Rowling's seemingly ordinary words gain a sinister aura, harming trans people through unseen forces (spectral harm).

She's a wizard, Harry.


They're just mad because Rowling said ‘no’ to the most demanding, insistent, blinkered agenda in the world, and got away with it.

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I don't just ♥️JK Rowling, I adore, revere and worship at her altar. She's Boudiccia, and she's on our side. What I adore even more, if that were possible, is the thought of Botox Chucky seething with rage, frothing at the mouth, slamming his fists into walls and chucking things around his house. No way he isn't, and so are loathsome AGPs all over the country and the world. Oh, lord, schadenfreude is own of life's more delicious pleasures. Thank you for this wonderful edition. And of course, the news that the rats are starting to run in the wake of Shellenberger's masterpiece. I've never heard of Mia Hughes. What a superb human being. I salute them all.

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First do no harm. Every single health professional who has ignored this prime tenet should be prosecuted.

I ❤️ JKR too. Oooph to Willoughby!

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Thanks for the wonderful GNS as ever, JL.

I wanted to really flag up the Irish No vote - what a result!! Well done the sensible women and men of Ireland!! All the more remarkable since the government, all the main parties ( apart from Aontu), all the mainstream media in Ireland and all the (government funded) NGOs (including the National Willy Council - sorry Women's Council) were for Yes. Well done The Countess, Gript News, Free Speech Ireland and Not All Gays. I kicked off my campaigning on the issue on IWD 2023 and have been banging on ever since so I am over the moon:


WPATH Files!! What a piece of work!!

Taika Waititi - brilliant!!🤣🤣🤣


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The WPath story is a game-changer. Helen Joyce once said "Keep talking *past* the media." ie: the bulk of the media & journalism is either going to ignore gender ideology or advocate it at some level, so don't wait for them to do their jobs - just keep talking about it and at some stage it will start to have an effect - and that's exactly what's happened.

Andrew Doyle did a list of "legacy" media & journalistic outlets who ignored the WPath story (huge) and those who didn't (tiny) but the effect on the NHS and others was real and immediate. In a way it's a story about the democratisation of journalism, given that most of the legacy-media dinosaurs have capitulated to gender ideology, while the real journalism is being done by sites like this one, Reduxx and Michael Shermer - and it's working. Now bring on the lawsuits.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12Liked by JL

thanks JL and i just heard on the bbc that the nhs will no longer give blockers to children under 17. I sort of thought we already knew this and esteemed terf Dusty has told me that private clinics are still dishing them out. Still great that 4 million people or how ever many people listen to Pm have heard it. Maybe policy makers will finally start connecting the dots and conclude that all this shit is properly dangerous. Inching closer i hope. Thanks JL.

Ps i reckon they said it today so it would have to wait a week to appear in the GNS- we all come here for the real news on the gender bullshit.

I just heard the whole interview with David Bell, he was great, expressed a grave concern for 17-25 year olds, Plus he wasn’t

letting Evan use the phrase ‘trans kids’.

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Mar 12Liked by JL

Saw this clerihew on X:

India Wiloughby.

Clearly is still-a-he.

He’ll never pass, so is forever scowling.

And has a bee in his bonnet about R K Rowling

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Mar 12Liked by JL

As always 🌹

I hope jkr goes for the wee scrotes jugular ( Botox Chucky made me laugh )

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I attended IWD 2024: caWsbar's first annual "Reality Based Women" event in Toronto to hear woman after glorious woman talk about their experiences and the plight of fighting for women's rights in Canada. Most concerning to us is a new Bill in Parliament, C-63, being pushed by Trudeau and the Liberal Party. The Spectator published an informative article:


If passed, the reprecussions of this bill are truly frightening to our Canadian democracy, free speech and our justice system. This may sound alarmist until you read the contents of Bill C-63, which I implore you to do. As the world moves forward, Canada is sadly regressing into a dystopian state.

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Great news about the Irish referendum. Time we had one in the UK to give us a chance to let the elite know what we think about the trans fascists.

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This is a sudden announcement. Influenced by the WPATH files perhaps?

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We'll be watching reaction to The WPATH Files for years, I predict. I plan to submit this info from some time ago to Michael Shellenberger to add, as it is direct quotes from a WPATH surgeon, Dr. Alex Laungani (Canada) regarding the fact that "there's not enough room" between the prostate and the rectum to do exactly what he specializes in, that is inserting a tissue tube into the male groin for an ersatz "vagina." He warns the likelihood of nicks of prostate and colon, with devastating fluid leakage afterward, is likely. The good doctor thinks "better training" will get around this bottleneck in the male pelvis:


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JL, i had to take my poor little cat to be ‘Susie Greened’ today. Poor little thing.

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