I've just received another lock-out for telling someone to 'knock themselves out' (i.e. make a great effort to do X). Twitter police tell me I'm violating their rules on 'promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm'. WTF? Do they not understand what 'knock yourself out' means?
This all makes my blood boil and I will NEVER understand how so many government departments have allowed themselves to be gaslit by this horrible ideology ! Why on EARTH do they refuse to see the sheer breathtaking injustice of every " DICTAT " proposed by this totalitarian regime.,including the damage it will inflict on the population ,especially the female majority ? This is the WORST evil ever to befall the human race , bar none ,and people need to be held accountable for the inevitable consequences of allowing damaged and ,in some cases ,truly evil people to run most of the so called " developed " world.!! "Transwomen" are MEN and " Transmen " are WOMEN and that is an irrefutable biological fact which Women definitely Won't wheesht about !! I'll be at the demonstration tomorrow in Edinburgh ,for sure ! Hope it's HUGE
I'm right beside you, Susan, in EVERY way. We are back in the times of Hitler Minds, under Stonewall and Transworld's Dictatorship. Very few really understand the depth of threat to women and girls that this is bringing...and what's so awful is that so many women themselves are WELCOMING their own annihilation and allowing their children to become medical experiments. Keeps me awake now, night after night after................
As part of this thread there are several tweets about uterus transplants becoming more available!!! This tweet is interesting for all the wrong reasons but should be shared widely as it is very telling of attitude and entitlement - "Best part is, if you just want it so you can carry a baby or a few...You can have it removed after and not need life long immuno suppression."
This cannot become a thing. Women should not be giving up healthy wombs to men - what of the children and their rights? Uteri transplants should only be going to other women -if they do become a thing...
There is a group at Imperial College NHS Trust (based at St Mary's Hospital and Queen Charlotte Hospital, both in London), who are indeed pursuing implanting "donated" (bought?) uteri into men. They conducted what amounted to a market research campaign among male transsexuals in 2020 and published the results in https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2775302. Srdjan Saso, PhD is the main researcher. Richard Smith MD is the head of Dept. I have written twice to https://wombtransplantuk.org/uk-research-team, to enquire about their plans in connection with this "research" paper, with no reply, obviously. Seriously disturbed, and unethical men - yes, all men.
You are absolutely right about Mengele. I know people on here have issues with Germaine Greer, but in her book Whole Woman she writes about men invading and colonizing women's reproductive function. I firmly believe men should not be permitted in the obstetric or gynecological professions.
It is actually still of great use to you: it is part of your body's hormone regulation system, and the lack of a uterus, especially if the ovaries are removed, mean that women who have had to have a hysterectomy require monitoring for oestrogen level once a year at least.
Una-Jane, I had a complete hysterectomy at age 42. I took estradiol for 12 years (which probably caused my cataracts) and when I started seeing a nurse practitioner/naturopath she put me on estrogen cream, which I stopped taking once my hypothyroidism was treated. I never experienced menopausal symptoms, never get tested for estrogen levels. I believe I had lower estrogen levels when I was fully intact because I was comfortable in men's jeans; now I wear women's jeans because I actually have a waist. Thyroid treatment is lifesaving and I would not have needed a hysterectomy if the idiot docs had not ignored my glaring hypothyroidism.
It's disgusting. The man would have to be taking anti-rejection drugs during pregnancy and these are often toxic to the fetus and cause birth defects. Who's going to be looking after that disabled child (and who's going to be paying for it)?
Think carefully about organ donation of any kind. There are villages in India where most if not all of the women only have one kidney. There is a reason we have two kidneys. I oppose all organ donation and transplantation (interestingly, two of the nurses my husband worked with at a dialysis clinic were totally opposed to kidney transplantation). It is more medical sexiness and heroism without much thought for the real-life consequences, such as my friend who had a double-lung transplant which killed her. Yes, her life wasn't great but she was alive and lively.
Why do you say 'she'? This is a man, a he. If we capitulate on pronouns we are handing them the whole thing. No man, whatever he thinks about himself, however he dresses, however dysphoric he may be, will ever be a she, a woman. Only biological women are women. That's the incontrovertible reality. If you are going to allow them to bully you into speaking of them as women, you are no defender of women at all. The pronouns are everything.
I agree, Miriam, 100%. Correct pronouns only, at all times. They have absolutely NO concern for women whatsoever, and the more they can hurt us, as he knows damn well his revolting tweet did, the more they will continue. They are ALL male. That is what Trans Identifying Males have in common, every single one of them is a man and will NEVER be a woman.
I think I could call a transsexual who passed she IF he spent at least 10 years doing women's work. This not only means all the domestic work women do, but the organizing, organizing, organizing. Changing nappies doesn't cut it for me. Overseeing a household is what counts.
