It makes me so bloody angry that a 13 year old girl had to use her spare time to petition for something like girls toilets which she should always have had the right to. What an incredible girl! If I was her mother I'd now be suing the school for having put her daughter and the rest of these teenage girls in distress. It feels like some vile vendetta against women. Taking away our rights meaning we are distracted from normal life by having to fight back for what should never have been taken away in the first place. What shocks me more is how many mentally deranged people are out in our society. I truly struggle to understand anyone who goes along with this nonsense. Get a backbone or get some therapy.

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As cb says, maybe what the girls are having to go through will turn them into campaigners for womens rights 🤞even if it takes them a while to realise what we are losing.

Thanks JL, this is much needed.

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Maybe she will become a wonderful activist of politician to fight for a better world. I hope so we need as many of them as possible

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An excellent edition! Do you think we have turned the corner?

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I really do think the tanker is turning around. I don't think we're out of the tunnel, yet. But I can see light at the end of it!

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Bumper edition. I do think we are winning slowly slowly..... Thank you JL.

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Once again, I post a link to Behind the Looking Glass the new, epic, going-viral documentary on trans widows and trans orphans. I'm so happy and proud of Vaishnavi Sundar for the structure of this film. She interviewed dozens of us over 2 years, then spent more than a year commissioning the animation for the younger generation, who can't appear onscreen, for fear of retribution and cancellation. The older generation of trans widows serves, in our brief appearances, to validate the shocking details of our younger sisters. Helen Joyce, Derek Jensen, Lisa Marciano and Genevieve Gluck provide historic details, social commentary and outline the strange, exponential growth of "trans identification." In less than 2 weeks, it's accrued 104k views, and that's with the shadowbanning Lime Soda Films YouTube channel has be subjected to ever since Vaishnavi premiered her 4 part series, Dysphoric. Behind the Looking Glass is now listed on the IMDB movie-rating site, and I recommend those who've been impressed with the film to go there to give it a top rating, which it has so far. Thanks, Ute


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It is excellent.

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As always , thanks JL 🌹

The GNS always helps warm my cold dark shrivelled heart

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😁 xx

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its getting hard to win trans rights through the courts……. ha ha! thats because your whole world view is discriminatory and ultimately illegal!

Thanks JL, on a personal note can you publish around bath time from now on please. I could have a bath now but it would mean double dipping and that would be bad for my eczema. And i know you’d like to not contribute to my skin issues. But obviously its best to read the GNS in the bath because it combines two excellent activities. One carbon neutral and one not so basically net zero.

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Hi CB. Ah were it in my gift to co-ordinate the GNS with your ablutions, I would be more than happy to oblige. But the time of publication is entirely up to my editor, I'm afraid!

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hmm i’m not sure about that excuse JL. Sounds like you’re not making reasonable ajustments to include me. I’m going to write to the good law project and see what can be done

#bathers rights are human rights

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I think you're being VERY thermae-normative and excluding people in showers and those who prefer a good wash standing up at the sink. Bigot.

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How dare you JL.

Bathers are amongst the most persecuted minorities theres ever been. We have to balance everyday life with the continuous desire to be overly warm and content. Its not easy,

i don’t expect people to understand, but i do expect everyone to accept everything i say without questioning me.

Sure a lot of people like a bath, we need them. Its not our fault we are liquid divergent.

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Lol cb , take a good book , I can recommend ‘tough crowd’ 😉 I can also recommend Ute’s book ‘ into the curated woods’ great book with some gorgeous pics

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thanks Petal,tough crowd is one of the 5 or 6 books i’ve actually read, not counting the picture books of course. I’ve read hundreds of them with the kids. Some are pretty good, some of the julia donaldson ones though, its like she wakes up and realises she’s a bit skint and thinks oh bollocks i better write some more tiresome shite to sell in the morisson’s book section. The worst Petal i can remember is the ugly 4. what a pile of shit. Some are ok. I’ve not read Ute’s book but i searched it. It sounds a bit heavy for me but i bet it is excellent. I’m finding heavy stuff just a bit much at the moment. We started watch the dragon queen is it- the prequel to game of thrones, it was so violent i lefty partner to it. It was horrid all smashing faces in and cutting with blades. I don’t want to watch that shit Petal. Horrible.

