And he starts off so gently, not only with a head tilt but with a full body tilt, softly making his argument in such a 'womanly' way. Until he loses it. Then it's full on male rage, not even a hint of a 'tilt' of any kind. Wish this would go viral. People need to see the AGP-entitled, deluded, sick rage.

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This quotation is often incorrectly attributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -- but whoever is the original utterer -- the words are most apt for Western society's apparent 'acceptance' of 'gender' ideology:

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying".

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I’m sure Nicola will invite him to Scotland to finish his education.

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Because, according to the Scottish Government, this is all a huge lie. All transwomen are gentle and wholesome and wouldn't hurt a fly. Stonewillie, Mermans, and other trans orgs have told civil servants and MSPs that transwomen are the most vulnerable people in the whole wide world and these eejits have believed the fairy tale. Anyone who doesn't believe the fairy story needs re-educating. We might all be sent to China!! The only democracy there is allowed in Scotland is pro independence, everything else will be dictatorship.

When something really bad happens to a woman or girl close to any of those who will vote for this bill, then and only then, will they realise just what they have done and, oh my dog, it will be too late! Should any of them start shouting then, I so hope the press tear them apart for the hypocrites they really are. It is a bad day when the only politicians in Scotland are from the Conservative Party...

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Well that was delightful. What a legacy Sturgeon's building - bearded twats trying to bully women in their own toilets. Not to mention every pervert in the country jumping on this opportunity.

The Scottish Self ID Bill actually has a bit that says it'll be on offence to "fraudulently obtain a new gender recognition certificate," which is a bit like finding a new chapter in Alice In Wonderland that makes the rest of it look like social realism. How exactly would you go about establishing "fraud" committed by someone who's already claiming their "gendered soul" is their "correct" state, and not their physical reality?

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

Yet Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, is being allowed to speak to MSPs in Holyrood today (ahead of the self-id vote on Wednesday) to tell them that self-identification is an “international human rights imperative”! Who’d have guessed that a man whose income relies on him being sold on trans ideology would have no concern for the human rights of women not to share their single-sex spaces with men?

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Sturgeon values my feelings more than an 11 year girl’s right to privacy from male bodies.

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i’m a man and entitled to your safe space because its how i feel. And my feelings are more important than you and your safety.

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Tantrumming manbaby

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He's mad and dangerous. Mentally ill, imo, too.

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When self id gets past in scotland how many women and girls will have to be abused for sturgeon to see it was wrong?

Never before has there been such a transparent attempt to reinstate the authority of men over women. I am fucking vivid

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I nearly jumped out of my skin when he started shouting aggressively at the poor woman. I'm a feisty old woman but that looks and sounds terrifying.

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Yes, Graham, that is, indeed, our future. We are so heartsick of this monstrous imposition on all Scottish women and girls. Nicola Sturgeon has to go through with this because the odious Greens in Scotland, headed jointly by a gay man and a Tranadian woman, will refuse to back her budgets and other policies if she does not toe the line on this issue, albeit I believe she is into it anyway. This stuff is going to pass although it most certainly changes the 2004 GRA and is far more than an administrative issue.

It will allow 16/17 year-olds to self-declare with all the implications that will have for schools, and, basically, destroying the legal requirement for schools to provide male and female separate toilet and changing room facilities; it will introduce self-ID in law and allow a man to actually be. woman in law; it will cut a huge swathe through the 2010 Equality Act because only gender reassignment, out of all the categories, will be protected in future, for the very simple reason that women may be disabled, may be gay, may be black, may be religious, etc. Already, a man in Norway is identifying as a disabled woman.

The probable ramifications and implications of this legislation knows no bounds because these men will not stop unless they are stopped. Women and girls will be pushed out of their spaces, their rights, their prizes, their sports, etc. We have seen what is happening elsewhere and know that we are in for the same vile treatment at the hands of porn-sick, mentally-ill and sexually deviant men. I don't care how much they whinny about just wanting acceptance: the minute this is passed, they will begin their campaign for even greater advances to 'trans' and we will see an onslaught on prohibitive laws intended to protect society at large. How can one man, not 'trans', be arrested and charged for a sex crime that another man, dressed in frock and lippy gets away with because he's 'trans'? The laws will fall one by one unless we stand up to this insanity and call it out.

Thatcher and Reagan have gone down in history as being the two politicians who did more to screw up our world than any others, to hand financial hegemony to neoliberal elites and to create a service economy that cannot sustain half the population. Sturgeon will go down in history as the politician who did most to destroy what was left of a half-way decent, post WW II society, in the wake of those two monsters. She will oversee the end of the NHS as we know it because it cannot survive the predations of these infantilised and narcissistic people with more paraphilias than a leopard has spots. The long-term prediction for the NHS is that it will have to concentrate its scarce resources on treatment for these utterly stupid people for the rest of their lives, trying to undo the damage they have done to themselves with totally unnecessary operations and hormone consumption.

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I sent a clip of this guy to one of the SNP MSPs who had told me the Gender Reform Bill posed no risk to women and asked her whether she was sure about that. No reply as yet.....

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Many thanks Graham. Did you see the misogynistic mansplainers Geoff Barrow and Jason Williamson lamenting "right wing" and "reactionary views" of aging musicians in the Guardian? The entire article self-awareness free!


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Quick window into Exulansic and my deep dive, a behavioral analysis of cross-dressing, the dopamine hits from rebellion, ersatz "liberation" and placebo effect of "doing something" towards resolution of profound psychiatric illness. This guy's belief in transformation through wardrobe and escapist behavior reveals how cross-dressing fails as cure of body dissociation. The full interview will go up on Thursday and a transcript of it will be at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com

Oddly, I've more sympathy for my narcissist ex-husband as I process the fallacies of cross-dressing.


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