Some brilliant news, thanks JL and what a wonderful pair of heroes to celebrate this week, Glinner of course and JK Rowling. She’s magically cast a spell of protection over us all and I really think it’s our duty to test the power of the spell… so let’s get misgendering and terfing as much as possible folks. We owe it to our heroes 😄

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hey JL, i got round ok, it was really slow but given the issues i’ve had it was ok. A lot of excitement followed by boozing with mates after, i’m going to listen to Johnny Cash now on the train. Doesn’t get much better

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YAY!!!! 🏃‍♂️💪👏🥇🏆 Blooming well done. CB! Glad you had a suitable celebration boozing with your mates! Also, Johnny Cash on the train is the height of cool!

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thanks JL, it was an amazing few days. I’m ready to have a nice relaxing bath! my favourite place.

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And I bet your poor hard-working trotters could do with a soak! Enjoy! 😁

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thanks J L i will. Have a nice week

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hey JL i look like a right nobhead in the vest the charity sent me. Really brings out my pipe cleaner arms. I’m going to have to accessorise.

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How about a feather boa and some statement bracelets?? (And I'm sure you look great!) Best of bloody luck and admiration! Hope you have a great race and a top weekend! 🏃‍♂️💪

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Don’t worry JL, after my son pissed himself looking at me last night i went out and hits the roids pretty hard so i look like Sylvester Stallone now. All good but i’m feeling pretty fucking irrated by all these people on the dlr platform and i can’t spell which is making me prettt angry, too. May be i should cool the roids a bit.

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🤣🤣🤣 Thank a lot. Now I'll have the Rocky theme in my head for the rest of the week!

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but what a tune JL! yes sorry i was going a bit nuts on friday. I go a bit loopy if i leave the vale

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sorry JL i was a going a bit mental eariler, feeling a bit more sane now

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OK TT (clears throat) BOTOX CHUCKY IS A MAN 😂😂😂


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hey Dusty, i’ve entered the hardest stage of my training…. the not drinking part. Just getting through a season’s best… two nights off in a consecutive nights! Can i have gold star please? I’m going to not drink until sat, and then again until about 10 mins after the london marathon.

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You're a star, CB. Best of luck on the marathon and look forward to hearing the report back 😊


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thanks Dusty you are kind. I can’t wait for all this gender shit to be over. I think the cold hand of the law will settle it all. The activists and captured teachers, doctors, police are too far gone i reckon. The people who categorically reject Cass and the like. It will be the pain of the detransitioners dragged out in courts and women fighting in court for their rights that do it i think. Such a lot of needless suffering just to put largely a load of men back in their place. I really think society needs to get a handle of children’s use of the internet. I think we’ll lose a generation to it. Its a battle for parents to moderate these f-ing machines at home. Its like working with addicts. F knows what happens when every part of a child’s life and development is accompanied by a commercialised uncensored tool that offers unlimited options for every minute of the day, need to know the weather, need a recipe, need a ticket, need some shopping, need sexual relief, need community, need friends, need a partner, need some help, need some entertainment, its all there every minite of the day calling to them, pick me up pick me up pick me up…. ahhh there you go peter replied so you can relax…. BUT SUSUAN Didn’t! Go to sleep pick me up have some rest pick me up. Never a moment to live silently and be bored and reflect, or driven to pick up a guitar or pen to solve the issue of boredom and loneliness yourself. Really depressing, i’ve had enough. On a run the other day i passed the same family 30 mins apart and both times the parents were ignorinf their childhten and starinf at the phone. so sad. Whats that tell the kids. not a great message.

Sorry Dusty, not drinking seems to be not going so well. Take care love to you and yours.

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Thanks, CB

Lots of good points there.

I'm a bit worried about the Cass Report!!!!


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why Dusty?

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hey Dusty thanks for your support i did a slow one got round ok. great fun sort of, been at the pub for several hours, on the train now about to open a bottle of red! Rock and roll. Lots of love

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Great stuff, CB, you're a star 😊

I am doing an update 😊


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I really hope the weaselly celebs who betrayed Glinner and JK get a taste of their own medicine. They are increasingly starting to look like the ones on the wrong side of history.

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Some really important and encouraging news, especially the Dutch Study. Who'd have guessed, eh?

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Thank you JL. Sterling work as always.

