We’re coming for you, BBC...

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Mr Kavanagh:

(1) Please correct "the service had become fatally ideologically companied": you mean "compromised".

(2) Please check the links. For example it seems that the BMJ has taken down Prof Carl Henegan's important study for the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford): https://blogs.bmj.com/bmjebmspotlight/2019/02/25/gender-affirming-hormone-in-children-and-adolescents-evidence-review/%23informed%20decision

Thank you!

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Cheers, will check

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Brilliant article. Thank you!

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'the madness of gender'. That's it. A madness that has seeped into every imaginable corner of our society. Aided and abetted by fetish, bullies, fear and cowards.

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Oh, and the 'be kind' crowd. The ones who have a knee jerk reaction to any 'social justice' issue without really thinking it through. They've aided and abetted too. I know a lot of intelligent young women who fall into this category. They have not researched or used their noggins. They must have damped down their initial valuable and reasonable responses in favour of 'kindness'. But as we all know, 'kindness' can, in some cases, be pathological.

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Quite. And apologies for repetition, but respected academic Jonathan Haidt said in his "The Righteous Mind" - that ‘those of a leftward disposition are incapable of seeing the larger picture and therefore perpetuate unfairness on some while cooing over the victim of the moment.’ Not all, by any means, of those with a leftward disposition, but it’s a good point.

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I realise more and more how neatly it bolted on like an update or power up jet pack on all the nastiest intolerant things lurking in our societies like mould in bathroom grout - misogyny, homophobia, racism ('trans women are just like black women or disabled women', don't ever forget that's how they think). Add in florid flagrant narcissism, ignorance and most of the psychiatric diagnostic manuals on speed.

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And delusions of gender. I always think of Carrie Fisher and her delusions of grandma. Grandeur doesn't get a look in!

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Superb article, thank you for all of your fantastic work in exposing this. DQST openly raises money for Mermaids, and has done so in the past. I'm assuming councils are dabbling in things they don't understand and haven't researched properly. Am I right?

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Drag Queen Story Time? Sorry, have acronym overload. Sounds like a new Defence Contractor...

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Yes the first one! Haha

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There's due to be a protest of DQST today at Brighton, but the protestors at others around the country have been described in the media as 'far right'.

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Why is the media being so extremely biased? Is it just plain virtue signalling / sensationalism, to pander to the woke elite? I'm sure right wingers are there, but I'm sure many are concerned parents with all kinds of political leanings, and perhaps other groups too. I can't help but feel that this is a smear on so many perfectly good people. If enough people don't want it, surely that questions its "inclusivity"? Seems to me that diversity and tolerance in gender presentation/sexuality is to be celebrated, but diversity of thought/opinion? Tolerance of other people's values? Oh no, we couldn't possibly extend our generosity to that. To me, this is contempt of ordinary people. What's your take on it?

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Kay, I think it's another example of the mayhem that ensues when councils captured by Stonewall believe that supporting anything related to the so-called 'LGBT community' (which we know doesn't exist) is a good and inclusive thing to do. Drag is historically very much an adult gay male thing and not related in any way to children.

I think a lot of concerned parents wouldn't go to a protest, as they wouldn't want young children there to be upset by the potential conflict.

It seems that certain groups have hi-jacked this issue, in the same way that they hi-jacked the protests at a school in Birmingham re SRE education.

It's important for children to receive some types of information in an age appropriate way eg children can have two mums or two dads, but not other stuff eg that children can be born in the wrong body etc. It's another way in which things have become conflated and confused due to the T being added to LGB

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Thanks for this Hazel. It makes a lot of sense. I think the problem comes when the public think the 'LGBT community' is one homogeneous group, which of course they are led to believe. I'm tempted to say "Pride" doesn't help, as it cements this idea in the public consciousness, that LGBT people go around together, that they have the same values and want the same things. Then any protests do appear to be bullying an oppressed group. I hope the LGB Alliance can break away and become more visible to show people how LGB rights mean something starkly different. I think it will take some time for people to realise that being against trans extremism isn't anything to do with homophobia. Again, LGBT screams the message that it all means the same thing.

Do you think councils will learn their lesson or continue to be pressured to show their commitment to the cause? I don't know if people high up in the council will secretly enjoy the distraction or whether it has been nothing but a headache!

So the media do have a point that it is predominantly [hardline] right wingers? Just a shame they get the limelight for their poor behaviour. On the other hand, I hear that ordinary parents have written letters of concern, just to be ignored.

All this age inappropriate stuff started after a 'T' (activist) takeover...

Happy to be put right on any of this. Just trying to understand this!

