Well done to our Welsh sisters. Drakeford was as much of a misogynist bastard as Sturgeon.

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7 hrs agoLiked by JL

I shall try again !

As always thanks JL 🌹

Yay the wee pandas 🐼

This maybe got lost on the WOW thread but it’s worth repeating , there is an open letter to Brindley from a rape survivor over on wings over Scotland

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Yes, I saw the letter. Very powerful. It's getting a lot of traction - shared by Wings, FWS, Jill Foster, Our Graham etc etc.. Brindley is hanging by her fingertips.

Glad you liked the pandas - they were just for you! 😊

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Excellent I’m crap on tinternet as you know but it was well worth a share

I was actually allowed a comment on wos !! My comments are usually just binned - just because I once said about the ICJ gonnae no dae that

Should shut my pus as usual lol

I spent a good half hour on utube watching pandas 😊

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thanks JL, i was writing and my phone bloody died, i was trying to say that although the GNS is always shorter than the War on women, often the quality and importance of the things you cover are of such monumental importance. Whereas the horrors of the War on women posts, are so terrible and painful, are expressions of this dying dark cult. The light often exposed in the GNS is like pillars of reality that institutions can’t ignore- like the green party getting bollocked, Woman getting justice in the courts. Inching closer to victory. But meaningful and sustainable movement. Sorry rambling as usual. a little bit of booze coming through today. I’ll re read in an hour and a half probably delete out of pure embarrassment

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Cheers, CB. Enjoy your booze!

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thanks JL, i’ve been trying to faze out mid week home boozing, oh well. nevermind

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by JL

Indeed. Thank you, JL, as ever, for this essential work.

The WOW is like a series of metaphorical slaps in the face, and the GNS like the application of some soothing balm.

However, the bruising and swelling should never have happened. I think that It still astounds anyone with an elementary ability to process logical thought, that we got into these situations in the first place.

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Fuckin ell cb you swallowed a dictionary

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i know Petal! you know what it is….. i downloaded the substack app and basically it doesn’t give the same impression of the number of words you write when you are on the website, because its all long lines as apose to short lines, so you don’t have the same sense of dribbling on and on! You think you’re making a decent point, but in fact you’ve just been spuing out loads of words without any consideration of what you’ve written! Basically Petal i’ve had a bit of a mid week relapse. Oh well. Nevermind. I hope you are well, and lovely little Petal.

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plus Petal, i love your response. Classic Petal.

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Don’t like to disappoint 😂

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O you’ve lost me , is the app different !? Don’t answer that , it clearly is

Can’t sleep tonight , downsizing booze not working this evening obviously 😐

Going to try watching some shite on iPad and see if that will work , doesn’t help with two two snorting snoring pugs each side mind

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5 hrs agoLiked by JL

Hello JL. Thanks, as always, for this GNS. Graham suggested I ask you about a matter I put to him recently. It's not, therefore, a comment on anything you've posted in th GNS. Please don't worry if you know nothing about it. But here's what I wrote to Graham:

'There's something I really want to read again, and I can't find it. I'm sure you covered the false report -- around 2018, I think -- of a huge rise in sex crimes committed by women. Something like 78%, but I might have got this wrong. I think it was on the BBC news website, or possibly in The Guardian. Or both. It's one of those things I wish I'd saved on my computer, and I don't seem to have done so. I've tried web searches but nothing comes up, and I tried trawling BBC news but found nothing there either. I wondered if it'd been redacted. But if you covered this matter -- and I'm pretty sure you did, as I say -- I'd be really grateful if you could remind me where to find your article. Indeed I'd be grateful for any help at all.'

And that's it. Graham suggested I watch his podcasts about safety in women's prisons -- which I did. But, as I later said to him, I've begun to wonder whether my memory might not have constructed something -- not out of the blue, because there's definitely something in it. And I could have sworn it was the BBC. But it may not have formed any of the Glinner updates. Anyway, I may be mistaken. It's just that it's such a good example to have at hand when one wants to give an example of the gross injustices that can follow gender self-ID. Thanks. DB.

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Hi DB. I don't think that was me! Maybe you're thinking of this piece by Nutmeg??


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That looks like the one! And it wouldn't matter if it wasn't -- it's still exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much JL for taking the trouble to reply. I'd just about talked myself into believing I had false-memory syndrome or something. Thanks again and very best wishes. DB.

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Sorry for 'liking' my own question. How conceited.

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I hope you are right about Seb Coe. He was a runner. I can’t remember him commenting on the Italian man competing in female events at the paraolympics and previously he suggested only at elite level should there be a level playing field. If it isn’t level at the grassroots level girls will give up.

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The state of competition outside elite level is a concern to me. It's from grassroots levels that the talent at elite levels emerges. Imagine being say a 14 or 16 year old girl or young woman with some promise having to compete against (and probably lose) against boys or young men who are developing the benefits of male puberty. They could become disheartened and stop participating which would leave no new talented sportswomen coming through to elite levels. I'm surprised that bodies overseeing sport haven't realised this. Or maybe they have but are more interested in inclusivity than fairness and safety. We have to watch developments like hawks!

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Thanks as ever, JL.

I was especially delighted at the news about the Irish Hate Speech Bill. In my small way I have been campaigning against it since it rolled off the blocks😃

There is a General Election in Ireland next year and the Government are extremely unpopular so no doubt this was part of their reasoning.

Loved the pandas!


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Yes, next year's general election is going to be... interesting. Purely from a journalistic point of view of course... 😏 The pandas were especially for Petal who expressed a partiality! Glad you like them.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Can I express a partiality for Jason momoa next week ? 😂

I should probably delete that before I get shit but , meh who cares if you can’t take a joke

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Yes Petal it’s a good one. The rest of Wings brings to light how all these crackpots are related to each other through work, and other more personal connections. Unpicking this lot is not going to happen overnight but Scotland is ripping it open at the seams wherever we can.

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Hopefully that thread won’t descend into the usual 300 year old colonial guff !

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