Please, please, please, if you haven’t already, order your copy of ‘The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht’. Any man stupid enough to think he’s going to use misogyny and bullying to better women ought to give it a read too to see what he’s up against. We’ll never accept gender ideology.

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You’ll need to tell that to Annaliese Dodds of Labour. I see she was out with the Pride group waving her trans flag. I think she’s quite deluded. Sadly she’s the Shafow Equalities Minister. Be afraid be very afraid if Labour wins this election.

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I’m terrified.

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I used to like Ian Hislop, he used to be quite witty but he’s turned into a complacent condescending twat.

I loved the film of the train. Wonder who did the washing up.

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Yes, spare a thought for the Wunderland wives... The whole time I was watching it there was a frolicking beach babe in a white bikini on the right side of my screen, drawing my (straight) eye from the marvellous musical machines, and I came to understand better why men have to go to SUCH lengths to outdo/impress - and, if all else fails, impersonate - women. Clever, though...

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I feel slightly sick at the thought of them, the Greens, the SNP or the Lib Dems getting any power. What does that leave to vote for? This is a big challenge for us no mistake.

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I’ve neale hanvey but tbh I’m quite likely to spoil my vote

I’m really disappointed with alba

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I'd take Neale Hanvey over the jelly-spined Labour muppet in my neck of the woods! She turned up at my door, I asked her what a woman is, she almost wet herself.

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That’s my first laugh of the night JL.

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There’s stairs to come to my house and all the fuckers are far too lazy

I’ve asked alba what their stance is on women’s rights and independence ( not for everyone I know ) .. radio silence

I had much respect for big eck but till he comes out big guns blazing ( and I don’t know why he hasn’t he’s nothing to lose )

He knows where the bodies are buried

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That's great, JL. We have a list of questions printed out next to the door in case a candidate appears but no sign of one yet.

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You joke JL. At one time I thought we were nearly perfect but sadly now I am a realist on that topic too. We’re deeply flawed.

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Aren't we all, Marion...

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I don’t know anything about my Alba candidate other than he sure isn’t Scottish.

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Well, nobody's perfect! 😁

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Excuse me !😂

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Me too!!

Their Manifesto is out tomorrow. Gulp!

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More good news today, which I am sure Graham will also write about: Headline in The Telegraph:

"Lia Thomas’ transgender case thrown out after US swimmer ruled ineligible"

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Just to let you know, Cavatina, it isn't Graham who writes the War on Women and Good News Supplement articles, it's me, JL. (Though I'm extremely flattered to have my work attributed to a 5 time BAFTA award winning writer! 😊)

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Hooray! Now do all sports and from grassroots level upwards.

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That model train playing a tune is the sort of autism I love and miss. This is what autistic kids should be doing, not going down the gender clinics!

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i thought similar-- except I was thinking of socially-dysfunctional middle-aged men, rather than kids, lol

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As always thanks JL 🌹

I really hate being called cis ( oops I forgot I was shutting my pus 😂)

One of my friends is in hospital and he’ll love the model raintrack , thank you 😀

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Jun 12Edited

All my very best wishes to your friend in hospital, Petal. Hope he's feeling much better and making a swift recovery. Send him my best.

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JL , any news on sinead Watson ?

I don’t do sm but I’m quite concerned

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I haven't heard anything, Petal. But I'll let you know if there is any news.

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Sinead is a special person with so much talent as is Ritchie. I admire both of them.

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Ffs rail , I don’t have an edit button

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Thanks as ever JL. Really surprised to hear some good news from Ireland.

I hope the tomato juice man gets a proper sentence although I won’t hold my breath.

Graham is looking great. The trip did him good. 😁

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I'll pass that on! 😊

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Now I want to go to Minatur Wunderland!!

Thank you for such a positive roundup JL 💖

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Thanks for the relief of the GNS, JL.

The Sheffield general election should be interesting - there is a Party of Women candidate standing in Sheffield Heeley. And best of luck to Alsion Teal.

Great news re Swim Ireland!

I have the Wheesht book sat on the table next to me. Haven't read any yet but...yes, I will read the JKR chapter first 😊

That model train is bonkers. Kellie-Jay should contact the Guinness Book of Records as the leader of a political party who has had to say the word 'penis' more times than any other leader 😂


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Full details of the POW candidates ( 16 in total - brave ladies!) here:



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Great news about the idiot in NZ. The older lady that was assaulted didn’t date so well, did she?

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Thanks JK! Kicking butt!

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Jun 13Edited

Private Eye has been absolutely shit now for years. I wouldn't expect anything less from them.

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Have to agree any satirical publication that ignores the comedy gold that is the trans movement has lost all remaining credibility.

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Viz is the same. They bottled it. It used to be hilarious, but every month it's now "haha the Daily Mail is rubbish", "haha the Tories are pooheads", "haha the Royals are stupid". It's all so boring and safe and easy - and just not very funny. There is the occasional laugh, which is more than can be said for Private Eye, but it's mostly shit.

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If only Ian Hislop had spoken up for gender realists the way he did for the subpostmasters.

It's brilliant news about Alison Teal. Thank you for leading with her story JL. I'm printing out the list of policies on her Crowdfunder page to give to canvassers who want to know why I'm not voting for their candidate. It's like a wishlist for politically homeless leftists!

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Does Germany and Switzerland rejecting the new affirmative guideline mean the guideline is less likely to be published?

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It's worth noting that Chile has about the same number of private healthcare providers as public providers (with slightly more private). So only restricting it in the public health system does not equate to a nationwide ban. There’s still nothing stopping private providers from prescribing it…

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