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I think the fact that the GIDS service at the Tavistock is due to be shut down following the Cass review means that hopefully there will be more scrutiny of what's going on in schools, libraries etc, but as you say it will take time, as the councils are well and truly captured.

LGB Alliance are working hard, but they are currently having to crowd fund as an attempt is being made to remove their charitable status (I think by Mermaids).

I am a lesbian and I no longer have anything to do with Pride, because it doesn't represent me and feels meaningless and the Pride flag, which used to signify safety, now feels threatening to me.

A DQST was cancelled a couple of years ago when a lot of complaints were received from women about drag ridiculing and caricaturing women, but it feels like since then, the woke message has taken hold and women don't matter.

And the recent protests do seem to have been hi-jacked, although as you say, there will be lots of ordinary people who do object, but their views and voices have been drowned out.

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Yes I agree, the voices of ordinary people are not only drowned out but are bunched in with the homophobic protestors. So there are no nuances now, sadly, and it's not like the media is bringing attention to the sensible concerns of other groups. Really embarrassing and divisive to unfairly brand ordinary people homophobic. I think it's much fairer to say that we're rejecting a culture here, i.e. gender ideology which I think is appalling and dangerous nonsense. I very much hope that the Tavistock does mean councils and schools will be forced to change what they teach/promote. I'm a bit nervous though that the media coverage has been a bit pathetic. Perhaps we'll hear more when the full Cass Report is published and it will become a more prominent news item. Or am I being naive? I am aware that the mainstream media is a bit stuck now, having been so woke. How will they manage the U-turn? Put it on Newsnight at stupid o'clock so no one sees it? Does my head in, the way it's being suppressed in the media.

Best of luck to LGB Alliance, against Mermaids. Hopefully this will uncover some truths too. What a mess!

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Kay, I'm not ignoring you, just a bit busy atm but will reply later

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No worries!

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Trans ID has demolished women's charities too - there is a woman in Hove having to sue to get a single sex provision reeastablished for rape survivors. WEP, Fawcett Society are both captured too. It is the ultimate weapon of patriarchy and has proven over and again how gender is only ever the tool of male supremacists. Gay men need to come out in support of women and lesbians in far greater numbers and in much the same way that women and lesbians supported gay men during the Aids crisis.

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Not being a gay man myself, I hesitate to tell gay men what they should and shouldn’t do. I will say, however, that any gay men who think they’re not coming for you too need to think again.

Most of the adult men going trans are AGP pervs who are mostly going to bother lesbians, but the boys they’re transing are mostly gay. A substantial part of the next generation of gay men will grow up sexually disabled by puberty blockers and surgeries and the homophobic hatred peddled by the TRAs.

The other way they are coming for you is through this “boxer ceiling” bullshit. They will make it impossible to use hookup apps to filter out fake men. You will not be able to keep them out of your clubs. They will punish dissent with cancellation. They will tear apart your charities, your groups, and your relationships. They will force straight sex on gay men, at penalty of ostracism.

They came for the lesbians first. But the ideology is totalitarian, and they’re nowhere near finished.

Thank you for speaking out, Mr. Kavanaugh. This catastrophe mostly touches me through my children, but I have many gay friends and I hope they know it’s coming for them too.

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I only mentioned gay men need to support women and lesbians as a call to reciprocal support. Women and lesbians have done a huge amount to support gay men and it would be civil to return that support. I don't think you have to be of a community to remind them of obligations of mutuality.

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Which "women and lesbians" (smh) are you trying to guilt-trip gay men into supporting, the ~45% who support trans rights or the ~30% opposed to them?

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Pointing out a debt of mutiality is not guilt tripping gay men but simply reminding them that we stand or fall together. There are plenty of gay men that have supported women face via drag, trans rights etc so I am appealing to the ones who recognise women's oppression as being equally relevant as their own - its the basis of the Equality Act. Whether you are killed because you are gay or me because I'm a woman, we're both equally dead. We have mutual interests here, and could do with mutual respect for the fatal nature of our respective oppressions.

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The ~100% who are harmed by them.

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Agreed Dennis - how do we trigger a public enquiry?

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Look no further than the Inquiries Act 2005 - https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/12/contents

Expect a number of organisations to be pressing calls for such up to and after the announcement of the new PM.

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With Badenoch in the right post this is a dead cert

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I want to think and hope that this really will end the abuse and mutilation of children, but there are way too many trans activists crowing with delight about how when the local centers open up, the services they had come to expect will continue al over the country nationwide instead of one center.

In a similar way, there is much crowing over how Alison Bailey lost against Stonewall and will soon be facing hefty damage claims.

In both cases, I just hope they are very, very wrong.