Each morning I wake up, wondering whether the waking nightmare might be ending, only to be thumped roundly in the solar plexis by yet another manifestation of this obscene, satanic trans-lunacy. I trust, however, that reason *will* prevail, partly because there are various 'secular saints' who are working flat out to end this misery. Glinner is but one of them. There's a saying where I come from: "For every Pharaoh there is a Moses." This gives me hope that one day, the collective will that is shoring up the gender critical movement will part the waves of cultic madness and lead the innocent and the reasonable through the murky waters and onto the promised land of common sense.
Severe mental health conditions. Nowt to do with 'Being Trans'. That such humans are all around our children now, inside the entire education system, saturating young minds with their mentally unwell minds beggars belief and makes me want to sob my heart out for what has been allowed to happen.
Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know her name and thought you had gone on to talk about someone else, someone implicated in the conversations you then quoted.
Alex Moore was attending a CBS boys only school and describing himself as NB when he went on an abortion rights march in NI. This teenage boy berated the protesting women for chanting about a woman's right to abortion - because abortion is a people's right. The women did not silence him. They lent him a loudspeaker so his voice could be heard. He was still furious, raging on Twitter because transphobic women had disobeyed his orders.
Abortion Rights chose a man who tried to stop women talking about their right to abortion to represent women's struggle on International Women's Day.
Lilith has doubled down on Twitter saying "sorry but that line I retweeted was hilarious." Also says the publicity will be good for the surgery fund. Hey, we will ALL be glad when that dick is gone, so everyone's a winner.
Grotesque, absolute in-your-face perversions of truth and reality.
Unsettling that Lilith was doing overseas charity work.
Indeed. One wonders exactly what 'Lilith' did overseas.
Ha! My first Twitter ban - for telling Joss Pryor that men can never be women and women can never be men. What absolute dullards.
I've just received another lock-out for telling someone to 'knock themselves out' (i.e. make a great effort to do X). Twitter police tell me I'm violating their rules on 'promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm'. WTF? Do they not understand what 'knock yourself out' means?
This all makes my blood boil and I will NEVER understand how so many government departments have allowed themselves to be gaslit by this horrible ideology ! Why on EARTH do they refuse to see the sheer breathtaking injustice of every " DICTAT " proposed by this totalitarian regime.,including the damage it will inflict on the population ,especially the female majority ? This is the WORST evil ever to befall the human race , bar none ,and people need to be held accountable for the inevitable consequences of allowing damaged and ,in some cases ,truly evil people to run most of the so called " developed " world.!! "Transwomen" are MEN and " Transmen " are WOMEN and that is an irrefutable biological fact which Women definitely Won't wheesht about !! I'll be at the demonstration tomorrow in Edinburgh ,for sure ! Hope it's HUGE
I'm right beside you, Susan, in EVERY way. We are back in the times of Hitler Minds, under Stonewall and Transworld's Dictatorship. Very few really understand the depth of threat to women and girls that this is bringing...and what's so awful is that so many women themselves are WELCOMING their own annihilation and allowing their children to become medical experiments. Keeps me awake now, night after night after................
As part of this thread there are several tweets about uterus transplants becoming more available!!! This tweet is interesting for all the wrong reasons but should be shared widely as it is very telling of attitude and entitlement - "Best part is, if you just want it so you can carry a baby or a few...You can have it removed after and not need life long immuno suppression."
This cannot become a thing. Women should not be giving up healthy wombs to men - what of the children and their rights? Uteri transplants should only be going to other women -if they do become a thing...
There is a group at Imperial College NHS Trust (based at St Mary's Hospital and Queen Charlotte Hospital, both in London), who are indeed pursuing implanting "donated" (bought?) uteri into men. They conducted what amounted to a market research campaign among male transsexuals in 2020 and published the results in https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2775302. Srdjan Saso, PhD is the main researcher. Richard Smith MD is the head of Dept. I have written twice to https://wombtransplantuk.org/uk-research-team, to enquire about their plans in connection with this "research" paper, with no reply, obviously. Seriously disturbed, and unethical men - yes, all men.
Whatever for? That’s me opting out of organ donation sad but true I can’t abide by this.
You are absolutely right about Mengele. I know people on here have issues with Germaine Greer, but in her book Whole Woman she writes about men invading and colonizing women's reproductive function. I firmly believe men should not be permitted in the obstetric or gynecological professions.
True and the consequences of that could be most women " opting out" of organ donation !! Wouldn't want any man to have mine !!
Two of them can have mine! I have a split womb and it was of absolutely no use to me. We just don't have to tell them it is a dud!!!
