Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen

This is self-harm sold as a lifestyle package; repress your feelings, deny your biology - destroy your future.

These are victims, not trailblazers; they are children who deserve so much better.

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Yes. victims. What is worse is the detransitioners - young people in their early twenties, many of them - are not heard or listened to by their former acolytes.

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I think we should hear more from the desisters - those who experience dysphoria but decide not to have their bodies altered medically. Having had a narrow escape from the affirmative model, they could make a valuable contribution to the debate on the proposed 'conversion therapy' ban.

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Transgender ideology and the apparatus around it has frequently been likened to a cult. Detransitioners who want to speak, like former members of a cult, aren't going to be well received by those who are still members of the cult or are sympathetic to it. They're going to be attacked for their heresy and lies.

Anyone in that position needs a lot of support, and the opportunity to express themselves and share their experience if they want to. But there's not much interest from the media that tells trans stories because these ones have the wrong ending.

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Wow, those last two paragraphs especially intense in their truth. I got sucked into reading for hours last night about medical experiment history and just come away wondering why no one is stopping/monitoring such things, in a world where we talk about animal cruelty or the lack of ethics in big pharma, and all the other topics that are as common as table salt.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum for sure. And Martine Rothblatt is def one of the leaders of the lunacy brigade. Just yikes.

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Thanks for mentioning the deranged Rothblatt monster. You can find out more about him here: https://nymag.com/news/features/martine-rothblatt-transgender-ceo/index1.html

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He’s literally made a robot replica of his wife. A real life stepford wife. Just double yikes.

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Wow. That is horrifying. Three quotes leaped out at me:

Patricia Kluge, the former wife of the late media billionaire John Kluge, was a friend of Martine’s at the time and says the subject of her gender never came up: “Bright people don’t talk about these things,” she told me. “The body is but a shell. It’s the mind and the heart that count.”

The overwhelming majority of transhumanists are men, and their interest in life extension can seem like a grandiose form of executive-personality narcissism.

As the party wears on, the guests divide themselves by gender, with Martine remaining at the dining table with the men.

Oh, and this one -- hahahaha

"The robot has appeared places not dressed or accoutresized, if I can make that a word, the way Bina would like,” Martine explained. “It’s not like Bina is always a priss-and-pretty kind of person, but when she’s someplace where you’re supposed to look nice, say, speaking to a group of 900 people, as Bina48 is, she would not show up with her hair all cockeyed. That, I think, bothers her.”

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Gosh ,what a story. !! How do people gain so much power that they can seriously try to disrupt the evolutionary process and cause so much damage to real people ??

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They recently began an experiment of injecting monkeys with estrogen to see if that makes them more susceptible to HIV (to try to the figure out why trans women have such high rates of HIV, when there are clearly other factors at play here- namely that these trans women with HIV are gay men, many of whom are caught up in the sex trade, who are engaging in unsafe sex with multiple partners). So now they are hormonally altering monkeys and exposing them to HIV for this nonsense.

It’s all just so ridiculous.

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Talk about a waste of (most likely) public money.

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That’s precisely why I ask people what their doctor’s doctoring does for them. Where is the “Science” in it? I see technology being (mis)applied, but what’s actually scientific about this industry? There doesn’t seem to be enough science in it to stop the repeated abuses of the public en masse it keeps perpetrating. I only go to the ER (A&E) if I have a trauma, which is what this industry excels at. Health isn’t a major aspect of most medical business, unless you’re referring to the healthy size of the bank accounts for the practitioners!

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Indeed. A deranged and disturbingly influential futurologist:


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Thank you. Brilliant article, much more sensible with none of the wide-eyed acceptance of the other one. Great rallying cry at the end. But are we doing enough?

The jig is up on this purported “human rights movement.” If we want to hold fast to our humanity, there is no time to waste. We are in the eleventh hour and must end this tech-driven, hubristic flight from flesh, mortality and nature.

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Ooof "Doctors' sense of responsibility shifts from the actual patient in front of them to the patient's transgender alter". That phrase hit me in the solar plexus. Great article.

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God, yes. Doctor and patient colluding in a delusion. How can it be ethical? It can't. It's total madness.

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It is. And I am interested in how it starts too, in younger children, with 'social transitioning'. Get a child when he or she is so young they don't understand the difference between looking like a girl and being a girl, allow them or encourage them to believe that they are 'actually' the opposite sex, allow or encourage them to change their name, and how others refer to them. How then, does that child retreat from that counter-factual world they have created back into reality? Surely it makes the next phase, medical intervention to make the body match the delusion, much more likely? And it's happening here in the UK, including to a child I knew, and notably to the child of Susie Green, Mermaids CEO.

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And to an autistic child I once knew. Now a very young adult. So sad.

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Doctor's elision of (1) diagnosis of the disorder GD and (2) promotion of GD as a "normal state" is utterly unethical and insane, as you say. Their duty is to diagnose and obey Hipocratic Oath "First of all: do no harm". They are NOT helping confused patients by pushing them further into their delusion (any more than liposuction for anorexics is ethical). They have abandoned their scientific appraisal of the various treatment options (keeping an objective mind) and they have been sucked into the unfounded belief of their patients. Dr Paul McHugh, head of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School had this right back in 1979. See Paul_R._McHugh in Wikipedia No! just NO.

