Colonisation in nature - Grey squirrels, Japanese Knotweed, American cray fish, rabbits (to name a few). All have had devastating impacts on the flora and fauna of ‘native’ landscapes. Let’s call those racist bunnies out for what they are!

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here where I live it's Kudzu, miniature frogs, and pythons.

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Well I hope you line up those frogs and pythons and allow all the native species to abuse them humiliate them

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Woke gardening. I've heard it all now....beam me up Scotty.

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There's no way you've heard it all. If the future carries on like the past, look out for woke driving, woke headphones, and woke furniture. I have never heard of these things but I just know that planet clown is planning them

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James Wong has been banging on in this vein for some time now. Had a run in with him last July. I can't bear that gardening is the next target for attack by 'progressives'. The one place where I feel safe from the world.

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I just saw that. these people are insane. Next thing you know you won't be able to call turds brown without being called racist.

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Just re: blog hosting, wordpress.com is owned by Automattic rather than Alphabet, and wordpress.org is the "get Wordpress for free to run on your own server" website. But yes definitely back up your posts regardless of where you blog, you never know when some company will decide you are committing “literal violence”.

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Thank you for the correction Rick. I have been muttering to myself all day, "Did I get that right? Are they both Alphabet or is WordpressDOTcom Automattic??"

I have got a sad little cache of screenshots of deleted WordpressDOTcom sites, sites that I arrived at after following links referencing Gender Critical blogs.

The other place where it is worth composing lengthier posts off-line is Mumsnet FWR (Feminism Women's Rights).

I have also put together a "How to" for archiving Mumsnet threads:


When you try to archive a Mumsnet thread the archive function defaults to the standard Mumsnet thread view for someone who is not logged-in, which is 25 posts per page.

This is why it takes ages to Archive a long thread.

If you are logged in to Mumsnet, change your view settings to 25 posts per page to see the URL format. (I normally I have my view set to 100 posts per page).

If you do it this way then the URLs to archive should be in this format:



(You can use that format for any thread you want to archive in future, ie. add "pg=2" etc. to the end of each "main thread" URL (the "?" is already there).

For the 50:50 thread example above that means you will have to archive 40 pages to capture all 1,000 posts.

That method works on the site https://archive.today

The "today" part of the URL will automatically update to the current "mirror", which could be "is" or "vn" etc. but if you start with "today" as your default you don't need to bother trying to remember any of the alternatives.

Don't forget to Bookmark/Favourite the archives as you save them.

Page 1 of the 50:50 thread has already been archived: https://archive.vn/htuTm

Page 2 of the 50:50 thread has already been archived: https://archive.vn/b4kQ1

(NORMALLY, but NOT in this case, you can search for all URLs that start with, for example, mumsnet.com/(rest of URL) - I think that maybe it does not work here because the URLs end with "?pg=2" etc. which seems to be a type of Search result URL.)

If you are planning to Archive as a thread as it is "Live", remember to set your View to 25 posts per thread. That way you will know when the thread has flipped over to the next Page so you can Archive the previous Page.

BTW, if you want to archive just a one specific post you can do it by Bookmarking the post (Mumsnet bookmarking function) and then archiving the URL of the bookmarked post.



Archived: https://archive.is/DYEtJ

Because the URL is archived as viewed by someone Logged Out, the archived URL will display the whole page containing the Bookmarked post but the Bookmarked post will not be highlighted in any way.

However, the Archive page displays the full URL in a bar at the top.

So to find the exact post, Log In to Mumsnet and then copy and paste the full URL into your internet browser. Your view of the thread should land on the bookmarked post.

ps. Although it does not work on Mumsnet, you can usually just add the characters /* to the end of a site URL to Search Archive.Today for all pages archived from a specific site,

eg. Search results for https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/*


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This is really useful, thanks Genderwang! Thank you for raising the topic to begin with, there have been a few times recently where I’ve followed links to blogs that have been removed. And Alphabet/Google do own Blogger/Blogspot – difficult to avoid these very large, very pro-TRA tech companies.

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Good post. I am very interested in running wordpress from my own server. The only problem is that Virgin Media are reluctant to give out static IP addresses, well they were, last time I checked about 10 years ago. I know how to create my own DNS servers and web servers etc I do run wordpress sites from the Web Hosting company where they also host my email. I just wondered if you meant that a web host company is apt to ban people for running political blogs and websites, or did you mean companies like blog hosting sites that, themselves, are hosted somewherelse, like wordpress or myblog etc?