Have you had a better week Petal? I hope

you are feeling brighter. I’ve decided to try to only drink with friends, i did well last week- mostly because i nearly hospitalised myself on sunday, but hoping to keep it together for a few nights this week. Want to join me for dry wed tomorrow?

hope your skin is better too. And little Petal is well.

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CB, can heartily recommend Rachel Rooney's "My Body is Me" if you haven't already got it in your collection!


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thanks JL, i mean i’m sort of reading this and thinking you think i have a reading age of 5. I know this wonderful book. It features in GL’s book!- but you know that because so do you!

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I meant for the kids!! 🤣

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Hey cb sorry for late reply , I’ve been busy today making jam and pickling beetroot n shit

I’ve not heard of Julia Robertson , obviously not a bad thing lol !

Utes book is actually very good I expected to be really angry but she tells her story in a nice gentle way , much like Ute herself . I’m currently reading an historical novel , it’s not setting the heather on fire but it’s ok , meh

I get you with GOT, I think the prequel was called mother of dragons or something , I couldn’t stomach GOT after a few episodes

How on earth were you almost hospitalised ?!?!

I shall join you on a dry night in the near future , the programme I am following is gentle reduction with a goal to completely dry

Little petal is great and I hope your littlies are too 😀

Jfc Ive bored myself to fucking tears 😂

Donaldson !

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i’m not sure you should be pickling beetroot in shit Petal? Glad Little Petal is well. I did enjoy GOT tbh, which was violent, i think since then though i just can’t face watching violence for its own sake. The violence in the first episode of the prequel was just so much and not necessary for the story. It seems to be a given that everything has to be extreme. I tried to watch the boys the other night and it was too much for me. Its a great idea, the world is full of super heroes but they are arseholes. The first season i enjoyed but again the violence was just gross and distracting the other . I think i’m old now, like i love nice happy things, i can’t be arsed to dwell in misery especially in the arts, tv etc. Oh well.

Your booze strategy sounds good. I hope it goes well. Forgive yourself any slip ups won’t you.

I drank so much that i fell down the stairs and passed out when i got myself back up to bed. spent the whole of the next day and following day feeling dreadful. Maybe i didnt hospitalise myself but i could have easily done so. So after that i managed 6 nights off the booze- i do this only the week before a marathon, so this is something that hasn’t happened really at all. got quite pissed at a gig on sunday but this will be the 3rd night off since then which after a 6 nighter i think has probably not happened in 20 years. but i feel i need to fundamentally redefine my relationship with booze. I currently serve it and i hate that, especially as it has for the last year or so- maybe for years prevented me for sleeping. It becomes a bit of a cycle of always feeling shit and so drinking to feel ok. I’m always tired, grumpy and wasting money that my partner earns.

and you were worried about boring me! You got both barrels there Petal!

Have a lovely weekend.

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Don’t beat yourself up cb , I try not to

I’ve had years of being treated like shit and I’m now trying to drag myself up out of it

Be positive ! 🙂

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Thanks Petal, sorry you’ve had so much shit to deal with. My little girl has a fever so i’ll have her home tomorrow which i have to say i’m quite happy about- obs not that she’s poorly but hopefully she’ll feel much better and we can have a day together and wizz around doing all the bits and bobs. Sleep well

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Thank you for flagging up the BBC "portrayal and representation". As a Transwidow I will respond.

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Thanks as ever for cheering us up, JL.

Well done to the 13 year old girl. Setting an example for us all!!

I managed to find an image of a smiling fox for my report on the departure of the Good Laugh Project😃https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/sleeping-dogs


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You should’ve mentioned that the Good Law Project said in their message that they’re instead going to be supporting and funding other pro trans organizations. This means they’re actually not leaving the battle over trans issues, they just may not be on the front lines anymore. That seems like an important detail to leave out.

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The message from Good Law dumbasses says exactly that. It's not left out.

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Yeah obviously Good Law Project’s message says that. I meant this blog post didn’t mention it when describing their message and what it means

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Interesting to read today that the census data relating to the number of transgender people in England and Wales is likely to be overestimated, due to a misunderstanding of the key question by some of those that answered it.

Still, despite this, it is clearly important that a tiny proportion of this decreased less-than-one-percent continues to loudly dictate how the majority (especially 51% of that majority) be described and treated by official bodies, health services, the justice system etc...