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Heartbreaking photo!

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I am going to be having a mastectomy soon and not looking forward to it.

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Sending good wishes to you, hope you have enough GGM and Allende for when you are well enough recovered to read. Heard a funny interview with IA the other day and she was so sparky and irreverent. Take good care :-)

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Thank you. I am rereading 100 Years of Solitude atm (in Spanish) - keeping my brain and culture cells alive!

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Oh, very sorry to hear that.

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Oh ,dear. Hope you're ok.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Just recovering from chemo atm. Thank you 🙏

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Praying for you.🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you

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Oh gosh I'm sorry, I hope it goes well and your recovery x

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Thank you.

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All good wishes Ursula x

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Thank you

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My good wishes to you , for the operation and a full recovery.

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Thank you.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

It really is heartbreaking. I'm sure in the future they're going to wonder what the fuck happened and what they did to themselves. But even more, why did people let this happen to them? And the others who didn't just let it happen, they celebrated it.

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"Elective mastectomies on girls become “reconstructive chest surgery” on “boys.”" Well said! This is exactly what happens when language is spun into nonsensical webs. Webs that ensnare and trap and maim the vulnerable and the ignorant.

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...and unaware. Many people are blind to these atrocities.

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This image is so disturbing. My heart goes out to these girls who have had the medical profession help them self-mutilate.

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Maiming and destroying bodies for $$$ and creating life-long patients for big pharma. That's all this is. And it's horror for the rest of us.

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They maim and destroy bodies on a daily basis, and not just gender Mengeles. Their goal in the U.S. is to keep people alive as they squeeze the last dollar out of them, sometimes even doing surgeries (not for comfort) on people as they are dying. I have nothing good to say about the medical "profession."

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Me, either. I lost my health insurance because I quit my job, and I don't miss it. I never went to the doctor anyway. They don't know squat about actual health. They just do field dressing.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I have had good treatment for my cancer from doctors... some of the meds are extremely expensive and would be impossible to self-fund for any length of time.

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And breast cancer is mostly avoidable and treatable without oncologists. But the breast cancer industry will not allow the well-researched information to put a dent in their enormous profits.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Not when it has metastasised.

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I suspect not, but then it is very difficult to get all the cancer. I wish you the very best.

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Spot on.

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I will absolutely never take any allopathic meds if I am ever diagnosed with cancer. I will go to a naturopath. But I already dose myself up good with natural supplements every day, so I'm less likely to get it in the first place.

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I hope you are right!

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Well there is a good chance I will get it because our air, food and water are all poisoned and 1 out of 5 people now get cancer. Back in the 1970s it was like 1 in 10K or something.

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Field dressing! Perfect!

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IMHO, food = medicine (including natural supplements). Allopathic medicine is mostly for patching people's physical bodies up when they get damaged.

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Yes, Tumble Bug and I agree on their being okay if you break a leg, say. But for prevention and chronic conditions, they know nothing and seem to feel just fine taking money to tell you they have no idea what's going on. I agree with you about good food and supplementation; I needed iodine desperately and tried to find Lugol's solution when I was still a teenager. Pharmacists were already clueless by then and looked at me blankly whereas not that many years before they knew what it was and sold it.

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I'm the Mum of a daughter, girl, woman now adult human female and I remember the wonderful life I shared with her growing up, her first period and the changes to her body. With that came the dreams of her becoming a beautiful, confident young woman. My heart bleeds for these beautiful young females and the mother's who must have had the same dreams as me..but someone has stepped in front of these impressionable children and poisoned their future!! What monsters have been released and allowed to infect our babies. I will fight for the right, and for the future women, to protect them from this insanity. 😡

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For me personally, this is like seeing victims of war, and they are victims. I look into the eyes, and I see no hope, no joy, only despair.

Where was the guidance, the hand taking them through this journey? They look alone, and abandoned.

My heart breaks at this mess, and until something major happens, this won’t stop soon.

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Well, that's what my experience of surgeons is: They slice and dice and then abandon the mess they made. They killed my mother and they've done their best to kill me, and now I stay far, far away from them.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your awful experiences.

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It is a tragedy, and shocking that we are called bigots for saying it is wrong.

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It’s narcissistic abuse. That’s why we who aren’t infected with this mental virus must be resolute and stand firmly on the side of physical reality!

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And that they are enacting laws to prevent people from following anything but the affirmative (read, aggressive pushing, unscientific) path.

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The amount of projection from these people is phenomenal.

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Isn’t it horrible. I feel such compassion these girls are so young. The doctors have abdicated moral responsibility. Shame on them.

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Absolutely. Shame on them.

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Confronting atrocities. This is why there needs to be a Truth and Reconciliation process when the greater public finally wake up.

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There needs to be a Truth and CONSEQUENCES process when this ends. I am sick of people with no ethics never facing consequences.

