Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by JL

Thank you Glinner for all you have done & sacrificed for this effort.

A grateful woman in the US salutes you!

PS Title IX is a US federal law covering education—and Biden's executive amendments to Title IX allow men and boys to participate in girls' & women's school sports, among other things, despite the rulings in two federal courts. So I refuse to vote for Uncle Joe this November. My vote won’t matter because I’m in blue benighted California. But I’m making sure Democratic fundraisers know why I won’t be donating.

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I feel for you all in the US and Canada. It's just madness the lengths the gender brainwashed lot go to over there. California leads the pack. The times are changing though and good for you for not voting for the Democrats and definitely make that clear so others become aware, cheering you on from across the pond. Never thought Id say this but I hope Trump wins. I honestly think it's the marginally less dangerous option than the deluded trans loving robot Biden. Like in the UK it's such a shame that it's always a two horse race. Binary, one might say 😉.

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This column is written by JL & not big G.

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Jun 26Author

Thank you, SMF! 😊

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Jun 27Liked by JL

Yes, thank you Stop Mansplaining, and thank you JL. I did know that, and forgot momentarily.

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Thank you for not telling me off for mansplaining! :-D

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The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht win again. So proud of my Scottish sisters who have refused to be cowed by a bunch of men and their ‘feelings’.

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Jun 26Liked by JL

Agreed Elizabeth. I told FWS some months ago that politicians in Scotland had brought only shame but our women’s groups had given us hope and someone to be proud of.

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Forgot to add that I was in Waterstones yesterday and lined up on the shelf nice as you like were three or four hardback copies of The Women who wouldn’t wheesht. My heart soared.

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It's momentous, isn't it? Not so long ago, GC books were hidden away.

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For several years Catherine I have felt that Waterstones and their staff were the enemy. Still don’t trust them but there is a thaw in relations. Of course I feel a bit like that towards quite a few of our retailers.

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Excellent. It’s a great read - all emotions are wrung out as you do so.

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Thanks for the much needed good news JL and the dancing lady at the end……amazing! She brought tears to my eyes. The expressions of the bystanders was brilliant.

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Jun 26Author


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Well, thank you JL. Great pushback in the English speaking world!

That photograph at the top is beautiful!

Thanks also for the Spanish clip, featuring my favourite tango: Por Una Cabeza.

The whole thread really has put a smile on my face 😊

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Jun 26Author


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https://youtu.be/zVmG9p3bowc?si=QfzqYw3Wss5WgOs_. Link to a piano version of Por Una cabeza.

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Ah, that's lovely too!

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Jun 26Liked by JL

Thank you for this fabulous column. It keeps our spirits alive in this endless battle. The tides are turning.

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Jun 26Author

Ah thank you for your kind words! So glad you enjoy it! 😊

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Thanks for the tango at the end, a must watch! Now, that's a real woman~

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Jun 26Liked by JL

As always thanks JL 🌹

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Jun 26Author


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Thanks very much JL.

Did you see pleasing developments at Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art?

"Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art has relegated part of its Picasso collection to a female toilet cubicle, after a court ruling that it must admit men to a female-only exhibition. Artist Kirsha Kaechele, the wife of Mona’s billionaire owner, David Walsh, posted a video on social media on Monday showing at least two paintings by the late Spanish artist hanging in a toilet.

Picassos were among the artworks previously hanging in the museum’s Ladies Lounge, a women-only area created by Kaechele which included, as part of the artist’s intent, men’s experiences of exclusion. The Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tascat) found that the Ladies Lounge was discriminatory after a complaint lodged by a man who was denied entry in 2023.

The museum was given 28 days to cease refusing entry to the Ladies Lounge based on gender. The exhibition has been closed ever since. “A new exhibition at Mona. Just for ladies…” Kaechele posted with the video on Monday, pointing out that prior to the tribunal’s ruling, all toilets at Mona were unisex.

“But then the Ladies Lounge had to close thanks to a lawsuit brought on by a man,” the artist posted.

“And I just didn’t know what to do with all those Picassos.” Kaechele went on to suggest the museum would seek to reclassify the Ladies Lounge “as a church / school / boutique glamping accommodation” under section 26 of Tasmania’s Anti Discrimination Act, which permits under what circumstances people can be denied access based on gender.

The Ladies Lounge, which opened in 2020, saw women who entered the space pampered by male butlers and served champagne while surrounded by some of the museum’s finest pieces of art.

Kaechele said in March she was “absolutely delighted” the case had made it to the tribunal, after a complaint by Sydney man Jason Lau.

“The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said at the time. On 7 May, Kaechele announced the museum would be appealing the decision in the supreme court."

source: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/article/2024/jun/24/mona-picasso-painting-womens-toilets-ladies-lounge-exhibition-ruling

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Jun 26Author

Yes, hilarious! (And I think Picasso would have approved! 😊)

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Graham!! From being so brutally unpersoned to speaking in the Irish parliament. I salute you, sir. Anyone going to Posie's party on London on Saturday? I am and would love to meet any of the sensible souls on here.