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Yes, this gets discussed a lot and on how this will unfold. Will it be a big bang and something so awful on a scale it will all suddenly stop or be ended, will those who screech this ideology need a 'bridge' or way to climb down or go quiet. The pretence too many key people or organisations 'didn't know' or 'didn't have the data'. They have been making conscious decisions to not collect or have been skewing data. There have been a few 'allies' removing their mermaid emojis, removing their pronouns and deleting stuff. But while we still have BBC names acting naive it's still got momentum. And there are equality/inclusion/diversityish posts and consultants still embedded everywhere pushing this junk. 'Corporate social responsibility' seemed to merge into that, so that function isn't disappearing and they will need another stick to beat people with if this goes.

More and more awful things have happened and keep happening, so that's an unlikely tipping point. I think it's the weight of employment judgments slowly building, with occasional lurches forward after a few brave individuals broke rank, and when organisations and employers realised they have liability and flee the scene of the crime. Often in face-saving ways.

I don't now trust the NHS with this - I have a nasty feeling they closed the GIDS at the Tavistock more to avoid the obvious condemnation and liability - less through any care for those or future patients. They are still spinning this now. Having a reorganisation is the tactic failing organisations and Ministers of State use. We always need a curiosity which they notably didn't have for the best part of two decades. Who was it fighting tooth and nail to avoid scrutiny? Those who subtly changed NHS policies despite the protections in the Equality Act 2010 and others are still employed, still 'misapplying' that and still spreading the damage. They are in hospitals, trusts and teams all over the UK. And where are the Medical Royal Colleges in all that? Let alone the CQC and other regulators. Govt departments and Civil Service?

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Yes, I also worry about the changing over of the service. Gender ideology must be gone completely, from the very start and treated as the baseless, dangerous falsehood it is. My only hope is that the likes of Great Ormond Street hospital will just dismiss any hint of ideology in favour of actual research-based healthcare. Perhaps we can even get back to this basic oath: "First, do no harm". Remember that old chestnut?

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Excellent, thanks!

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Thank you for this article. Once again I am in disbelief that Stonewall - historically a noble organisation advocating on behalf of LGB people - has become a tool of institutionalised homophobia. If you told anyone this ten years ago, they'd assume you were completely bonkers.

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They're a trans charity and it only took seven years for everyone else to catch on.

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Please can a biologist come along to describe some awful parasite or fungus that takes over the body of an ant or a tree please. Zombies.

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Brilliant article ,Denis. Says it all. There should be a public inquiry into the whole gender ideology culture ,with no stone left unturned. There's an absolute mountain of evidence of the appalling and gut wrenching damage this movement has caused ,in all areas of society. They should ALL be shut down pending the results and the British Police should be forced to comply with the LAW that they're supposed to uphold !! Well done ,Denis 👍👏♥️

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I don't know how to send a link direct to Dennis and Graham and perhaps they and most of you have already seen this recent and very powerful sub stack from 'Denton.'

If you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out.


After his opening - a very powerful and harrowing account of his daughter's transition, Denton will be posting a great deal of other material that he's been collecting.

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Aug 3, 2022
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When Susie Green tells this story... it should make people cry. For her poor little boy. And move them to tell HER what a terrible thing she and her husband have done. Not only to their own son, but to so many other people's children. And that they now have a mission in life: to make sure that nothing like this EVER happens again. Anywhere. To anyone.

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Aug 3, 2022
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Stonewall need a good look by them as well! It's a business not a charity and advertises itself as LGB.. which it no longer is. Yet Mermaids are allowed to try to destroy LGB Alliance and in doing so getting their charitable status removed??

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I've just donated to LGB Alliance's CrowdJustice page to support the battle against Mermaid's attack. Only 21 days left and only half way funded.

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Thanks for the info, will donate

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And Gendered Intelligence! They have got away unscrutinised. People are starting to question the power and influence of Stonewall and Mermaids, but GI needs to be seriously held to account, too. They go under most people's radar.

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Aug 3, 2022
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Pl see my previous post. The charity sector is full of the most useless and badly run groups which are never, ever called to account except on financial grounds. Plus ça change!

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The Charity Commission ONLY intervenes when a Trustee or employee steals the charity's funds - that is the ground on which the Charity Commission finally closed down "Kids Company" run by the colourful Camilla Batmanghelidjh. There were questions about the shoddy work of KC for years beforehand.

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Aug 3, 2022
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like not working - agreed!

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It probably is working, actually-- just not showing up (happens to me all the time). Try refreshing the page; your like should be visible then :)

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haha thx - that one worked! x

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You're welcome! Glad it helped :)

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