Thank you Graham. Your support for this brave Australian woman is appreciated by anyone who still has a functioning heart and brain.

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Thank you Graham, from one Aussie Jones female about another AJF whose wrongly harmed reputation you defend so eloquently and passionately. Few men go to such lengths for women, whatever the context. This is groundbreaking and glass shattering masculinity, I feel, and want to acknowledge and thank you for that, and I am someone with a PhD in feminist politics from the University of Auckland (on justice for battered women who kill). I did not know Jones was Jewish. Bloody hell! How much lower can these men goer to shame and defame strong women? 😣

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The whole Nazi incident is just so suspicious. The Victorian police were responsible for the worst excesses of violence during covid. Handcuffing a pregnant woman for FB post, slamming mentally ill people into the pavement on their heads, firing rubber bullets at peaceful protestors whilst allowing BLM and recently hate filled anti Israel barbarians onto the streets and more.

The ‘Nazis’ appearing at the Let Women Speak rally was very suspicious. There was no attempt to stop them, whilst the trans barbarians were held back sort of. There has been no curiosity from any so called journalists and to my knowledge they were not arrested.

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Yes - Australia’s media (ESPECIALLY our national broadcaster with its charter obligation to be unbiased in its reporting) has been, in the main, woefully inadequate. Zero integrity.

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Yep - they never even try to hide their bias anymore. KJK is only ever referred to as 'anti trans rights', never 'pro women's rights', and mostly by female journalists, of course!

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Not long after the LWS rally I spoke with a friend who lives in a country in which Nazis are active and regularly make public displays of themselves. He'd seen the footage of the rally. "They're not Nazis", he said, adding that the Nazis he's seen where he lives bear absolutely no resemblance in any way to the ones in the footage.

I hadn't seen any pictures of the 'Nazis' at the Melbourne event until I saw the picture in this article. I laughed out loud. It looks as if whoever organised this stunt recruited a bunch of teenage amateur actors.

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Yes, I've always thought the same. Whoever organised it just roped their mates in, told them to wear black (the guys in shorts really let the side down) and provided the balaclavas.

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I have always thought that. Every time these ‘neo Nazis’ appear in media footage- I just laugh. They are cosplaying actors.

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Agreed. It stinks. They look unconvincing to me.

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"A frequent accusation to us gender critical types is that we are Nazis for insisting on our own spaces and not accepting that the hundreds of genders presented to us are valid. Women’s rights advocate Kellie-Jay Keen has taken lots of flak for would-be Neo-Nazis turning up uninvited to her Let Women Speak rallies. To refer to women defending their rights to single sex spaces and services as Nazis is known in psychology as “projection”." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/defending-the-indefensible-or-its

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The incredible lies told about Jones, Deeming and everyone else who went to the LWS rally by politicians from all sides of politics in the Victorian Parliament show a level of corruption not seen in Australia before.

Every one of those politicians should have been sued.

It’s impossible to think of any other situation where people taking part in a peaceful protest have been vilified so disgustingly - it’s unbelievably anti democratic behaviour from elected “representatives”.

Victorian politicians clearly don’t want the perils for women, especially lesbians, of self-id legislation spelt out; and they don’t want Victorians to know that “gender affirmation” is not the evidence-based care they pretend it to be.

Unlike marriage equality, these policies have never been voted on by Victorians, but politicians from all sides would rather stifle free speech than be exposed for having sold the rights of women and girls, gays and lesbians, down the drain for this ideology, along with any shred of child-safe-guarding and genuine care for any child experiencing incongruence with their sex.

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It is corruption. Watching from afar it's very hard to remain measured about all this - I'm in the UK (which is bad enough) but I've just been reading an Ombudsman's report about the politicisation of the state apparatus in Victoria and it's in turns ridiculous then chilling, partly because it's so ridiculous. It is all happening. People scared to speak up and out. I keep thinking 'but this can't be happening' as it's so cognitively dissonant, then realising, oh yes it is, it is happening. It's as if they know no one trusts them so they can get away with saying what they like as there's no trust to pretend not to break. And as you say - they don't want their voters to know, but it's impossible to hide, so let's just lie about it? The politicians and officials know we know they're lying, but who cares seems to be their position now. So they double down. To have split sex - in these terms 'legal sex' - from 'gender identity' (does that make it a 'legal gender identity'?) was catastrophic fantasy. This is all bonkers.

Michael Foran (the following is from his Substack) has written about this - one egregious example is Tickle vs Giggle. It partly failed the most recent stage because how they've managed to corrupt the law in Australia which is astonishing. One point is "Because Australian law does not base the categories of man and woman on biology, it is not open to the court or any claimant to say that the comparator for Tickle is simply a man or a woman. The correct comparator here is someone of the same legal sex as Tickle who does not have the same gender identity. Tickle is legally female under Australian law and so the comparator must be a woman who does not have a transgender identity. Cisgender is the phrase advanced by Tickle and it was accepted by the court."