I hope you've been in training for covering the release of the Cass report tomorrow. The Telegraph (which I'm renaming the Terfograph in honour of its coverage) is advance reporting some pretty incendiary details which will really put the cat amongst the pigeons. Let's hope it lives up to the advance press!

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Thank you for your kind words, WOTE!

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Fantastic! Thanks so my JL! So great seeing Graham in Australia!

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Thanks, RG!

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As always 🌹

I’m going to start reading the GNS first , it’s no bad being Scottish today

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inching closer to a world thats not completely shit. Thanks JL. I’m still fuming after reading that the country’s largest teaching union is full of brain washed nobheads. Nobheads

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Apr 9Edited

Nobheads, indeed, CB! But they are going to be left with egg all over their nobhead faces when the Cass Report is published. The sunlight is flooding in and vindication is nigh. All the people who facilitated this dangerous ideology will be scurrying faster than the rats on The Titanic.

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and with much less dignity than the rats on the titanic JL who were by all survivor accounts pretty decent rodents

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Yes, I think most rats are pretty decent. Certainly the ones I've met have all been perfectly lovely creatures. Unlike the NEU members who voted to 'trans' kids...

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i hope those vile members JL spread between themselves the most potent of pox. Henry Purcel wrote a tune called pox on you. I’ll try and find it


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I really hope so JL. This has gone on long enough.

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I think that's why the TAs are growing increasingly batshit - it's a movement in its death throes.

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hi Ms Terfin, a little bird told me you may have sponsored me today, apologies if i’m wrong- ignore me, but it was a great and thanks for your support- if i’m correct, if not obs no worries at all! best wishes, see you in the threads! cb

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Well done!

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JL, its out and Dr Cass was out on today radio 4. So its good but she did say on the radio ‘for some children a medical pathway will be the best treatment’ or words to that effect which worries me. I know that will be within the context of lots of proper analysis but still. It represents something that i struggle with in my heart which is not to damage a human body. But what do i know. I ask for evidence based practice. I can’t question it surely. Being a completely unqualified and the rest. Anyway, i wasted hours trying to arrange my thoughts yesterday and i think now i’ll be anle to construct a more concise letter. Have a good week JL. Maybe one week we could have a ‘fake news’ week to celebrate the internet and you could just declare that there was no bad news to report. You could get a week off and we could all just enjoy the goodnews suppliment? actually thats a shit idea because the following wow woulf just be twice as long.

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Yes, I'm all over the Cass Review Final Report. Been up since the crack of dawn, poring over it. I have a few reservations but, broadly speaking, it is a huge leap forward, a game changer. Politicians, journalists, activists etc no longer have anywhere to hide when trying to push gender onto kids. Transgender Trend have written an excellent response, btw. And great to hear Helen Joyce on the BBC (yes, the BBC no less!) this morning.

Oh I would love a week off. A month off, even. Almost five years I've been writing the WoW (and the GNS about 3 years). I'm f#@ing exhausted! 😫


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JL, i wish i could send you a substantial treat of some kind, your work here has literally changed my life. Provided the core information that has made me feel compelled to write to politicians and both main parties, media, my schools. This whole saga has made me think and reevaluate my own values and beliefs. I don’t know how you and other committed people have kept it up. I think the Cass review makes it easier to make the point that the schools need to be very careful how they approach this. If i were a head i’d very very worried a student could blame me for promoting GI via the literature in schools and the bias in the classrooms. Have a good day.

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What a truly lovely thing to say, CB. Believe me, those kind words are treat enough! Thank you! ❤ xx

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I’m afraid i emailed GL eariler to say we demand the facilities to buy you a coffee. which i suspect you’ll disapprove of but whatev’s as we said when we were 14. Got my last letter done today! Its not great and i’m afraid i sort descend into that character from the simpsons a bit…. ‘would someone please! think of the children!’. Oh well at least its done. Thats my rep ruined at school- or not, i don’t f-ing care when there’s so much at state. As our darling Petal would say… I’ve no more fucks to give! ha ha, rockin’ Petal!

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Mind put up a crowdfund / go fund me whatever , pretty sure many of us would support you , especially if it was raising funds for glinner

Go cb 🏃

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thanks for the link, excellent as usual from TGT.