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It was wasn't it? But we must have data to support er um investment and funding for the most er um who was it again? Me! Me! They/them! It was questioned at the time (wait, what? that's odd and a surprising outcome) but it's very interesting how it is being brought up again. That might suggest that they are realising, and also that others are not letting this drop. They broke all trust and any idea that their work could ever be viewed as valid, reliable or replicable by making the most basic errors as they are clearly captured by some rum gender forces. Genius to force people to answer gibberish non-questions, then pretend it's anything other than gibberish. All claims of this hidden mass of underreported, underrepresented, most marginalised, um non-existent people. It's hilarious that the more they scream for representation it's revealed what a small and very nasty select group have been swallowing attention and sucking all funding from legitimately vulnerable people with genuine needs.

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My head hurts with this s**t, to be honest, as I'm sure/ I know it does with anyone who thinks that rationality, evidence and the scientific method should have more of a voice than feelings, outrage and superstition currently does in the world we live in (reminder, 2024. That's 2024, folks...)

Because it isn't to say that those with feelings based on "nonsense, outrage and superstition" shouldn't have a voice, but why is it that those (well under 1% of) folk are given greater sway in the debate today than quantifiable fact, or statistical majority? It's like Enlightenment never happened. Anyone today who thinks that science is worth listening to is suddenly in the wrong camp. Whereas anyone who thinks that the most fundamental elements of biology and - I suppose - psychology - are somehow.... wrong... are now in the "right" camp... somehow...

But hey! Fuck that! Let us let this violent rapist (once a gentleman, now, suddenly a lovely lady) into a prison system with other... actual ladies, where nothing dreadful will happen!

Just kill me now.

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Didn't you know the Enlightenment is an 'ist' now and must not be spoken about in polite company. It might be that our whole society, not just our kids with smartphones is swayed by a secret shrunken brain that only a mystical Californian algorithm knows. It is very odd how UK government spokespeople, if not actual senior people keep saying in my earshot, if not directly to me, that we need to rely on, use, and think about the evidence and every decision and policy being 'evidence-based'. No! Really? I am not quite sure what is going on, it's very weird, as if someone shhhh took someone or even one or two people aside and said look here, Sciencewentwhere? makes some really good points old chaps and chapesses, so why don't we, you know, do that? Like it's some novel suggestion. Possibly the drip drip worked, the very hard work of many, the deplatforming, the silent misery, the endurance of career-destroying violence and harassment with daily death threats. I have to try to keep very calm and polite and not scream WHAT THE F**KING F**K TOOK YOU SO LONG, now STOP IT, MAKE SENSE and YESTERDAY!! Maybe someone needs to now have another nice chat with the Men, I mean Men I mean Men and no, can't say it, (wo)Men and Exacerbating (In)Equalities Committee.

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Great news from the DFE.

And yet despite these new guidelines our school libraries are full of books aimed at convincing children that the beliefs of gender ideology are real and worth considering as potential answers to their problems.

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I have got feeds from The Good Law Project as well as feeds from Law Gazette

I could never agree or support them as they always seemed to take and assume a far left and libertarian values and viewpoint over sense. Like anyone opposing them WAS WRONG!

Didnt know it was led by Jolyon (there is a character in TinTin called Jolyon, also obnoxious) Jolyon Wagg A Self Satisfied Bore with the Creation of a Smug I guess that sums it up.

Good for the 13 yr old for standing up and changing things

Dont despair

I stood up for things in primary school and secondary school. And changed things

Cant wait for anyone else. If girls dont want boys in their toilets and changing rooms if they dont want a penis in their face then they have to say so.

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They also repeatedly fecked up on what the law is. Bit of a basic error for old Jolyolyon that. Ah well, no one really noticed...well...apart from everyone.

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This is probably old news but , I just watched a yt vid with lembit opik (?)I think he used to shag one of the cheeky girls ) interviewing mr menno , it was really good , I have a bit of respect for old lemsip now

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Read a bit more about him if you can. Can think of few who've been worse treated by the media.

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Old lemsip ?

My knowledge is shit as I don’t do any sm , I’m quite happy in my own wee shit free bubble

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I don't do sm either. He was dragged through the press and left in a very sorry state. Not something I would wish on anyone. It's good that this is part of his rehabilitation if you can call it that.

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I will

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