Wow !! How powerful is that. So articulate and well written. Gives us ALL a great insight into how lesbians must be feeling and shows us how much they need the support of ALL women ,gay or straight in this fight !! I have never in my life encountered evil like she describes here and I fervently hope I never will. Well done to her for her courage in writing this and hopefully her story will encourage many others to do the same !! Truth will out !!

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This is a terrifying read, and I say that as a straight woman. However, I have plenty of lesbian friends who are very much active in the pride space and fully botted up when it comes to affirming all of this nonsense. It scares me to think it may take an assault or worse still, a rape, to make them realise they are being played.

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Brilliant article, thanks so much.

What a rotten mess.

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If we lesbians leave every single space that has been colonised by the straight AGP's they will have no one to try to force and submit to their demands. Then we regroup in our own spaces and groups using the EQA re same sex privacy. Easier said than done i realise.

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Thanks for writing such a brilliant piece, Sue. My God it's depressing, but being depressed won't help, we need to be angry.

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Brilliant piece. Suitably angry. I have female friends who refer to everyone as ‘they’ just in case they might be non binary. Even when they know that they’re not. It’s so pandery and it does my head in.

Also, I won’t be the only one who spotted the irony in “radical communists” advocating for the whole ‘sex work is work let’s all become prostitutes for a bit of banter’ thing. The Communist Manifesto is pretty clear that prostitution exploits women. And that was written by a couple of twenty-something lads in 1848!

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"You feel a little foolish because this is foolish. Saying some women have penises is foolish"

Wasn't it bizarre on Twitter yesterday when everyone was laughing and mocking the silly man who told the environmentalist we can "grow concrete", like trees! I wondered why this was so funny to everyone who, in their next breath, would say with a straight face "some women have a penis" or "men can give birth" or "some men need cervical smears".

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Were they? I was dimly aware and thanks for explaining the concrete trending thing. I sat in a few engineering lectures a while back on self-repairing materials and wondered if that's what that was about. It's a thing and it was fascinating. Bacteria was a hot topic. But no, more's the pity that's not what was being discussed.

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Wow. Brilliant.

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A very powerful piece which demonstrates why some people bury their heads in the sand and resist being peaked because they feel foolish and they are not foolish... Until things become an issue for them or for someone they care about, many people will stick with the blinkered "be kind to be kind" outlook and resist looking into this too much. It's so importnat that accounts like this are shared far and wide. Lesbians have been the first group to suffer, along with gay men, with children (who let's face it the parents of trans kids that I know are all besides themselves with joy at having a "they" in the family who is so brave and special which makes them special by association at the yummy mummy school run club), and straight women, (particularly those trapped in prisons). This young woman's experience is heartbreaking and it makes me so angry.

I know one of these straight tourists colonising previously safe homosexual spaces and "they" are the archetypal "Aiden". First they got the uniform - the dyed hair, shaved on one side and the loud colourful clothes. Then they decided they were "trans" and "came out" to the usual chorus of validation of being so brave. Next they decided that they were femme presenting and gay as they were in a relationship with a straight man. Then they decided that they wee gender fluid, gender non-conforming (how cna you be both), trans and gay femme presenting to much applause, and changed their name to what I can only describe as a drag name. They adopted the language, the outrage and the cancelling and nasty behaviour of TRAs calling anyone who dare to question or ask for debate a terf. At the same time this person who is a straight woman - was talking about going on Pride marches to be with "her people" and how great it is to be their "most authentic" (a tautology that drives me nuts), self in a safe space. Her people are TRAs and AGPs and straight men! She has helped turn homosexual safe spaces into places of threat. Before she succumbed to this grooming (and she is a victim, albeit a willing one) she was a real girly type girl - long blonde hair, loved male attention, but liked doing things which traditionally would be classed as more boys things. My point is that more pieces like this one need to be shared more widely so that people can stop validating people like this one. If they were not validated then they would not feel so special and they would have to assuage their need for social approval elsewhere and that is definitely what this person craves. As a pretty young woman, she got attention for her looks but that was it. It's hard being a woman to get recognition as easily as men do for anything else, particularly in male dominated spaces (like work places when your bosses are men - I'm sorry, but it's true. The number of times I've mooted something only to have my credentials questioned or to be asked for evidence and given the third degree, when what men say is just accepted), so I can see why this would be appealing to a needy person like this.

Anyway, I digress. Bravo to this brave young woman for writing this. I hope more people read it. I hope more people think. I hope more people peak.

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I love it when I see cartoons like this! It validates what I have been subjected to for years. It's why I loved it when "mansplaining" got a name and I could finally talk clearly about what was happening to me at work - all the talking down to me which did not happen to male colleagues. It's important to have a term because before that, when I described what was happening people would excuse it - "oh, perhaps they just didn't know you knew" etc. That's why it's also importnat that woman = adult human female also we can have proper and clear conversations about safeguarding, women's health, sexism etc. Once men in make-up are included, those conversations become hard and give room for people to make excuses and to misunderstand. Language matters :)

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As I said on her substack, this is a really helpful piece to understand how a young woman gets caught up in this stuff before seeing her way clear.

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Great story. All strength to her. We wake up and are ashamed that our best instincts were exploited and we were played for fools. It is difficult to accept.

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Well done Sue Donym. That took some courage. We dinosaurs support you!

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Brave and clear Sue. As a straight woman I worry for us all. This stuff is frying my brain, but is so toxic we have to keep stating the blindingly obvious, as you are. Women have a cervix, men have a penis. No amount of surgery or drugs will give a man my or your experience of being a woman. Thank you for your post and I hope you are happy. Your concerns are shared by many.

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Superb article. Heartbreaking and frustrating. I am straight and I don’t know what it is to contend with this onslaught however I do feel furious that lesbians have been subjected to this level of marginalisation. It’s horrific. Why does everyone think they have a right to be included in everything? I don’t feel excluded from things that are important to me nor do I expect to groups designed for a variety of other reasons. I wouldn’t for example attend a prostate clinic or a testicular examination. Why would I? Equally I wouldn’t expect to see a trans woman attend a smear test. All walks of life need sanctuary and their brothers and sisters. Yes I can be an ally to my LGB friends but I have no right to dictate what that means and what scope that covers.

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