It is actually still of great use to you: it is part of your body's hormone regulation system, and the lack of a uterus, especially if the ovaries are removed, mean that women who have had to have a hysterectomy require monitoring for oestrogen level once a year at least.
Una-Jane, I had a complete hysterectomy at age 42. I took estradiol for 12 years (which probably caused my cataracts) and when I started seeing a nurse practitioner/naturopath she put me on estrogen cream, which I stopped taking once my hypothyroidism was treated. I never experienced menopausal symptoms, never get tested for estrogen levels. I believe I had lower estrogen levels when I was fully intact because I was comfortable in men's jeans; now I wear women's jeans because I actually have a waist. Thyroid treatment is lifesaving and I would not have needed a hysterectomy if the idiot docs had not ignored my glaring hypothyroidism.
Yep let them have our wombs with our fibroids and endometriosis and see how they enjoy being a full woman!
It's disgusting. The man would have to be taking anti-rejection drugs during pregnancy and these are often toxic to the fetus and cause birth defects. Who's going to be looking after that disabled child (and who's going to be paying for it)?
Think carefully about organ donation of any kind. There are villages in India where most if not all of the women only have one kidney. There is a reason we have two kidneys. I oppose all organ donation and transplantation (interestingly, two of the nurses my husband worked with at a dialysis clinic were totally opposed to kidney transplantation). It is more medical sexiness and heroism without much thought for the real-life consequences, such as my friend who had a double-lung transplant which killed her. Yes, her life wasn't great but she was alive and lively.
Why do you say 'she'? This is a man, a he. If we capitulate on pronouns we are handing them the whole thing. No man, whatever he thinks about himself, however he dresses, however dysphoric he may be, will ever be a she, a woman. Only biological women are women. That's the incontrovertible reality. If you are going to allow them to bully you into speaking of them as women, you are no defender of women at all. The pronouns are everything.
I agree, Miriam, 100%. Correct pronouns only, at all times. They have absolutely NO concern for women whatsoever, and the more they can hurt us, as he knows damn well his revolting tweet did, the more they will continue. They are ALL male. That is what Trans Identifying Males have in common, every single one of them is a man and will NEVER be a woman.
I think I could call a transsexual who passed she IF he spent at least 10 years doing women's work. This not only means all the domestic work women do, but the organizing, organizing, organizing. Changing nappies doesn't cut it for me. Overseeing a household is what counts.
Each morning I wake up, wondering whether the waking nightmare might be ending, only to be thumped roundly in the solar plexis by yet another manifestation of this obscene, satanic trans-lunacy. I trust, however, that reason *will* prevail, partly because there are various 'secular saints' who are working flat out to end this misery. Glinner is but one of them. There's a saying where I come from: "For every Pharaoh there is a Moses." This gives me hope that one day, the collective will that is shoring up the gender critical movement will part the waves of cultic madness and lead the innocent and the reasonable through the murky waters and onto the promised land of common sense.
Severe mental health conditions. Nowt to do with 'Being Trans'. That such humans are all around our children now, inside the entire education system, saturating young minds with their mentally unwell minds beggars belief and makes me want to sob my heart out for what has been allowed to happen.
That tweet alone should have had them defunded
This is an interesting read
“Then Amnesty Ireland removed women like Helen from the whole issue with their disgraceful ‘pregnant people’ tweet,”
Who is Helen?
My ex-wife. x
Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know her name and thought you had gone on to talk about someone else, someone implicated in the conversations you then quoted.
Helen and Graham's heartbreak: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/19/graham-helen-linehan-ireland-abortion-amnesty-international?fbclid=IwAR13M1epJ7ZurKJyJf5dM0BZpxCqvsSKfYl3JOetm9dFN_4xG948f8UANZE
Thank you! x
Noah Halpin is not a transman, there is no such thing. She is a trans identified woman.
Worked abroad for Oxfam. Not sure that sounds as brave & courageous as it once might have. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/oxfam-latest-sex-scandal-prostitution-rape-children-haiti-warned-2008-save-the-children-a8214781.html
Alex Moore was attending a CBS boys only school and describing himself as NB when he went on an abortion rights march in NI. This teenage boy berated the protesting women for chanting about a woman's right to abortion - because abortion is a people's right. The women did not silence him. They lent him a loudspeaker so his voice could be heard. He was still furious, raging on Twitter because transphobic women had disobeyed his orders.
Abortion Rights chose a man who tried to stop women talking about their right to abortion to represent women's struggle on International Women's Day.
Lilith has doubled down on Twitter saying "sorry but that line I retweeted was hilarious." Also says the publicity will be good for the surgery fund. Hey, we will ALL be glad when that dick is gone, so everyone's a winner.