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My impression has been that general hosting companies are less inclined to police their customers than blog-specific companies, but do take that with a pinch of salt (see the Parler case, for instance). There was a thread on Ovarit about this a little while ago: https://ovarit.com/o/STEM/14891/what-hosting-companies-can-we-trust

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interesting. I tried ovarit but left after I was trolled for saying islam sucks on women's rights...very disappointed in that site which I hope is full of troll disruptors instead of just really stupid people. Plus when I got all the downvotes I realize it was modeled after reddit (duh, I know) and I think the upvote/downvote/dislike 'shaming' culture of those sites is so juvenile and what has spawned cancel culture and I don't want any part of it.

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Thank you. Just the kind of reply I hoped you would give. Very good

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wow this post is overflowing with info, don't know how you keep up with it all.

I'm firmly convinced that there is a cross platform shinigami eyes thing going on w/regards to stiflilng GC voices. I hate facebook but got suspended twice in the last month, both times just posting across multiple lost and found pages in my town trying to find owners of a stray dog. Boom! reported for spam, locked down. Tried again, suspended for 30 days for 'violating community standards'. All I did on that page was post a link to Rose Namajunas article on her anti-marxist comments, I had one friend on that page, period, just trying to help this dog.

On Medium: had a religion blog several years ago, totally apolitical. Came back to it last month (had actually forgotten about it completely) to find it redbarred as 'under investigation for violating community standards' or some b.s. This blog was on Christianity and had zero mentions of politics, just Bible verses. That's it. Some TRA troll creep is stalking me (or perhaps many TRA troll creeps) from site to site apparently. I use a VPN.

But anyway EV Williams the CEO of Medium runs a blog here: https://ev.medium.com/ (in case you want to give him a piece of your mind, I know I did)

When Anna Slatz and MK Fain wrote articles about mistreatment of feminists on Medium I put those through the comments on EV Williams' (who is also the billionaire co-founder of twitter) blog. I had opened a new blog but had no content yet. After this missive of mine demanding to know why feminists were being harassed & censored so badly on Medium I was banned within about a half an hour, presumably by Williams himself. Medium is not a welcoming place for feminists and from my experience with Williams it is clearer than ever to me that this is top down personal philosophy of the billionaire owners of these sites.

Jack Dorsey is a far bigger scumbag than Zuckerberg btw and has a MASSIVE child porn problem on twitter and won't even volunteer information about his moderation system, he's a screaming psychopath apparently (allegedly), as evidenced by the flourishing pedophile community on twitter (known as MAPs or minor attracted persons). They could literally use filters to ban MAPS from that site and they have self declared 'anti-map' KIDS on there hunting and trying to get them banned. it's obscene and Dorsey does not care.

I use blogger right now. I've had all manner of blogs on blogger and never been censored yet. It is owned by google...does anyone have any indication that google is as leftist/ pro-trans as the other platforms? Because in the past CEO's of google have taken right wing positions on things so I can't really read them. I did not know that they had a hand in wordpress...I used to use wordpress but last time I couldn't figure out how to run a blog for free on there...got frustrated and went back to blogger, which is fine...if anyone has any information on the political leaning of google that would be great.

Unregulated media entities having this much power in a political system and silencing, getting fired, and interfering with the livelihood of dissidents tells me we are not too far away from authoritarianism right now...furthermore it's acting like a creepy one world gov't. I just wrote my senator and several others begging them to repeal section 230 and break up these monolithic social media platforms. It's literally the only hope...

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The Irish establishment are laughing at the fact that front runner for the DUP leadership race thinks the world is 6,000 years old!! What a crackpot!! (A 6 foot man with a beard can also be a lesbian)

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can you send me a good tweet from a good example?

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I saw an interview between Stephen Fry and Richard Dawkins, once, ans Stephen Fry said something interesting (I know, right !) ...but he said to Dawkins: "Back in the 1970's it was almost a certainty that religion was fading out, becoming obsolete, yet here it is, all these years later, coming back with a vengeance"

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it never went anywhere and in the US religionists are the only legislators willing to stand up to the trans agenda, which is the literal ONLY reason I'm here reading and posting. Leftists are all to ready to hand their and YOUR children over to the big pharma ghouls for surgery and drugging and life-ruining. Politics makes strange bedfellows....