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I can't go but have a good one. She deserves a party with what happened to her with the police

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I can’t go to the party on Saturday but am going to Bristol LWS on Tuesday if anyone will be at that and hoping we don’t end up barricaded in a shop as happened after Brighton LWS🙁Thanks for separately covering Brighton , JL


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Lots of the Party of Women candidates will be at the party BTW

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Lots of great newses. I’m off Twitter and very out of touch. Wasn’t aware that you’d been on Newstalk. Very good. I just listened back. Link here for anyone interested: https://www.goloudplayer.com/episodes/why-graham-linehan-spoke-at-lein-ZDczNjRmMmQ4ZmYyZjc5NGYzNDBlYzY5ODNhZmJiYTQ=

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When I started seeking information to help me parent urgently, (according to my very strong sense of what felt right and real, and not according to the alarming, patronising and vapid advice from the GP etc) I fell from Stella and Sasha into your Positive Monday arms.

On Tuesday early morning I see you in my inbox, sometimes I skip my daily sanity/ meditation/ self care/ wellbeing routine and eagerly sink into the reassuring embrace of hope, and sense that all will be well, that comes with reading your positive news.

Today I've subscribed. This is not a small thing. You will understand. Although I'm a professional, I'm also a sole parent, and since this ideology landed in an already fragile ecosystem, I've had to put work on the backburner to carefully dance the parenting/ educating/ cult de-programming/ secret self- educating/ dance-on-eggshells dance of the day. I can say after some years of this, and other related iatrogenic incidents- heavily hindered by this insidious ideology, that my career in health has suffered severely with doors and career opportunities closed.

So my subscribing is a big deal.


OMG you are not only worth it, but your positive news is a real necessity that gives me direction. It gives me the vision of a world free of this hell on earth illusion of reality. Which for me absolutely increases the possibility of this being a very real thing. A world completely free of this twisted madness.

If I could boost your influence a million times over, along with the others you report about, and who align with your goals and sense of beauty, delight and real humour alongside, then I will pay my subscription happily, knowing I'm adding in a tiny way to that possibility becoming reality.

It's this newsletter that gives me a picture of where we are all going- happily towards a safe, sane world where truth, innocence, common sense and reality kindly smile over all of our human foibles.

A lot of flowery words, but it's a BIG bouquet- THANK YOU, thank you so very much for doing this for me, and for many others more hamstrung than I am.

🌻❤ S

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Esther, as long as there are men in this world there will be sexual fetishes, but I think we can work towards a time when they keep that stuff to themselves and well away from our children and grandchildren. Right now we have to be able to freely speak out and flag up bad behaviour in organisations, businesses, government bodies and individuals. This Substack and the work JL and Graham do is a major part of the fight back against this and we will win. The bad stuff depresses me utterly then the Good News reminds me that progress is happening where good men and women refuse to go along with what is clearly wrong. Good people need to group together to support each other and warn the others they’re not going to get an easy run.

Welcome to the good guys group and best of luck with your children. My widowed mother raised three of us and I would nominate her as a saint if I could.

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Thanks as ever for the uplift,JL.

I plugged your great work in my last update 😊

Well done FWS and those challenging Biden’s Title IX destruction.

Well done Glinner speaking against the scary Irish Hate Crime Bill

Loved the tango at the end😊


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Looking good Graham! Great to see you getting the credit you deserve.

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Just for my own amusement

I hate being poor , I’ve just had to do dishes 😐 I have a galley kitchen so I had the choice of a dishwasher or a wine fridge ………..

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I'm living in a furnished rental that doesn't have a dishwasher either, but am grateful every day that now I can actually do the dishes in the kitchen sink, instead of having to haul them downstairs to the basement (where the pipes didn't leak) like in the old house! And then back up to dry! (No room down there for a dish drainer or anything.) I mean, I'd still REALLY appreciate having a dishwasher... but compared to the ordeal I was going through before, this is pretty much heaven!

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Glad you’re in a better place , I was being trivial and poking fun at myself

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Oh, no need to apologize, Petal! I only meant to share my own dishwasher-deprived experience! And in fact I was the one being trivial here: I have enough money now (from a recent inheritance) to rent a whole house-- albeit a small one-- in an expensive neighborhood of an expensive city. So really I have no cause to be whinin'! :)

And thank you for being glad for me: staying in the old house-- the one that I grew up in-- was not only a constant source of frustration, but actually (due to its deteriorated state) dangerous.

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I had a big hoose with all the mod cons and looking back I was seriously miserable ( most will know I tried to top myself, I was shit at that lol )

I now have a wee hoose , and far from perfect it’s all mine , well when the pugs allow it

I love this place , I don’t do faceache or twatter ,and although I sometimes get a bollocking for what I say you can have a nice wee side conversation like now 🙂, without anyone feeling the need to butt in

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Have you got something good in the wine fridge Petal?

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Always , feel free to visit 😀

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