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Me ,too. Hardly any of the Nazi doctors faced punishment for their experiments on human beings ,children especially.👎👎👎👎👎👎

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Hardly any Nazis faced punishment. I read William Shirer's The Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich and he detailed how few people were punished and how many walked free. And of course the U.S. imported Nazis to work for the government, which must have satisfied the many powerful Americans who thought we should have been part of the Axis. The Bush family (as in George H.W., and George W.) financially supported the Nazi Party and were stripped of their German holdings; unfortunately, they were not stripped of their U.S. holdings.

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This really upsets me, the photo of these young girls having their breasts removed. This ideology is being taught in schools. Why is the government allowing this to happen? It starts in the school with what they are being taught and LGBT (trans groups) where the kids basically trans each other. Then they are using new names and pronouns behind parents backs at the school. This is the first stage of affirmation. Next surgery. It has to stop!

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I marvel at the incredible power our minds have to distort reality into something so nightmarish and yet believe it is good, just and reasonable. Our ability to rationalize ANYTHING is truly our most diabolical skill as a species. It will doom us all.

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Right? "I'm not amputating healthy organs, I'm not sterilizing young people and robbing them of sexual pleasure, I'm saving lives!"

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Talk for yourself. I have certainly not rationalised it (I am sure you haven't too, actually).

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That's why it's so incredibly important that we stay grounded in reality !! It's imperative to defeat them if the human race is to have a future !!🙏🙏

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Thanks Eliza. It's not such a leap from Nazi doctors. Look at the history of experimentation on captive groups and it is much broader and overlapping. The US prisoner and army populations, intelligence and drugs testing, children's care home scandals and mass graves, sterilisation of the unwanted in a few developed, socially democratic Western societies right through the decades since WW2. It took until the 80s and 90s to officially change law, policy or more facts to emerge about the scale. Who is offered what kind of contraception and under what agreements. Those with learning disabilities, autism and a range of developmental differences held in 'care'. Beating, torture, all kinds of cruelty, neglect, abuse and death happen in UK health and care Institutions. State and privatised or contracted out. In recent years too many to mention. Then a real fight to deny, admit what happened, or how. Then those responsible sail on to other 'expert advisory' roles.

Not health or care, and very vulnerable people.

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The deadline of midnight on Friday 4th February for the Consultation on a "Ban on Conversion Therapy" is fast approaching. Transgender Trend and Sex-Matters.org have both published guidance for their followers urging them to object, even to just two main questions (SM), to keep it simple.

But most people have no idea that a consultation is going on and there are only 20 days to go. I have prepared a leaflet (text as follows) and I have used your horrifying photo on the reverse side - I hope that this is OK and thank you so much Eliza! I will print a few hundred copies and stand outside my Tube station for the next weekday mornings and evenings.

Text (properly formatted):

Conversion therapy



There is a draft Act of Parliament designed to ban conversion therapy. It is a scam. This is not surprising, as it has been produced by the woke Law Commission, who work hand in glove with Trans Radical Activists or TRAs. The proposed Act deals with two completely different situations, the first featuring same-sex attraction, the second transgender.

Ban on conversion from same-sex attraction is NOT same as ban from “Trans”

To start with, there is no evidence that anyone these days is still trying to convert same-sex attracted people to heterosexuality. So the original purpose of the Act is pointless (though not in itself harmful). But transgender or “gender identity” is not at all the same thing as same-sex attraction.


More worryingly, this is a good example of the way in which the Trans Radical Activists work, as explicitly set out in their handbook, “Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth”. When they are promoting a controversial issue they tack it on to some uncontroversial issue in the hope that under the umbrella of the latter their contribution will slide past attracting little attention. To change the metaphor, they are hanging on to the coat-tails of the uncontroversial same-sex ban, hoping to share its general acceptance.

Ban on “trans” conversion is itself conversion of same-sex attacted or just confused kids

What the activists propose is that any child that gives evidence of being interested in non-stereotypical activities should immediately be affirmed in the belief that they are “Trans” and that any attempt to encourage a child to come to terms with his or her body should be unlawful. In other words, these soulless people prefer that the child should be launched on the path of transition, involving off-label puberty-blocking drugs with the inevitable progress to cross-sex hormone medication, probable surgery, all leading to sterility, lack of orgasmic sex, and likely multiple medical problems on chronic medication. This outcome, the activists tell us, is preferable to taking the eighty per cent chance that the child will come to accept his or her natal body with gentle counselling and appropriate therapy. This horrifying attitude of the activists is in fact understandable because they are not concerned with the welfare of the children; they are only concerned with furthering their political objectives, namely the disrupting and destabilising of society with a view to changing it by stealth to removing the idea of sex and replacing it by “gender” - set of thoughts which are separate from your body. This project is authoritarian and totally mad. If children have to be sacrificed in that endeavour, so be it.

Go to Transgender Trend or Sex-Matters.org websites NOW

Deadline for response to the Consultation on proposed Act:

Friday 4th February

Act now, please

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Well done and thank you!

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