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I don't understand this. When Conor McGregor went rape-happy again it took a US paper to name him cause even on parliament floor he couldn't be named legally...Ireland's issues with child abuse by church institutions, clergy etc...abortion rights...it's unsurprising to me a young earth creationist is running for public office, tons of them are in office in the US...why is Ireland pretending to be an enlightened, cosmopolitan country suddenly? I no longer care if young earthers run if they will keep big pharma from mutilating and sterilizing kids for profit and in the US, sadly they are pretty much the only legislators willing to make a stand about this.

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I can't get my head around how so many online activists are cheering on the idea of talking young people into changing their bodies irrevocably and going onto lifelong medical treatment. The same activists, without a hint of irony, will claim they are "body positive" (though I think many are also part of the superficial wellness and image culture which is far from truly "body positive", it just means you post pics of you doing yoga in your undies a lot). All of this is about image, costumes, appropriating ideas from progressive movements without really understanding or doing anything about them. They claim to be anti racism, sexism and homophobia while promoting the most egregiously sexist, homophobic and racist ideas in service of gender woo. They claim to support MeToo and child abuse survivors, while actively campaigning to undermine safeguarding. It's a corporate fashion statement, just like the "empowerment" Lean In faux-minism of the mid-2000s.

I am a lawyer and several years ago had to call a professor of primary care to give evidence about appropriate standards of general medical practice. He said doctors are trained to start with the option involving the least impost (physical and financial) to the patient and only when all other options are ruled out, go to the most extreme step. Of course, there are medical practitioners who do put profit ahead of what's best for the patient (even in countries with publicly funded health care) and this approach can also mean more serious problems are not picked up as soon as you'd like. But with young people with sex dysphoria, they're going straight to the most extreme form of treatment without exploring other options.

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yes they are. it's in part cause this lobby has been screaming 'but I'll kill myself" at everyone over and over an over. What chills me is the suicide attempt rates (regardless of what they claim they do NOT have stats for trans suicides because at current those are recorded by sex at birth) are being driven by FEMALE suicide attempt rates. Those are twice as high of those of males. When coupled with the tripled suicide rate of young females I'm thinking this whole suicidality 'epidemic' is a girl genocide and not a 'trans' one, certainly their other statistics are full of hot air too, I've debunked them just for my own personal curiosty. For instance the sexual assault rate they claim is childhood sexual assaults which causes a chicken and egg argument in itself, it maybe the the assaults causing the gender dysphoria and the suicidality in the first place. They (the histrionic mtf, I mean) claim it's sexual assaults in adulthood for being trans but I haven't been able to find any proof of that. Wilfred Riley debunks the 'trans murder epidemic' here: https://quillette.com/2019/12/07/are-we-in-the-midst-of-a-transgender-murder-epidemic/

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re "Devastating Interview with a Detransitioner". The link is to a screenshot from the video, tweeted by Buck Angel.

Buck refers to his interviewee as a "transwoman".

I think that it is possibly some clips from that interview which appear in this video by "Partners for Ethical Care". Absolutely tragic story.

Buck's interviewee explains that only reason he has not detransitioned is that, "as a feminine gay guy", he would have to "live my life as a eunuch".

Keira Bell has talked about this, that there are people who regret their medicalised transition but feel that they have "no way back".

So that is another group of people who are uncounted and therefore discounted: the transition-regretters who would detransition if they could but are stuck.


Partners for Ethical Care, 23 April 2021

"As a 13 year old this boy was told he was trans for being gender non-conforming and same sex attracted. They chemically castrated and sterilized him, leaving him medicalized for life with a host of medical problems without ever exploring the underlying issues he was experiencing."



"They started me on hormones um and that was within three, three or four therapy sessions.

I was 13 years old, almost 14, when I went on hormones.

I was 14 years old when i got my puberty blocker implant in my arm.

So after seeing the gender therapist I would try to see other therapists but

they, they wouldn't really talk to me about my confusion or anything like that.

And when I talked about my past, because i was already transitioning they

wanted to frame everything around me being trans again. So I couldn't really

explore the root of anything - which was why I went to the therapist. I wanted to, to understand why I had this discomfort.