I had to read that a few times. I knew that happened but it still won't sink in. Legally female. But not. These are the knots we're now forced to untangle and counter. How to counter something so ludicrous. All this 'no such thing as a biological woman' and the law having been so totally destroyed. This is the inevitable result. Nothing now makes any sense in the law, which pollutes reality to the extent this is all being dragged out in such bizarre ways with legal fictions that contradict other legal protections or discriminations. To give a tiny group of nastily deluded self-identified mainly men the supposed right to not be 'excluded' from places, spaces and categories they have no right to be in, they've forced their way in, using the law and totally destroyed our places, spaces and categories, the words to describe what and who we are and our lives - the very fact of being women and girls. But we are all still here. We do exist; we aren't invisible. And not in some legal fantasy. And they are still men and boys, in reality, not any legal fantasy.

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Thank you Graham for highlighting this. I despair. Why is everyone so out to destroy women who stand up for women’s rights? The other day I sent the XXXY clip asking Nike to stand up for women to a “friend” (perhaps ex). She told me I was not to send stuff like this to her for the sake of “our friendship”. Do you know what, I honestly can’t be friends with someone who is so utterly liberal her brain has fallen out of her head.

Thank you Graham for continuing to defend women’s rights and being a platform so other women who see this all as insane, can remember they are not alone.

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Is there anything that can be done to help Angie Jones? Since the defamation case was settled, it seems she has no legal route. Are there no Australian journalists/news sources at all who will cover this story fairly? It's heartbreaking as well as infuriating. I'm in the US, and have contributed to crowdfunding campaigns in the UK, US, and Australia for women fighting this battle, most of which I have found out about through the Glinner Update. I wish I could do something productive for her.

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Hey Graham and JL and Jennifer Nabben! We have a new couple possible dates Emma and I will be on Megyn Kelly to discuss our roles in the documentary, Behind the Looking Glass (Lime Soda Films, yt) Looks like Tues or Wed, might be live! Emma did a fantastic presentation at the last Genspect Conference in Lisbon, find it at her website, childrenoftransitioners.org. Not yet up on Genspect youtube channel. For a window into the institutional creep crossdressing men have done since the 1990s, my part 2 of "the affidavit" from a "sexologist" Dr. Christine "Connie" Wheeler, in 1996. Her loopy words, not grammatical, not logical, but peeps, it quotes the DSM IV! So "scholarly"


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Why are nazi and antifa protesters the only ones not brutalized by police?

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I wonder that every time I see the police in action. They never go after anti Israel protestors either. When Bishop Mari Emmanuel was stabbed the police initially went after the outraged members of the Assyrian community then the Arab boys responsible. The media was gleeful giving us numbers of how many outages Assyrian’s had been arrested. Quiet about the perpetrators.

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I hope the "Liberal Party" (another joke name, like the Canadian version and the "Democratic Party") gets suitably hammered in the next poll, and their leader consigned to history's dustbin. I also hope people who can think for themselves are seeing a pattern across our societies.

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Unfortunately the only other choice is the Vic Labor party, who are busy attacking everyone except the real trouble makers.

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Not a Conservative Party by any means. It is a scared bunch of politicians that try to put Labor the Labor party in power.

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They really hate women, don't they?

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All of the statements made sound bizarre. I really think we’re in communist territory now.

I don’t much like the sound of the changing men’s behaviour thing either. It just sounds like another political movement to control and restrict people.

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calling on expert witness…. @paulinepantsdown


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Thank you, Jennifer Nabben.

The LWS Melbourne event was great ( watching from a distance) including one of the best speeches I have heard at aLWS event . The so called Nazis clearly had nothing to do with the LWS people but strangely the TRAs didn’t seem to have a go at them and the Nazis left the TRAs alone. The Nazis were clearly chaperoned by the police. Talk about smell a rat!! Appalling that the MSM are avoiding all this.

Thanks for outlining the terrible treatment of poor Angie Jones.

Go, Moira!!

Will cross post in due course.


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I thought that- were they joking with the police ? It looked like that to me.

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They certainly seemed to be getting on grand!!!!!

It's amazing that this hasn't been properly dug into!!!!


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Well done.

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Shameful !! I really don't know how the media " journalists " and these woke politicians live with themselves. How can they bear to look at themselves in the mirror after they've effectively set the MOB on an innocent woman ? It's a total WITCH HUNT ,and so DESPICABLE that there are NO WORDS to adequately describe it. WE ( The SANE and RATIONAL) are 100% on Angie's side and we fervently pray for justice for HER . Thanks ,Graham ,for calling this out x

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