I’ve come to the conclusion that it’ll take either a class action, or a lot of lawsuits in the US for all the cowards to finally admit they were wrong and for the hand-wringing to begin. It is always the case - you look at the history and it has happened over and over again. Bad people - mostly men - are never stopped in time, partly because they are men - men in charge didn’t listen to women and girls in Rochdale, and they didn’t listen to nurses and matrons in Savile’s case. I want to be wrong about this, and there are rumours that the lawsuits are coming soon.

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‘Child Hater’. Dear God. The people who make these decisions must be waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, jolted out of sleep by the cognitive dissonance wrangling with their conscience. I have no idea how they come back from this.

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Nov 22, 2020Liked by JL

The number of detransitioners is growing, said one comment, and the massive lawsuits are just around the corner. I hope they are and that it makes a difference to all this.

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Yes, the number of detransitioners is growing and behind nearly every one of those is a family who have either been completely rejected or, in some cases, parents who are deeply traumatised because their child, who no longer looks or sounds like the child they once knew, realises that it's all a terrible mistake. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult that must be, especially for parents of estranged children who accept them back into the fold with open arms. Whilst I agree that it seems to be girls who are mostly caught up in this, very few people talk about the boys, or indeed the parents. But then we're not really allowed to talk about any of this, are we? Yet again, a reminder that speaking the truth is forbidden. I despair of the world we live in. :(

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No one takes pornography and abuse of women down that quickly...or at all. Get with the distracting programme it gets taken down because it challenges predatory men.

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I can feel another Tweet (I am @Stranswidows) to Psychology Today... I wrote - Toady - perfect!

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Wow.We would expect from atleast the trans fellows like Munroe to empathize with kids and the curse they will Carry for the rest of their lives. I mean Munroe is a dude who has now a neo vagina, or whatever they get after a surgery. He now takes hormones perhaps for the rest of his life to be called a woman and suffer all way long, and yet he is advocating and calling for kids to be sterlizes and chemically castrated ? And they call JK Rowling bigot for only putting Her views in public, I mean She dint even address or call for support.

Besides what's up with lets call kids for transing ? Is this creating an army of third species ? Some sick joke ?

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