Although I knew most of this, it was great to see it presented so logically and factually.

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Interesting information to know. It always surprises me when people seem to walk around or are thinking about sex. Seems a bit unhinged to me. Time, privacy, place and person and all that. Mind you speaking as a woman once you have children the evidence is there isn’t it? Gasp.

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Hi Graham, not specifically AGP but similarly an elephant in room regarding BDSM/ Furry culture which seems to be a gateway for misogynistic behaviour and advocacy. I wanted to draw your attention to a post on BBC 3 (ie aimed at young people) website which NORMALISES BDSM (with surprise surprise, a young woman with MH issues as the submissive 🤢.)

'I use kitten play to give me body confidence' - BBC Three

PS I’m not trying to BBC bash - I am a huge advocate for the BBC as it was and am worried that its current capture and loss of balance risks permanent damage and excuse for defunding of a major cultural organisation in this country.

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A powerful and clearly presented article. Some of the comments on the original blog post are interesting, too, especially one by a woman who has worked as a caregiver for people with personality disorders. She often identifies PDs in trans people she encounters.

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Hi @Glinner, the last link to the article actually goes to rip4nutmeg’s Twitter On Andrea Long Chu.

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Momo has done the job better than me - here are all of the Sue Donym Medium posts, archived https://terfmomo.tumblr.com/post/641785409708392448/good-news-ladies-while-medium-may-have-banned

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Hi Graham - your "Please Follow Her" link -above- demonstrates that Sue, too, has been banned from Medium! ; I was looking fwd to reading her piece about "bad Trans stats concerning violence and death" - which was flashed up a week ago on Bret and Heather's YouTube session - so this banning must have been recent. Do you have the piece so that you can post it?

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I don't! Please send it to me if you find it!

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I'll just leave this here.. https://archive.is/eUOLD

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Sue Donym now chucked off Medium too. Dark days.

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I see Medium has now suspended her account so it's good you posted this copy. Deserves sharing widely!

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To all appearances, “queer sex” is identical to garden variety heterosexual sex, except that the man is wearing a maid’s uniform and the woman is dressed as a Cub Scout.

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Here is the link https://web.archive.org/web/20201120231102/https://sue-donym.medium.com/the-transgender-movement-and-bad-stats-a-debunking-compilation-31760947b382 {if it keeps refreshing while you are trying to read it, then wait - it may settle down.. otherwise do a "highlight all" command, and copy-paste into Word or similar..}

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I found it on the Internet Archive! - a wonderful thing.. The article deals with the "trans murder epidemic" nonsense amongst other things.. how do we prompt Sue to put her valuable work up somewhere else, since Medium has deemed it too awful?

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