justice by his questions and manner of summing up the Evidence seem'd to me to believe nothing of witchery at all". Jonathan Barry, currently Professor of History at the University of Exeter, writes that Holt, along with other sceptics like Francis Hutchinson and Francis North, "clearly regarded the witchcraft statute, and the uses to which it could be put by factious politicians feeding on the passions of the people, as the real danger to the establishment in state and church". You will be no more unremembered than those 'few good men' of older times.

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Fantastic news, thanks JL.

I’m really sorry to hear that the US is getting our wonderful, heroic, brave, funny, morally outstanding, kind, thoughtful, intelligent Glinner but I’m also incredibly happy for him. The very best to you Graham, you deserve every good thing coming your way. And I’m looking forward to the Free Speech Union send off. I’m ready with my online ticket. Thank you Graham.

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As an American, I'm somewhat ashamed to be getting Glinner. He should have been able to swim in his own pond. But times as they are, I'm glad he could come here and keep the light alive. For that I thank him.

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We’re the ones who should be ashamed and we’ve got so much to be ashamed about nowadays. We’re relying on the US to turn the tide.

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What a terrific week, it does now feel like the tide is turning.

As I live in Bulgaria and a bunch of (socialist) clowns have tried to push that trans crap and porn for kids (being healthily pushed back by people by the way), I'm hopeful that this western world obscenity will die down before it infects the old eastern bloc countries.

Love the videos, the first one is how I felt after reading your great post, the second one had me in tears of laughter but also, shout out to the dreadful filming where half the dancers were missing for most of the time.

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Glorious, isn't it?! 😊

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What a great edition this week! Delighted to see an actual girl power children's book, for a change. I hope more writers will (be allowed to) publish sex-affirming books of this type. Terrific at last to see a whole heap of cases going our way. The sleepies are waking up to the dangers - at last.

Good luck in your new country Graham They are lucky to have you, and I look forward to seeing big-budget comic offerings - fresh ideas and all that. Bless you for all you have done.

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There were so many more. I grew up in the free to be you and me 60's and 70's. Girls used to be told that conformance to 'femininity' was totally negotiable. What is going on is like 'WHAAT? This is mad.

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Fabulous joyous tides. Thank you JL. I am so excited about the release of that book that I've ordered a copy despite not having a daughter. Maybe I'll leave it in my local wokal library for all to see. I had started to get worried about all the pro mutilation kids books out there and it never occurred to me that someone might actually write a counter book. Marvellous. May there be many more. Now all that remains is to get book shops to actually display it because Foyles flagship displays no gender critical books at all. You have to ask.

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This has been featured here a few times - My Body is Me! https://www.transgendertrend.com/product/my-body-is-me/ by Rachel Rooney, illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg. And keep asking! :-)

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Love that painting in Kelvingrove of Anna Pavlova. My favourite.

So pleased to see some commonsense and justice creeping in.

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Thanks for the good news once again! My good news of the week is I attended the second women's chorus rehearsal last night, again no males barging in and trying to sing falsetto. Graham, I'm in the Hudson Valley and happy to host you any time you're on the East Coast.

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Best of luck with your American adventure, Graham.

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Thanks for the cheering news, JL.

Great news re Title IX!!!

Just shows how important the legal cases are!!

Great videos.


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BTW Got my online ticket for the Graham farewell😃

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It's not too late for Glinner to change direction to Ancapistan ( thanks to our Endpiece Queen, Liz for this one😂)



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Re the last video, as a child our daughter went to acting school for a short period so we had to occasionally attend plays. The difficulty for the adults was trying not to laugh.

On one occasion a young lad strode to the front of the stage and announced, very confidently:

'So much time and so little to do!!!'

Everyone collapsed laughing.

He looked very pleased. I presume he was thinking:

'I didn't know that was a funny line!!'


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Have recommended you ( yet again) in today's update, JL😄https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/the-kite-runner


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Thanks for your kind mention, Dusty. 💚🤍💜

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As always 🌹

I have been suitably chastised and I’ve managed to keep my gob shut for oo a good 18 hours

Yay me

I thought it was a great idea to strip my bed this morning - I might sleep in lp’s room tonight 😂

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So glad for Glinner’s new opportunities across the pond though sad for us losing him. Best wishes for the future, Graham. Thanks for the good news & for all your hard work, JL. Much appreciated.

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