I didn't really want to jump into everything right away.

I never really understood the idea of, of gender identity. Because for me, more, just like well, I have feminine mannerisms and I like guys. So it just makes more sense for me to be pretty, right?

Th whole time i was going through this, like I would ask them, like, "What are the side effects of this?" And like they told me that the puberty blocker was completely safe, um, that there are no adverse side effects.

After I was on it for a while, um, it, it like castrates you. You stop developing, in every way, including mentally and emotionally. Which I didn't know.

It was like being frozen in like a child's body.

Yeah, on the blockers I had, I'd lost muscle, like severe muscle atrophy.

I felt frustrated because it was like being trapped in a child's body.

So like your sexuality functions differently. Like it, like you don't really, you don't really get aroused.

I was told that I would be sterile and, you know, I, I was already gay. So I was like, "Well I'm gonna adopt anyways".

You know with things not maturing correctly and possibly even atrophying so then even if I go back, I would have to live my life as a eunuch.

And I'm, it's, it's the exact awkward existence that I was trying to avoid as a feminine gay guy.

But it was presented as the only option."

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I sent that to Manchin and Graham and my senator as well. It's just horrifying....I'm already depressed and I just got up. I am glad to see Buck Angel is getting more vocal about this.

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That ethnobotanist is talking drivel. This man seems like a racist to me. Is it now essential that he come up with this drivel? Has anyone watched the BBC's "Gardeners' World" lately? Britain has a certain gardening tradition which is an amalgam of a variety of sources. And we should be thankful for it. It is one of their greatest achievements. Yes, it was fueled by the empire. Yes, great landowners had much to do with that, but so have a great many other people, including common people from Britain and Ireland since time immemorial. And since when have we had need of ethnobotanists making inroads into politics? More identity politics bleeding into science? It means the use of plants and the kind of horticulture used by native peoples in their native lands. And since scientists like to name things, fine. But in this man's mouth it sounds sinister, doesn't it. Incredible.

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I had a twitter spat with James Wong (a few years ago) over something completely different to this. He's not the sharpest pencil in the pencil case (to put it mildly).

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Gender identity in young people

November 2000Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 6(6):458-466



Domenico Di Ceglie

brillant reading list - the disordering of 'gender identity' comes from the medical/pseudo-science/psychological theories/beliefs, from john money to dom at the tavistock. in an old paper by dom he talks about the film 'boys don't cry' the biopic of the lesbian brandon teena and her passing as 'male'. passing as another gender isnt the same as being trans. it is not a journey of 'becoming'. passing is a practical way to dodge trouble as an act of self presevation and a means to attract women. the mis-reading of brandon teena as trans, is not surprising as dom the white male mad doctor is concerned with 'gender identities', that don't fit his or his staffs view of what a woman should look like or present as. masculinity is the default gender identity, and girls/women who present as something other than young attractive and doll-like are seen to be 'gender non conforming' or 'gender disobediant'. i use gender dis obediant as the tavistock is aligned with he the portman who were a centre to ascertain delinquency originally.

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...Is it just me or are we seeing more and more fantastic writers pushing back against gender identity? ... Back in 2007, when those terrorists blew up those buses, I said to many people that there would be a right wing backlash in this country, even if it took 15 years it would happen. It is part of that backlash. The people do not trust the left wing any more. The left supports terrorism, the abolition of free speech, and the spreading of fake science. If the loonies in the left want to continue pushing they only have themselves to blame for letting the whole building fall down around them. The strength of the right will reach a peak when the entire nonsense of perverts, terrorists and internationalist socialist have realised they have been legislated out of our consciousness. They stupidly believe they will win but they are already on the way out

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in the US 40 percent of the electorate is unaffiliated as of last year. I'd like to see another survey since this Equality Act crap. GOP is 25% and Dems are 31%. Literally 40 percent, of which I'm one, think both sides are full of it. We have no representation in our own govt.

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Thanks for these fabulous writers, Graham!

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Bloody hell I needed a warning for that composition. I will have that shocking blue nightie coming in my right eye all night.

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for the US if anyone wants to rate these media I just found this page, scroll down and weigh in, the Atlantic in particular needs to be moved to far left...https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-ratings

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So does that mean we are no longer Homo Sapien, but ‘ Homo Tertia’ perhaps

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