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I agree cb, there’s no excuse for their ignorance. 🤬

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I’d revoke all their gnvq’s Ms Terfin, that would learn them for trying to indoctrinate our children and not tell the parents. Revoked.

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Me too, they disgust me.

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Beloved Glinner. It is unhelpful that you've failed to mention that anyone can now report a hate crime under Scottish law (including ones that occurred before 1 April 2024 but remain published on the web and elsewhere.) Thanks to the reach of the internet, you can report a hate crime from anywhere in the world. This new legislation can only work if as many as possible have the courage to come forward to report their experience in confidence and guaranteed anonymity. Report a hate crime:

- By phoning 999 (emergency) 101 (non-emergency)

and +44 1786 289 070 (for international callers)- to remain anonymous use 0800 555 111 (Crime stoppers)

- In person at any police station in Scotland - and also, with assistance, from a police station anywhere in the world

- By completing a hate crime reporting form (google Police Scotland Hate crime report) https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/c3/

- At your nearest Third Party Reporting Centre (use your search engine to find a venue)

- Text 999 (registered users only)

- Contact Scotland-BSL (British Sign Language)

- Keep Safe Scotland App https://www.scotland.police.uk/advice-and-information/hate-crime/ This site gives advice on reporting hate crime, including reporting my feeling that another person has been victim of a hate crime

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The real joke is Humza Yousaf got more complaints of 'hate' for his 'white' tirade in Holyrood than JKR for her monumental tweet.


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I think you're wasting police time, Simon. Oh no...hold on.... that's Humza Useless 🤣🤣🤣


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Great news ,JL. It's clear that cracks are appearing all over this cult and we just need to keep pushing back. Thank God for JKR. She is a true hero ,and thankfully she's not the only one !! Our Graham's been well and truly vindicated and we owe him a big THANK YOU as well. So many brilliant warriors to thank as well ,too numerous to count ,yourself included. Thanks ,JL ❤️👏👍

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Thank you, Susan!

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What a delight to read ❤️

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Tickle v Giggle? What kind of world are we living in when a Ronnie-Barker-in-pantomime-garb lookalike insists on being "a woman" and the media not only take it seriously but blare it out as something "important"?

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The trouble is the MSM in Australia wouldn't talk to Sall Grover so she recently came over to Terf Island to get some proper publicity. My friend met her. I think she will lose at first instance and have to go on appeal. The judge seems against her already!!


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It's the same manoeuvre as in covid. The ones sceptical couldn't get any publicity unless they went over to the "Right Wing" press where they could be branded as reactionary. "TERF" just means a feminist who sees through the trans crap I.e. a feminist with a brain. But the media brands them "TERF" which sounds like an alien from Dr Who.

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I really look forward to your emails GL, more recently because of all the good news coming out. Even in spite of the ridiculous 'Scottish Law' coming in to force, what a joy it was to see it spiked so eloquently and beautifully by JKR.

Keep up the good work.

Also I hope you find time to enjoy Australia, it has a lot to offer (I lived there for few years!)

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Cheers, Ronald. That's much appreciated. (I should explain that it's me, JL, not Graham, who writes the War on Women and the Good News Supplement.) Many thanks for your kind words!

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Ah! Sterling stuff mate, what’s in an initial after all? 😁 take care.

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You too! 😄

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Pardon my language, but.....bloody wonderful blog!

What an absolute JOY to read.

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Oh thank you so much! 😊

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Thanks for the relief of the GNS, JL. Some great news.

JKR - what can you say!

But I would add Kellie-Jay storming into Edinburgh with LWS. Do check out my photos of the great day


Great that Glinner is doing so well Down Under.

And very flattered that Moira Deeming has named her dog after me 🤣🤣🤣


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I noticed that 😆, what a star!

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It’s getting (more ) embarrassing now

Reggae for Scotland now, how’d have thunk it !!

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It’s getting (more ) embarrassing now 😐

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Gods sake I can usually barely manage to post something once never mind twice

Going to lie down in a dark room !

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The CASS review tells us that,

"For many centuries transgender people have been predominantly trans females commonly presenting in adulthood."

So another impeccably researched tome telling us about "transgender people" through the centuries. Indisputably compiled from analysing the trans compounds exhumed from graves perhaps?

Or perhaps they decide these matters like this?:


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